DNA influenced by words!
Revolution in genetics
Grazyna Fosar and Franz Bludorf show that
DNA can be influenced and re-programmed through words and certain frequencies.
These findings pave the way for a new type of medicine in which DNA can be re-programmed
using words and certain frequencies, so without cutting and replacing certain genes.
Genetic surgery has a formidable competitor!
Only 10% of human DNA is used to make proteins. Only this small part is the subject of already known and popularized Western research.
The remaining 90 % is considered ‘ballast material’, i.e. unimportant.
However, Russian researchers, convinced that nature is by no means wasteful, have joined linguists and geneticists determined to discover the true role of most of the human genome. The results and conclusions of this research are revolutionary!
Words that heal
According to them, human DNA is not only responsible for building our body, but also serves as a repository of information and a way of communication. I mean, kind of like the Internet. Russian linguists have discovered that the entire genetic code, especially the 90% declared useless by Westerners, follows the same rules used in all human languages.
Thus, they compared syntactic rules (how words form phrases and sentences), semantic (the study of meanings in a particular language) and basic grammatical rules. They found that alkaline molecules in DNA follow the usual grammatical rules used in all human languages. In other words, human languages did not arise “by chance,” but are the result of DNA.
Russian biophysicist and biologist Pyotr Garyaev and his colleagues also explored the vibrational behavior of DNA, that is, the effect of certain frequencies on it.
The conclusion is stupefying: living chromosomes function exactly like holographic/solitary computers using endogenously generated laser radiation right inside DNA!
In other words, they were able to modulate certain vibratory patterns on a laser beam with which they influenced DNA and genetic information. And since the structure of DNA is the same as that of human language,
words and sentences can be used directly to influence DNA,
no decoding is needed.
This has been experimentally proven!
Living DNA (from tissues, not “in vitro”) reacts promptly to laser beams modulated by words and sentences, but even to radio waves if frequencies are used
Corresponding. In this way it is explained scientifically
Why affirmations, autogenic training, hypnosis
And positive thinking can have such powerful effects on man.
It is therefore normal and natural for DNA to react to language.
While Western researchers “surgically” extract certain genes from the DNA chain and insert them elsewhere to do experiments, the Russians have been enthusiastically working on devices that allow them to influence cellular metabolism through appropriate radio and light frequencies and thus repair certain genetic defects.
Gariaev’s group of researchers was able to demonstrate that using this method, chromosomes damaged by X-rays can be repaired.
What’s more, they “captured” information patterns from one DNA and passed them on to another, thereby reprogramming cells for another genome.
Thus, they transformed frog embryos into salamander embryos, just by transmitting the appropriate information model!
In this way, all information was transmitted without any side effects of the kind found in Western practices. This represents one of the greatest revolutions in medical science, which is sure to lead to amazing transformations! The spectacular results were achieved only by using vibration and language instead of somewhat “barbaric” molecular surgery techniques. These experiments show the immense potential of vibrational genetics, which obviously has a greater influence on the formation of organisms than the biochemical processes of alkaline sequences in DNA (only 10% of the total).
Spiritual and esoteric teachers have known for thousands of years that the human body is programmable through language, words, and thought. Now this has been scientifically demonstrated and explained. Of course, the frequency used
It must be the appropriate one. And that’s why not everyone is always successful or doesn’t get results of the same magnitude. Man must “work” on inner processes and achieve a certain maturity
spiritual in order to establish direct and conscious communication with DNA. Russian researchers are working on a device that will ensure success provided the correct frequency is used.
Everyone makes their own inner revolution
But a person with a higher spiritual consciousness does not need any kind of device!
He doesn’t depend on any machine to reprogram his DNA.
Each of us can achieve this, and science confirms!
Russian researchers have discovered that human DNA creates morphological patterns in a vacuum, and produces so-called magnetic wormholes. These are the microscopic equivalents of the famous Einstein-Rosen “bridges” found near cosmic black holes and connecting two very distant points, a kind of shortcut.
