Nisargadatta Maharaj and the teaching of the Self – who we really are (film)

Sri Nisargadatta Maharaj was an Indian yoga teacher, well versed in Advaita Vedanta. He is considered the best known teacher of Advaita Vedanta since Ramana Maharshi. His direct and minimalist and effective exposition of non-dualism, as well as the publication of the most famous and widespread book “I AM

Nisargadatta Maharaj and the teaching of the Self – who we really are (film) Read More »

Vyasa – legendary author of Mahhabhasta, Vedas and Puranes, founder of Vedanta School

Vyasa is the legendary author of some of the most important works in the Hindu tradition. In India, his birthday is celebrated with the Guru Purnimafestival, on Shukla Purnima’s birthday, in the month of Ashadha (June-July). A number of traditions recognize him as the avatar of Vishnu Vyasa is also considered to be one of

Vyasa – legendary author of Mahhabhasta, Vedas and Puranes, founder of Vedanta School Read More »

Do we need something from outside of us or is it good to teach our children that we are complete anyway?

A tip circulating on the internet and belonging to a known author, taken out of context and share-looked intensely on the internet: “Teach your children that they need nothing outside of them to be happy—no person, no place, or thing—and that true happiness is found within them. Let them know that they are enough for

Do we need something from outside of us or is it good to teach our children that we are complete anyway? Read More »

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