JALA-NETI, a technique of nasal purification with the help of salt water

Transformă-ți viața prin Yoga Tradițională! Începem un nou curs la Abheda Yoga cu Leo Radutz. Rezervă-ți locul la ședința GRATUITĂ din 9 martie acum și fă primul pas către o variantă mai bună a ta!

<>JALA-NETI is indicated in the classical YOGA and AYURVEDA treatises, especially for the purification of the head area. It facilitates the absorption of PRANA in the nose. NETI is a beneficial practice for the eyes, ears, nose, throat, lungs, as well as for the thought process. This technique has a purifying and activating effect of the mental command center AJNA CHAKRA.

Method of execution
It is very important to practice, even if you do not have a special dish. One can use, for example, a 0.5 l PET bottle, which, however, will allow (unwantedly) a not too imposing part of the water to leak past the nostril.
However, this shortcoming is not very important and with the help of a 0.5 l PET bottle we can practice immediately and even with very good effects.
We will describe below the first variant of JALA-NETI, which uses a special vessel to carry out the exercise.

a) Fill with warm and salted water (at the temperature and salinity of the blood – a teaspoon of salt per half liter of water – this being called isotonic solution) a special cup for NETI; the water we must feel to taste as a “good soup”.

b) The funnel-shaped end of the mug is carefully inserted into the right nostril, without blocking the nasal canal. From this moment on the mouth is kept open so that it can breathe through the mouth. Aim not to sneeze, not to swallow, not to laugh, not to talk and not to have any air movements through your nose, while the water is dripping through it.

c) The head tilts sideways, with the left nostril underneath, so that water can leak through it. This happens after a few seconds. We aim, even, to absorb the water through the nose, until it reaches the place where the trajectories of the two nostrils unite, and then we let it flow through the other nostril, or we let it penetrate into the pharynx, until it reaches the mouth, from where we eliminate it outside.

We let half of the water with which we set out to make jala neti flow, then we raise our heads to vertical.

d) Before you change the nostrils, blow your nose a little so that any remnants of water come out.
e) Repeat the points (b) and c) with the only difference that now water is introduced through the left nostril and will come out through the right nostril, or through the mouth. After this you raise your head again to the vertical and gently blow your nose.

f) If you still feel the nasal canal blocked by mucus, resume the process even a few times, if necessary, until the nose is clean. If after a few attempts you do not succeed it would be advisable to go to a medical consultation to detect any obstructions of the nasal tract.

<>An extremely important stage is the drying of the nose according to the technique. It should never be neglected, especially by those with higher blood pressure. It is carried out in the following way:

a) First you lean forward leaving your head hanging with your nose pointing to the floor. Gently press the nose between the fingers of your hand, then, leaving it loose, inhale gently 10 times through the mouth by exhaling through the nose. A few more drops of water can fall like this.

b) You get up and make a few quick exhalations as follows: 10 times on both nostrils at the same time, 10 times on the left nostril (the right one being covered with a finger), 10 times on the right nostril (the left one being covered with one finger), finally again 10 times on both nostrils simultaneously.

These steps should cleanse and dry the nose. If you feel that there is water left there, repeat the whole process until successful, because otherwise symptoms of colds may manifest for a few hours afterwards, or infections may occur starting from the impure water left in the sinuses or in the eustachian tubes.

Once learned, the method can be performed in about three minutes and can be introduced into the daily routine of body hygiene. Most of those who practice it are pleasantly surprised by the simplicity of this technique and its effectiveness in maintaining health.

Possible difficulties

– Water can enter the throat if the angle of inclination of the head is incorrect, if we breathe through the nose while water is dripping through there, or if the nostril is clogged.
– An unpleasant sensation may appear in the nose if the water is too little salty or too hot, if we have not yet become accustomed to the technique or if the water and mug are not clean.
– Water can be stopped in its flow of blockages inside the nose, involuntary contraction of the nose (it must be left relaxed), a quantity of mucus that temporarily blocks it and will disappear after a few attempts, too cold water that can make it close, a permanent blockage that can be solved with the help of the doctor.
– Mild wounds may appear inside the nose in those with high blood pressure or in those with very sensitive nasal mucosa. In these situations, the practice should be discontinued until expert advice is received.

