The heart possesses an intelligence of its own

We are always in the middle of life, we are always subject to the fast pace of the changes around us. We are facing more and more difficulties and challenges, but at the same time we have at hand and tailor-made solutions. The most handy tool is our very heart. But what is the heart and what are its qualities? The heart is the core of the authentic Self, the center of intuitive discernment and clarity. It allows us to connect deeply with our own Self and with others oam

The heart possesses an intelligence of its own Read More »

Laughter heals us and prolongs our lives

Every emotion we experience influences our health. Thus, it is known that fear or depression decreases muscle strength and the ability to make effort. In contrast, scientific studies show that laughter has a tonic effect both on the lungs and circulation, as well as on the entire body. It equates to an intense physical exercise, which puts the blood in motion and generates a general feeling of well-being.
Laughter therapy” (practicing laughter as often as possible) makes us more optimistic, predisposes us to play and helps us relax and successfully overcome daily tensions and stresses, social or family obligations. Thus, laughter becomes a real element of “emotional hygiene”, which helps us to “cleanse” ourselves of negative emotions and to regain our state of candor and good mood.

Laughter heals us and prolongs our lives Read More »

We can only see what we are able to see, no matter what is outside of us.

A wise man used to stay daily at the entrance to a city. One day, a traveler approached him and said, “I’ve never been around before. How are the inhabitants of this city? The wise man answered him with a question: – How were the inhabitants of the city where you come from? – Selfish and wicked. That’s why I’m glad I was able to get out of there. “So are the inhabitants of this city,” replied the wise man. Shortly thereafter, another traveler approaches him and addresses him

We can only see what we are able to see, no matter what is outside of us. Read More »

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