Abheda Traditional Yoga
with acharya Leo Radutz

✨ Take the first step towards a better version of yourself!
New Abheda Traditional Yoga Course from March ✨ 9th

Being yourself is a gigantic power!


fundamental secrets, in retreat and in the middle of life


a spiritualized and spiritualizing life


practices for a life lived intensely and with meaning

Traditional Yoga

Curs Yoga Bucuresti
pentru începători si avansați
la sală & online


The Good Man’s Revolution
with Leo Radutz

” E mult mai important
  felul în care trăiești
  decât faptul că trăiești. “

Spiritual Articles

Tripura Bhairavi – the great divine power of evolution through personal effort

The Great Divine or Divine Powers Dasa Maha Vidya is a transpersonal transformation system with tools consisting of: Yantra Mantras Symbolic iconographic representations – which can be used as a mandala or a meditation icon and an associated metaphysics. These practices have the ultimate goal supreme attainment, salvation, moksha, spiritual liberation, in order to achieve the passage of the being from the finite to the infinite, from ignorance to knowledge, from what is transient to what is impassable, from immanence to transcendence starting from love, passion and concern or, even, attachment to the world, what is still limited. These are…

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Eternal Feminine, Supreme Shakti or Mahadevi

Shakti, power or force is the aspect of intensity, quantitatively, of being, while inseparable from it is the aspect of consciousness, qualitative or Shiva. Shakti is feminine to the appearance of consciousness, which is masculine. It connects the infinite to the finite.
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TARA – The Great Divine Power of Compassion

We will relate to Tara in its Buddhist version, which is mainly a manifestation of compassion and quick help offered in no matter what direction of goddess to the one who adores and invokes her. In Hinduism, the goddess Tara is the second of Dasa (the ten) Mahavidyas and is a paticular form of durga’s manifestation beautiful and terrible goddess that gives full control over inferior human passions. The oral tradition gives a special origin to the goddess Tara.
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