Full Moon in Libra – April 8, 05:36 – Romanian time

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The Full Moon Moment in Wednesday Balance, April 8, 2020, 05:36 is formed on the Axis Aries – Libra, at the 18th degree activating the angular houses I – VII – houses that speak relationships, partnerships, identity, both private and social, justice, equality, peace and balance. The ascendant of the moment is in the water sign of the Fishes amplifying the sensitivity, vulnerability but also the faith, in equal measure, depending on the choice of each.

As Libra governs the hips, kidneys and bladder, in terms of medically everything you do for these areas in the 2 – 3 days of transit of the Moon in Libra, has a double, preventive and therapeutic effect (starting by Tuesday, 7 April, 24:00 to Thursday, 9 April, 20:00) except for surgery in this area.

These days inflammations of the bladder or kidneys can occur very easily, so it is advisable to pay close attention to these areas of the body keeping them warm.

(ThePower of the Moon – Johanna Paungger and Thomas Poppe).


i.e. from Tuesday, April 7at 11:36 a.m. to Wednesday, April 8, 11:36 p.m.! This period of influence represents the tolerance of ± 8 degrees of the aspect of opposition between the Sun and the Moon. What is good to avoid during this period:

It is unwise to make love during the period of evil influence of the Full Moon!
During the amorous act, due to the deep auric fusion and dilation between the two lovers, there is a very great possibility to take, unconsciously, the negative vibrations existing in the environment.
It has been found that those couples who do not comply with this prohibition, face more often with awkward problems and tensions, who often have no motivation, that is, exacerbate the manifestation of jealousy, possessive tendencies, claims and sometimes states of verbal, mental or even physical violence.

Tripura Sundari – Monday, 6 April 2020

With 48 hours before the astral moment of the Full Moon, the day by Tripura Sundari, a particularly special day, when the influence of this energy is extremely beneficial on our planet. This month, the day of Tripura Sundari takes place on 6 April, with the time 5:36 a privileged day, being called the day of beauty and universal harmony (Tripura Sundari symbolizing the Great Cosmic Power of beauty, harmony and divine love).

It is the day when we can temper our selfish beginnings and ambitions by raising awareness of our true aspirations, a day worth consecrating to love, art, beauty, actions full of dedication. For those who are in a couple relationship it is a privileged moment in which they can carry out the secret Maithuna process.

We must keep in mind that the influence of the Moon manifests itself primarily on the fluids in the body, respectively on the psyche

It is precisely for this reason that lunar symbolism is related to the subconscious, to the water, to the sensitivity, the responsiveness, the adaptability, the instinct. Surgical operations are not indicated during this period and there is an increased risk of bleeding!

Research undertaken during the Full Moon period showed that most people tend to instinctual behaviour, which drastically affects the power of the decision-making, discernment. This is also one of the reasons why recommends that we make decisions on the Full Moon, as they can be either hasty, or the result of the influence of the environment and the different people with whom we interfere, respectively of the latest events that have impressed us (and are still at « surface » in our subconscious).

Aspects specific astrological:

Wednesday, April 8, 05:36, Romanian time marks the perfect opposition between the Moon in Libra and the Sun in Aries on the 18:44 degree, having as background the confrontation between two cardinal signs,one of Air Libra – seeking peace and balance and the other of fire, the Aries – who will seek to express their identity with assertiveness and combativeness.

This Full Moon in Libra will seek to count, synthesize and complete everything we started as plans, thoughts or ideas during the moment of New Moon in September 2019.

Full Moon on the aries relational axis – Libra confronts personal needs and expectations with those of partner or associate

targets all types of partnerships or associations, represents the need for peace and harmony in relation to the need to have courage and initiative both on a personal and social level. We will have to learn to discern when we need to take the initiative by coming to meet a situation in a proactive way and when we will have to make the necessary compromises thus saving a situation from degenerating into something much worse. It is required of us to cultivate both inside and outside a state of peace, calm and harmony, a deep state of centering, a state of which we make full use when we are asked to take a stand in order to fully mobilize our own resources. in solving any life contexts we may face during this period.

