Ganesha – representation of perseverance, realizeability and prosperity
Hindu philosophy has shed some light on understanding many aspects of our being.
În esență, noi suntem infiniți.
But in order to understand and adore the Infinite within us (/Supreme Consciousness/Supreme Self Atman… or God), we need to attribute certain characteristics to it…
This is because it is difficult for our minds to relate to the Infinite (/God) without any attribute.
The religious refer to these facets as different gods.
However, those who have access to a higher understanding refer to the various gods as different facets of the one Supreme Consciousness (/God).
In India (and in Europe), for ten days is celebrated that facet of the Infinite that manifests, among many others:
- perseverența
- puterea realizatoare
- prosperitatea spirituală și materială
- starea de lider spontan și autentic.
Ganesha este un pilon important al spiritualității în mijlocul vieții, obiectiv esențial în Abheda Yoga.
We suggest that you don’t be fooled by ganesha’s toy appearance.
He is, in fact, the manifestation of Shiva – a name of the nondualist Supreme Consciousness – in the material world and at the level of Muladhara.
Etymology and other names
The word “Ganesha” consists of the words: “gana” and “isha“. “Gana” designates all beings who have names and form, and “isha” means lord, master or master.
Ganesha is also recognized by many other names and epithets,
being two of the best known.
Often before names is added the
formula used to show respect or worship.
is that facet of the Infinite that manifests the energy and attributes specific to the first center of force – the Muladhara Chakra and the secondary identification with the subtle
element earth
- Stability
- steadfastness in action,
- achieving power (the ability to carry out everything we set out to do),
- self-confidence and self-confidence,
- the good start and fulfillment of their projects of any kind (not only from a material point of view),
- life in the spiritualized and spiritualizing material world,
- the awakening of Kundalini,
- fascinating sexual energy,
- power of alchemical control over sexual energy,
- ability to be a perfect leader,
- the state in which we could even be the ruler of all beings,
- superintelligence and ingenuity,
- strong and refined sensuality,
- supervirility or the grace of supervirility (in the case of a woman)
- overflowing creativity,
- power to overcome any obstacle.
Cum atragem în noi aceste aptitudini?
By worshipping Ganesha, drawing into us grace,help, identification with Him,awakening in us that part of our consciousness that has such attributes and that is, in fact, Ganesha within us.
These actions can be accomplished on Ganesha’s birthday, 2 September and further for 10 days.
Why so long? Because what results is worth this effort.
- Anaharin, the only water-only fast made as an offering to Ganesha
- adoration and communion through ritual,
- meditation with music,
- meditation with yantra,
- mandala meditation,
- Ganesha’s secret mantra meditation,
- Ananta referring to Ganesha,
- spontaneous and continuous reporting in our spiritual heart at this level of consciousness that we call Ganesha,
- cultivating the intimate connection of consciousness and requesting the help of the guardian angel of spiritual evolution or the guardian angel.
În India, Ganesha este invocat pentru îndepărtarea obstacolelor, precum și la începutul tuturor acțiunilor mai importante, pentru obținerea puterilor paranormale și a capacității de discriminare.
Many of the spiritual rituals in the Hindu tradition begin with the invocation of Ganesha.
In the tantric tradition, Ganesha is considered to protect and guide sexual relations, orienting them in a spiritual sense.
Prin identificare cu Ganesha, ființa umană poate să alchimizeze tendințele inferioare ale egoului:
- orgoliul
- mândria
- vanitatea
- egoismul
- mânia
- aroganța
Symbolic representation
Ganesha is represented in the form of a small man of stature, with a large, round abdomen with four arms and a single-pointed elephant head.
In three of his hands he holds an axe (ankush), a noose (sash) and sometimes a clamshell. In some representations, the fourth hand makes a gesture of granting its divine favors, but most often it holds a ladhu, a chickpea cake. His eyes glow like two gemstones.
His vehicle is a rat – a former demon (representation of lower passions) whom he defeated and then accepted as a vehicle.
Elephant head
There are several esoteric explanations for the elephant’s head.
An elephant is strong, but always calm.
It is one of the few self-conscious animals that even has funerary rituals. Despite his strength, he is a vegetarian.
is a novel tool.
With her help, Ganesha removes obstacles in the way of the aspirant.
Its orientation to the left, to the right or to the central is symbolic in relation to the three main subtle energy channels: Ida Nadi, Pingala Nadi and Sushumna Nadi, respectively.
When lifted into the air, it signifies the ascension and setting of the Kundalini to the level of the Sahashrara.
In the tantric tradition, the tube and sensual mouth of the elephant are put in touch with the male and female sexual organs.
from traditional depictions of Ganesha, it is said that he was originally the demon of vanity and impertinence , and that he was defeated by the god.
In fact, many legends circulate in the Hindu tradition related to various demons cast out or defeated by Ganesha.
In connection with Ganesha’s prominent abdomen there is a legend
Once upon a time, the God of wealth Kubera invited the divine couple Shiva – Shakti to dinner, to take pride in his well-being.
They did not honor Kubera’s invitation, but instead sent their son, Ganesha, telling Kubera to feed him as best he could.
Kubera laughed, saying, “I can feed a lot of kids like this!”
Ganesha, arriving at that palace, calmly sat down at the table and began to eat.
He first ate all the food on the table.
Then he began to eat various objects around the house, furniture, preparing to eat even the palate.
Kubera was terrified, but Ganesha cheerfully said to him, “You promised my parents that you would feed me. Now I will have to eat you too“.
Kubera ran away and asked Shiva for help. He gave her a handful of rice and told her to give it to Ganesha with humility.
