
Transformă-ți viața prin Yoga Tradițională! Începem un nou curs la Abheda Yoga cu Leo Radutz. Rezervă-ți locul la ședința GRATUITĂ din 9 martie acum și fă primul pas către o variantă mai bună a ta!


Even when it seems to us that an action of ours is very good, we can be wrong if…

we do not have a system, a method, a sense by which to know whether or not it is in accord with the divine will.
The set of events in the Universe is very complex, and only the “Supreme Author” knows perfectly when one action is good and when another is not good for performance.
In the most appropriate way, the perfect inspiration in action is achieved by obtaining the mastery in karma yoga and in the realization of the process of consecrating an action to God.
“One day in a cocoon a small hole appeared; a man, who was passing by chance around, stopped for several hours to notice the butterfly that was forcing itself out through this little hole.
After many attempts it seemed that the butterfly had abandoned and the hole remained just as small. It seemed like the butterfly had done the best it could and was unable to do anything else.
Then the man decided to help the butterfly: he took a knife and opened the cocoon.
The butterfly came out immediately. But the butterfly’s body was weak and anemic; its wings were poorly developed and almost did not move.
The man continued to observe believing that from one moment to another the butterfly’s wings would open and they would be able to bear the weight of the butterfly so that it could fly.
This did not happen! The butterfly lived the rest of his life crawling on the ground with his weak body and chircite wings.

The butterfly could NEVER fly!

What man, through his gesture of kindness and his intention to help, did not understand, is that passing through the tight hole of the cocoon was the effort necessary for the butterfly to send the liquid from its body to its wings to be able to fly. It was the torment that life had him go through in order to grow and develop. Sometimes effort is exactly what we need in life.”





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