They are like tunnels with heads in various areas of the cosmos through which information can be transmitted outside the laws of space and time.
DNA draws such information from the macrocosm and transmits it to our consciousness. It is like a multiple resonator, like a radio capable of receiving many different stations, depending on the frequency they emit.
This process of hypercommunication is extremely effective in a state of deep relaxation.
Stress, worry or an overactive mind obstruct this process and the information received is distorted and useless. Nature has been using this kind of hypercommunication for millions of years. Modern man knows only a small part under the name of intuition. An example from nature: within an ant nest, if the queen is spatially separated from the colony, the ants continue to build the nest according to the original plan. But if the queen is killed, all activity in the colony stops. No ant knows what else to do.
It seems that the queen tells ants what and how to do through group consciousness, and the ants obey her blindly, as if they have no consciousness of their own.
A person experiences this kind of hypercommunication when he has an intuition or inspiration. For decades, a 42-year-old man dreamed at night that he was connected to a CD-ROM information system. In this way, verifiable knowledge from very diverse fields was passed on to him, and he checked it in the morning. A real cascade of information – like an encyclopedia! The vast majority of them were outside his personal sphere of knowledge and touched on technical details about which he knew nothing.
Phantom DNA effect
This kind of hypercommunication generates spectacular effects, both in DNA and in the human being. Russian researchers irradiated a DNA sample with laser light, and the expected wave pattern appeared on the device’s screen.
When they removed the DNA sample, the waveform did not disappear, but continued to exist!
Several experiments of this kind have shown that the waveform is still generated by the distant sample, whose energy field remains. This effect has been called the “phantom DNA” effect.
Microscopic “wormholes”
It is stated that energy outside ordinary space and time continues to
“flows” through activated wormholes, even after DNA is removed from the experiment. The side effect observed is that such unexplained electromagnetic fields have also been detected around human beings capable of hypercommunication.
Electronic devices such as CD players or similar may stop working for several hours. As the electromagnetic field begins to disappear, these devices return to normal operation. Many healers and therapists have known about these effects for a long time.
The more charged the atmosphere and the higher the energy, the greater the chances that the recorder will turn off. And buttoning the device will not put it back into operation until after a few hours, during which time the energy has disappeared.
In their book Vernetzte Intelligenz (Connected Intelligence), Grazyna Gosar and Franz Bludorf explain these phenomena very clearly and precisely. They cite sources stating that in the past, humanity was very closely connected, like other life forms, to group consciousness and acted as a group.
But in order to experience individual consciousness, people had to forget about hypercommunication almost entirely.
Higher Group Consciousness
At this time, at the level of humanity, individual consciousness is relatively stable, and a new, truly higher form of group consciousness can be created, in which we can access all information through the biological resonator present in every cell in our body – DNA – without being forced or manipulated remotely in terms of the information itself. As in the Internet, our DNA can transmit its own information to this vast network that is LIFE, receive information from this network, and may even establish direct contact with other participants in the network.
Miraculous healings from a distance, telepathy, clairvoyance, can thus be explained easily and naturally. For example, some pets know in advance when their owners will return home. This
This can be interpreted through the prism of hypercommunication and group consciousness. Any collective consciousness cannot be used indefinitely without an individual consciousness. Otherwise, we would return to a primitive state in which the herd instinct could be extremely easily manipulated.
Hypercommunication at this point means something entirely different: researchers say that if people (who have individual consciousness) regain access to group consciousness, they will then have powers to
Superhuman creation with which they will be able to shape all life on the planet. The fact is that humanity is obviously moving toward such higher group consciousness. It is estimated that 50% of children born now will have serious problems at school. They are known as “indigo children” because of their aura of this color that indicates high consciousness and exemplary purity.
