A follower of non-violence, Gandhi achieved the first peaceful revolution in history.
Almost the only man who became president by pursuing the practical application of spiritual principles, he also managed to unite the hearts of hundreds of millions of Indians in a common effort of liberation, gaining independence from British colonialism, and this with very little loss of life.
Because he was “too good” and “too spiritual”, the only politician who by virtue came to be popular, was assassinated by a “fanatic” (apparently).
His weapon was spirituality, truth and resistance through civil non-cooperation with the British oppressors.
In order to win the fight against evil without violence, he chose to make injustice visible.
Typical oriental perseverance was another unbeatable weapon, instilling in the Indian nation its own strength to endure suffering.
Albert Einstein said about Mahatma Gandhi that
“future generations will wonder if such a man really existed on Earth“.
Gandhi – movie, part 1
Gandhi – movie, part 2
Gandhi – movie, part 3
Gandhi – movie, part 4
Gandhi – movie, part 5
Gandhi – movie, part 6
Gandhi – movie, part 7
Gandhi – movie, part 8
Gandhi – movie, part 9
Gandhi – movie, part 10
Gandhi – movie, the last part
See more video from the movie