The sign of Libra, the host sign of this Full Moon is a male sign of air and represents the commitments, promises, signatures, unions, ties or processes, these are also the main areas of life strongly influenced by this Full Moon

The Balance needle is quite sensitive, just like its intimate environment, whose balance can be disturbed at the slightest touch. The balance will always tend to seek the balance between giving and receiving or reaching an agreement at any cost since the verb that defines it to the full is “A EQUILIBRA”.

Libra embodies the need for justice, peace and harmony both in human beings and between peoples,it embodies pacifism and diplomacy and fulfills the need for fairness at all its levels of manifestation. Her message is carefully described by the Apostle Paul in the epistle to Ephesians: “For that, by dispensing the lie, tell the truth each with his neighbor, for one another we are cocky…. and the sun shall not set upon your wrath.”

Vulnerability of this sign

lies in his very desire for the most precious because he will want peace and balance so much that he will often give up his own power or identity just for the sake of the compromise to which he hopes not realizing, in fact, the huge price he had to pay; not knowing too well who she is and not being sure of her, she will tend to go far outside looking for approval and validation there and will let herself be influenced by the forces outside her to which she will strive to adapt at any cost. Inconsistency, frivolity, indecision, non-assumption, superficiality are the aspects that will have to be alchemized so that the purpose of this sign of Libra is realized.

In perfect opposition to the sign of Libra is the zodiac sign of the Aries, a sign of male, fire, dynamic and positive marked by power, determination, initiative and brutal impulses

It has a vivid, unstavable, courageous character, spirit of action, firm will, elk, precipitation, self-confidence. Aries represent fire in full activity and indicate boiling selves, strong desire, pioneering spirit, command force, ambition, he being the initiator of new projects and the courageous owner of the verb “A FI.”

Vulnerability this sign of the ram consists in the impossibility of controlling exactly force that makes him so strong, impulsiveness and combativeness, lack of patience and moderation, exacerbated selfishness and stubbornness, a desire to Win at all costs.

The fact that this Full Moon, i.e. The Sun in Aries in opposition to the Moon in Libra is on its own axis, namely the houses I – VII, the natural houses of the two signs, amplifies even more the exhortation of this month, namely that of discovering the measure in everything we want to accomplish.

Our relationships of any kind they

personal, professional or social, the commitments and promises made but also all the associations in which we are involved will be subject to judgment, evaluation so that everything that no longer serves the highest purpose of our being will be eliminated, we will face the consequences of all partnerships based on fear, fear, indecision, addiction or contrary on the basis of abuse, manipulation or power.

The time has come for each of us to find inner peace

and only later will he enjoy the outer one, the time has come to look at ourselves in an honest way and ask ourselves if who we have been until now, if the role or masks that we have worn really represent us or mask different patterns, complexes, fears or limiting beliefs that have created us an illusory subjective reality that we have maintained.

Our inner balance is required to be balanced either by regaining the inner force

of courage and personal power for those of us who have lost them, either by cultivating patience, thrift, tolerance and accepting difference of opinion for those of us who have been accustomed to taking everything using abuses or the right of force.

Both the conjunction (strongly transformer aspect) that the Full Moon achieves with Neptune and the fact that Mars, the governor of the Aries sign makes a quadrature aspect with Uranus are factors that will maintain on the one hand the states of confusion based on fear, panic, desire for isolation or insecurity and on the other hand will increase the risk of impulsive, violent actions or the desire for strong release and at any cost of any limiting or restrictive factor.

This Full Moon benefits from the vibration of number 7 from a numerological point of view, it is a day with a great spiritual load,

it is a day when we can make peace with both ourselves and our past, it is a day when we can retreat both literally and figuratively, a day when we can meditate on the highest truth of our being so that we can penetrate the mysteries of our soul and reconnect to the Divine within us.

This Full Moon in Libra brings a message of peace and retrieval

for those who will be prepared to hear her message, for those who will make peace in the soul and in the mind, giving up fear and abandoning themselves to God, for those prepared to become complete by transcending the aspect of opposition, accessing through love and acceptance (Balance) their identity, at the most authentic way and at the deepest level of their soul. (Berbec)

“For there to be peace in the world, peoples must live in peace. For peoples to live in peace, cities must not rise up against each other. To be peaceful in cities, neighbors need to get along. For peace between the neighbors, harmony must reign in the family. For peace in the house, you must find it in your own heart.”

– Lao Tse

Virginia Olteanu – astrologer

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