At the same time, more and more children are born with clairvoyant powers (according to the book “Indigo Children of China” by Paul Dong). These children teach us adults what higher group consciousness means by example. For example, climate cannot be influenced by one man, as a rule. But it can be influenced by group consciousness – nothing new for some tribes who bring rain through their dances. Weather is strongly influenced by Earth’s own resonant frequencies, the so-called Schumann frequencies. But these are exactly the same frequencies that are produced in our brains, and when
Several people act in synchronicity, in unison, an effect similar to laser light is formed – that of manifesting “in the same phase”. This explains in scientific terms how weather can be influenced!
Researchers of group consciousness formulated the theory of “Type I civilization”. A humanity that has passed to the stage of higher group consciousness would have neither environmental problems nor lack of energy. Because they would have
A natural and natural control over all energies and processes throughout the planet. This includes control over possible catastrophes! And a “Type II Civilization” could have control over
energies throughout her galaxy.
Higher group consciousness creates order
And now, a real “bombshell”: when a large number of people focus on the same goal (for example, a football game, Christmas celebration or other similar events), it has been experimentally demonstrated that random number generators begin to give ordered numbers instead of random numbers. In other words, a higher (orderly) group consciousness creates order throughout the environment!
Experiments in academia have shown that the physical and mental worlds are connected and interdependent! For more details on the results of the project, visit
http://noosphere. Princeton. edu/fristwall2. .html
DNA is now also regarded as an organic superconductor operating at normal body temperature, unlike artificial superconductors which require very low temperatures, between -200 and -400 degrees Celsius. All superconductors are capable of storing light, and therefore information. And this explains why DNA can store and transmit information so well.
As for so-called wormholes, they are normally very unstable and disappear in only a fraction of a second. Under certain conditions, such “wormholes” can organize themselves into vacuum zones where, for example, gravity can turn into electricity. Such vacuum zones are like radiant balls of ionized gas that have immense energy.
The Power of Consciousness
There are certain areas of Russia where such radiant balls occur very often. The Russians began massive research programs that led to some startling conclusions. Many people know these vacuum zones in the form of glowing balls that appear in the sky. They look closely at them and wonder what they could be.
Once I thought, “Hi! If you’re UFOs, fly in a triangle.” And suddenly, the spheres formed a triangle. On another occasion, I told them to accelerate from zero to infinite speed, and they did. Obviously, I have
thought they were UFOs. Friendly, since they did what I asked them to please me.
Now the Russians have found in those areas where the luminous spheres appear, that these balls can be guided by thought. Because very low frequencies have been detected around these spheres, frequencies similar to those produced by
our brain. Because of this similarity, the spheres react to our thoughts!
I must warn you that it is not a very good idea to jump on one of these balls that is placed on the ground. Because the energy it holds is so high that it could cause us to mutate genetically… Or they might not. Because, for example, many spiritual teachers are known to produce such visible spheres of energy when they are in deep states of meditation, thus triggering pleasurable and spiritually uplifting states.
It is already famous for a spiritual teacher meditating on his chair, and when someone wanted to photograph him, all you could see in the picture was a bright white cloud, like a fog. Simply put, these kinds of phenomena must be related to gravity and anti-gravity, to those “wormholes” that are stabilized by thought, and to hypercommunication, that is, a connection with energies outside our usual space-time structure. Previous generations who had such experiences of contact through hypercommunication and luminous spheres called them angel experiences. Although many of these interactions are believed to have been merely transfers of spiritual energy from those spheres to man, that does not mean there are no angels!
Official science already knows areas on this planet with gravitational anomaly (which contributes to the formation of such luminous vacuum spheres). Until now, the gravitational deflection was less than 1% of the total field value. Recently, other areas have been discovered that have a gravitational anomaly of 3 to 4%. One of these places is Rocca di Papa, south of Rome (for the exact location, see the book “Vernetzte Intelligenz”). There, various objects of various shapes, from spheres to buses (yes, it’s not a typographical mistake), rise to the sky.
Reference: “Vernetzte Intelligenz” by Grazyna Fosar and Franz Bludorf, ISBN 3930243237, http://www.fosar- bludorf.com/
Source: Active Information Media
Daniela Dumitriu
“There are two ways to live your life; One is as if nothing is
The other is like everything is a miracle.”