About equinoxes and solstices. Autumnal Equinox

Astrology can help us immensely in deepening self-knowledge and also can help us to have a broader, overall perspective on the reality that surrounds us, beyond the limit of a superficial, materialistic vision that does not take into account the real, profound causes of things. Usually this is achieved by – knowing our trends and stages through astrology, – contributing to the intuition of our spiritual purpose in this life, – imp

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Muladhara Chakra – vitality and inner stability

Muladhara Chakra – vitality and inner stability In the subtle structure of the human being there are 7 energetic zones, 7 complex fundamental systems that include all possible human experiences. These subtle organs are known as chakras ( centers of force or foci of power). 7 chakras or main centers of force are described. Muladhara,

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Uttitha Ardha Dhanurasana – yogic posture for inner balance

Yogi practices have wonderful effects on our physical structure: improving flexibility, toning and elasticizing muscles and improving or even curing certain health problems. But when we begin to enter the traditional yoga universe we discover that this is much more than a sport, it is a science of life. In addition, it has much broader

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Love has no limits, no shame, …

We have no reason not to love… because we don’t have time for that… we have time (or should we have time) ONLY FOR LOVE. Time will pass by us… anyhow. if we choose what to love and what not to love, WE ARE WRONG. Because love is a great opportunity that is offered to us, not a severe calculation and burdened by dogmas and prejudices. Not the others from whom we come, somehow, our prejudices are to blame for our unloving but we ourselves are the ones who lose the chance of love, when the pure color

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