Chinnamasta – the great Divine Power of lightning-fast spiritual evolution

Chinnamasta – the great Divine Power of lightning-fast spiritual evolution, evolution characterized by the courage to accept the transcendence of many dogmas, common principles in favor of the fastest evolution. This development is not propelled by the courage of direct confrontation, but the unbridled passion of the spiritual aspiration that makes problems difficult to be

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Kamalatmika – the great divine power of abundance and fullness

Kamalatmika sau Kamala este a zecea și ultima dintre cele zece Maha Vidya, reprezentată ca o ființă orbitor de frumoasă ce binecuvantează toate ființele din manifestare cu grația ce izvorăște permanent din sufletul ei. Este splendoarea și înțelepciunea divină în manifestare, care se bucură în orice moment de sărbătoarea existenței, a fericirii, a frumuseții si

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Swami Muktananda – unparalleled embodiment of his name – “happiness of freedom”

Swami Muktananda a mai fost cunoscut ca „Baba”. Semnificația numelui său este aceea de „ fericirea libertății”, aceasta fiind ceea ce el transmitea. Oamenii aveau in prezența lui o experiență directă de bucurie și înțelepciune interioară. Viața sa Swami Muktananda s-a născut în 1908 în Bangalore, un oraș din India. A plecat de acasă la

Swami Muktananda – unparalleled embodiment of his name – “happiness of freedom” Read More »

Abhinanagupta- the great master of Kasmirian Shivaism

Abhinanagupta was considered a important musician, poet, playwright, exeget, theologian and logician, being a personality that has exerted an exceptional influence on Indian culture. About the great sage Abhinanagupta is said to have been an avatar of Shiva Even today it is unanimously accepted as one of the greatest spiritual masters, philosophers, mystics and Indian

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Do we need something from outside of us or is it good to teach our children that we are complete anyway?

A tip circulating on the internet and belonging to a known author, taken out of context and share-looked intensely on the internet: “Teach your children that they need nothing outside of them to be happy—no person, no place, or thing—and that true happiness is found within them. Let them know that they are enough for

Do we need something from outside of us or is it good to teach our children that we are complete anyway? Read More »

From the wisdom of the great yogi Paramahamsa Yogananda

A visitor asked Yogananda: “What is YOGA?” Paramahansa Yogananda replied: “Yoga is union”. Etymologically, this word is similar to the English word “yoke”, which means “yoke”. Yoga means the union of being with God or the transcendence of the limited, ephemeral IE and the immersion in the Supreme Divine Self, the Infinite Spirit. Most Westerners and also many Indians confuse Yoga with Hatha Yoga branch of Yoga which is based on harmony

From the wisdom of the great yogi Paramahamsa Yogananda Read More »

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