Tripura Sundari is the third great divine power of the ten Maha Vidya— “the thrice beautiful.”
manifestation of divine beauty,
of full harmony
of pure love and grace.
Meaning of name
Tripura Sundari – “Tripura” is composed of “pura“, which means “fortress” or “city” and “tri”, which means “three times”.
“Sundari” comes from “sundara”, which means: “beauty”, “perfection”, “splendor”. Therefore, Tripura Sundari could be translated as “the one whose beauty is known in the three fortresses or cities”, as a metaphor for the three worlds: physical, subtle (astral) and causal, over which Tripura Sundari manifests sovereignty. In other words, it is sovereign over the physical and bioenergetic body, but also over thoughts and emotions.
In the tantric tradition there are many situations in which we find the idea of bringing together three aspects in one, such as:
- Trilingam (referring to the three aspects of the universal lingam, which are: svayambhu lingam, bana lingam and itara lingam)
- Trishakti (referring to the three fundamental energies of God in manifestation: iccha shakti- the energy of the will, jnana shakti – the energy of knowledge, and kriya shakti – the energy of action)
- The three states of consciousness: the state of awakening, the state of sleep with dreams and the state of deep sleep, without dreams, symbolized in tantra as the spiritual lights of Fire, of the Moon and of the Sun.
Tripura Sundari is the mistress of these worlds and has the ability to transcend them completely.
She can be adored in several poses
Tripura Sundari admirată ca:
- Bala– the young girl of 16 years,
- Lalita – the one who “manifests the universe as a divine game – lala” and
- Rajarajeshwari– the one who knows the mysteries of manifestation (because she herself manifests them).
Bala– the young girl of 16 years

This hypostasis of hers is also known as Shodasi, which means “sixteen”.
It is the expression of the woman full of happiness, delight, playful, eager to experience anything, fascinating and attractive.
It stands out for its beauty and goodness, but above all for its innocence and purity, qualities that it is necessary to cultivate in order to advance easily on the spiritual path.
Lalita – “the one who plays”

Lalita means “the one who plays”, reminding us of the cosmic Lila game, whereby the whole of existence is seen as a game in which we, as divine beings, each play our part for a certain period of time. But, it draws our attention not to forget that it is just a game and calls us back within ourselves, to our essence, to our true unlimited nature, the Infinite within us. The Whole Manifestation is a beautiful and charming game that can distract us so that we forget about our true nature.
Tripura Sundari teaches us to discover happiness within us, helps us awaken our soul and leads us to know the miracle that happiness, love and divine harmony within us impregnate everything around us. It represents the infinite divine love that leads us to spiritual freedom.
Rajarajeshvari or “Ruler of All Creation”
Tripura Sundari under the guise of Rajarajeshvari or “ruler of all Creation”.
Her state of sovereignty refers to the power of control over the manifestation because She herself is the Manifesting Power, to know what are the correct, beneficial, divinely integrated actions and to act only in this direction.
We can relate to it when we are in a position to make important decisions, to make the best choice.
The qualities that represent Tripura Sundari

Tripura Sundari is the manifestation of illuminating and liberating beauty
For the Wise Seeker, the beauty of Tripura Sundari is divine, illuminating and liberating, but for the obtuse, closed and evil, His beauty is either chaining or repulsive.
Beauty is associated with the feminine nature, with the beauty of the woman understood as a theophany, a manifestation of God on the physical plane, in duality.
Tripura Sundari is an expression of the divine beauty and perfection that springs from our soul, of the one who cultivates beauty and perfection as an expression of the inner state.
This attitude brings us closer to the divine, to something that is not affected by the passage of time, but on the contrary, with the passage of time it becomes brighter and brighter. And in the end, it leads us to perfection. Any aspect related to the exterior, to the physical appearance, to appearances is fleeting, limited and imperfect .
The beauty and miracle that we discover in ourselves and manifest, comes to pervade the surrounding world. Only when we find in ourselves beauty, perfection, love will we recognize it and we will find it outside as well. Otherwise, we could be surrounded by all this but we cannot recognize them because we do not have the spiritual possibility to enjoy them. Thanks to the impurities that we have at the level of the mental or causal body, meaning thoughts, emotions and meanings, we can have a misunderstanding of the surrounding world, we can attribute to it wrong meanings. But when we are closer to the purity and perfection of God we can understand the outside world from another perspective.
Pours out the nectar of immortality on all beings in manifestation
Tripura Sundari is the Power – Shakti of Shiva that allows it to manifest itself in a certain form.
It is associated with the Ananda aspect of consciousness or the Supreme or Unique Being, that is, the supreme and pure nondual fercirea.
She is always in the state of divine bliss, which allows her that the divine nectar of immortality to flow through her whole being and to impregnate everything around her.
Tripura Sundari reveals our true divine nature
When we understand that we are not separated from what is outside of us and that they all come from the same source, which is the Self or the infinite in our heart, we find in our soul peace, happiness and freedom. We come to understand our true nature, that we are divine, limitless, and immortal beings.
Iconographic representation

Tripura Sundari is represented as a dazzlingly beautiful young girl, who is said to be “brighter than a thousand suns”.
Usually she is naked, wearing only wonderful jewelry, bracelets on her hands and ankles, earrings, rings, necklaces, etc. Otherwise, she is dressed in bright red color, as a symbol of her state of ecstatic happiness, of unlimited knowledge, as well as compassion for all beings in the universe.
It is placed on a bed that is a symbol of God.
Sadashiva bent on His four forms: Brahma, Vishnu, Rudra and Maheshvara, symbolized by the four legs of the bed.
She wears a crescent moon on her head, which is sometimes rendered as consisting of her own hair.
She has four arms, in which she holds a sugar-sweet substance, five arrows wrapped in flowers, a noose, and a hook.
The symbolic meaning of these objects is as follows:
- vasul pentru zahăr din trestie reprezintă mintea
- săgețile făcute din flori reprezintă cele cinci simțuri
- Lațul pe care îl ține în a treia mână, capacitatea de a influența prin frumusețea ei orbitoare
- Cârligul din a patra mână, mijlocul prin care ea fiijnțele care se simt legate de lumea exterioră.
In conclusion, Tripura Sundari attracts us with her charm and reveals our true inner divine nature.
Reporting tools at Tripura Sundari

Through the following practices we can amplify in ourselves the special qualities of Tripura Sundari:

- trataka with her yantra- Sri yantra
- practice japa or ucchara with the appropriate mantra They
- Ananta practice – direct attraction of Grace to Tripura Sundari
- by adoring the divine beauty of the Eternal Femnin and referring to it as a theophany – a concrete image through which through duality we can intuit the manifestation of God or the Conscious and Unique Being
- through Nada Yoga with fundamental meditation Anuttara with music
- through the adoration of Beauty and Harmony anywhere in the world
- savoring and intensifying aesthetic experiences through art, both as a receiver and as a transmitter or creator, especially through Initiatory Art.
- Japa or the practice of identification with Tripura Sundari by repeating the long mantra of the goddess.
Leo Radutz and Alina Crişan