In some variants of the technique, hypertonic water rich in sulfur, chlorine, sodium, magnesium, bromine or water with plant extracts can be used instead of salt water.

Effects of JALA-NETI technique:

– removes from the nose all the mucus full of impurities, bringing a state of immediate relief;
– helps drain the sinuses; as a result, the body’s natural defense mechanisms in case of fever, allergies, sinusitis and other disorders of the respiratory tract such as sore throat, cough, stuffy nose, inflammation of the tonsils and polyps are reprogrammed;
– It is beneficial in case of asthma and bronchitis, reducing the tendency to breathe through the mouth when the nose is stuffy;
– it has a refreshing and soothing effect on the brain by reducing excessive heat, relieving headaches and migraines. It is beneficial in cases of epilepsy, psycho-emotional disorders, hysteria, depression and in general in cases of mental tension;
– NETI is of great help in the problems associated with the eyes: it helps to clean the lacrimary canals, improves vision, makes the eyes bright and beautiful;
– it can help in case of some diseases of the ear, such as infections of the middle ear, clogged ears, tinnitus (ringing in the ears);
– NETI improves the sensitivity of the olfactory nerves, helping to restore the sense of smell, which also benefits the sense of taste and the process of digestion;
– Has subtle effects on the pineal and pituitary glands, which control the hormonal system, the effect being the harmonization of the emotional behavior;
– NETI influences the secret force center AJNA CHAKRA, thus helping to reach deeper states in yogic meditations;
– helps to stimulate a better power of visualization and concentration; leads to a state of lightness and clarity of mind;
– NETI is an excellent remedy for those who try to quit smoking, reducing the tendency to breathe through the mouth; it also resensitizes the nose in case of pollution by ingesting smoke, thus deprogramming the brain from physical and physiological dependence.


1. Water should always be lukewarm, never cold or hot.
2.It’s good to grind salt at once and without additives.
3. Use a special container for NETI: a cup with an extension in the form of a funnel. In its absence, a simple syringe can also be used (without a needle!)
4. In the cold season it is contraindicated to go outside in the cold air immediately after neti has been achieved. Bending forward is mandatory, so that the remaining water comes out entirely.
5. If you hear of firm recommendations from some pharmaceutical companies against this technique, think that the real reason is that while medicines cost money, this simple technique is free.

Scientific confirmations

At the Department of Family Medicine at the University of Wisconsin, a study was conducted to test the effectiveness of daily nasal irrigation with hypertonic salt water. The experimental group consisted of patients with otorhinolaryngological problems and frequent sinusitis. They carried out the technique daily for six months. A control group was used for comparison, which did not carry out this technique. The conclusion reached: the nasal irrigations lead to the decrease of the sinus problems, of the symptoms related to them, decrease the need to use medicines and nasal sprays at pacienJALA-NETI is indicated in the classical yoga and ayurveda treatments, especially for the purification of the head area. It facilitates the absorption of PRANA in the nose. NETI is a beneficial practice for the eyes, ears, nose, throat, lungs, as well as for the thought process. This technique has a purifying and activating effect of the mental command center AJNA CHAKRA.

Another study to determine the effectiveness of this method in the treatment of respiratory disorders was conducted at the University of San Diego, California School of Medicine. The test was applied to a group of 211 patients with various disorders of the respiratory tract, compared to 20 healthy people. Both groups applied the technique of nasal purification with salt water for three to six weeks. Conclusion: in the patients who used the technique for treatment, it was found that 23 of the 30 symptoms present before the experiment were significantly improved, and in the control group there was an overall improvement in the state of health.

Accessible to anyone, the practice of JALA-NETI can be a saving solution for the state of our health, both physical and mental and spiritual, especially in these times when respiratory diseases such as asthma, sinusitis, allergies, fever, colds are more and more common, and on the other hand the spiritual consciousness is in a state of degeneration.

this article was made after a similar article on www.yogaesoteric.ro website, signed by Melania Radu

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