Kubera’s back. Meanwhile, Ganesha’s stomach had become gigantic, but he had not lost his mood.
When Kubera humbled him a cup of rice, his hunger was finally quenched.
Ganesha is also believed to be represented in this way because she carries Brahmanda (the cosmic egg) in her womb.
However, it is good to remember that these are only symbols, which help us to understand more easily this facet of the Infinity within us.
Legend of Ganesha’s appearance
In Shiva Purana it is said that one day, Parvati, as he was preparing to take a bath, found that the guard of his apartments was missing.
He then took some of the soap from his body, shaped a child’s shape and blew into it vital force, prana.
He commissioned this child to be his guard and instructed him not to let anyone into his palace. The child-guardian respected what his mother had told him and sat down outside with the scepter in his hand.
Just then, Shiva (the master of the event) decided to visit his beloved wife, Parvati, and came to the palace.
As the little guard prevented him from entering, Shiva became angry and threatened the boy, but he was adamant.
Shiva was angered by the boy’s disrespect and cut off his head with his trident. When the Divine Mother found out what had happened, she was greatly saddened and asked Shiva to restore her life.
Shiva told him that he could not withdraw his decision, but that he could repair the damage in another way.
He set out in search of the first child who does not sleep in his mother’s arms to cut off his head and stick it to his inanimate body.
It was night and all the mothers slept holding their children tightly in their arms, that’s why Shiva could not take any child’s head.
But he saw a baby elephant sleeping with his mother, back to back, and decided to use this opportunity.
He therefore took the head of the baby elephant and glued it to the body of the warden child, bringing it back to life.
Shiva gave the child the name of Ganapati, the leader of his troops.
He decided to offer Grace and help to those who adore Ganesha before taking any more important action.
Patron of the Ganas (beings) – legend
Shiva was the sole master of gods, sub-gods, humans, demons, ghosts, spirits, and all other existing beings.
But because he was constantly in the state of divine ecstasy (samadhi), the gods and other beings found it very difficult to communicate with him.
Whenever they had problems, they had to spend hours meditating, singing hymns and praying for Shiva to listen to them.
Therefore, the ganas—the beings incarnate or who have a seemingly limited body—felt the need for yet another spiritual, sovereign leader who would be easier to call to solve problems.
They came to Brahma with this problem, but he could not solve it.
So he asked Vishnu for help in persuading Shiva to establish a new Ganapati (ruler of the Ganas).
Vishnu suggested they choose one of Shiva’s two sons:
- Kartikeya (cunoscut și sub numele de Subramaniyam) sau
- Lambodar (Ganesha „cel gras” care încă nu se numea Ganesha).
To find out which of the two deserved the title of Ganesha, the gods and sub-gods decided to organize a contest.
On the appointed day, everyone came to witness the contest, where Vishnu was a judge.
Shiva and Parvati were also present, seated in the center. At the appointed time, Vishnu announced the contest.
Cei doi frați trebuiau să facă înconjurul Universului, primul sosit urmând să fie numit Ganesha, stăpânul tuturor gana-elor.
After the challenge was announced, Kartikeya flew into space, on his ultra-fast peacock, to travel the Universe as quickly as possible. During this time, Ganesha remained seated on his rat without moving. Vishnu, seeing him stay, told him to hurry.
At Vishnu’s insistence to enter the contest immediately, Ganesha smiled:
- și-a depus omagiile la picioarele tatălui și a mamei sale (Shiva și Shakti – Parvati)
- apoi a salutat cu umilință ceilalți zei și sub-zei și,
- în final, a decolat pe șobolanul său.
But everyone was stunned when they saw that instead of heading for outer space, Ganesha flew around Shiva and Parvati.
After thus encircling Shiva and Shakti, Ganesha returned to his starting point, knelt before his parents and declared: “I did my job. We went around the entire universe.”
“That’s not true!” the gods exclaimed. You weren’t anywhere. You’re a lazy man.”
Ganesha then addressed Vishnu, with his hands clasped:
“I know you understand the meaning of my way of acting, but in order for others to understand, I will say the following:
I have fulfilled my task of going around the Universe, because this whole phenomenal world, of numbers and forms, is but a manifestation of the Divine Mother and my Divine Father.
Ei sunt sursa a tot ceea ce există. Eu m-am orientat către sursă, care este Adevărul, esența întregii existențe și a tuturor fenomenelor.
I know that this world is an ocean of relative existence, that limitation is illusory, and that it makes no sense to let go of the Ultimate Truth to go around illusion. My brother is still going around this limited universe and, because of that, illusory.
When it comes to the Truth, it will be the same Truth that is Unique and unlimited and in relation to which any limited aspect or attribute is illusion, including you and I.”
His listeners were amazed and delighted by his wisdom.
Applauding his authentic thinking, they accepted fat Ganesha as their patron.
While Vishnu put the mark of victory (tilak) on the forehead of Ganesha the elephant-headed, Kartikeya returned tired from his journey around the world.
He got angry and challenged Ganesha’s victory. The gods then told Kartikeya about his subtlety and wisdom and told him
“You have turned to matter, which is illusory; you went around the phenomenal world and therefore you could not perceive the Ultimate Truth directly. He is the source. The phenomenal world is the Maya (illusion).”
Kartikeya then realized that he had been fooled by the Maya (cosmic illusion).
Thus, all his effort had been meaningless, because he had run for a mirage.
Kartikeya had behaved like all the other mortals who take the world of names and forms as reality and thus fall into the Mayan trap.
He accepted his defeat, and the title of “Ganesha” was given to the one whose wisdom went beyond material existence.