TTC 200 and TAP 500 Yoga Teachers Course

Traditional Yoga Teacher Course
international certificate in INDIA
of Yoga Alliance International.

TTC 200 – Teacher Training Course –
YOGASIROMANI certification or yoga teacher and

TTC 500 – Advanced Teacher Training Course –
ACHARYA certification or yoga master

supported by acharya LEO RADUTZ SI
Abheda Yoga Academy

You want to learn how to teach authentic yoga

at a professional and internationally recognized level?

Acharya LEO RADUTZ AND Abheda Yoga Academy support

course accredited in India by Yoga Alliance International – TTC 200 and TAP 500,

that provides from scratch what is needed, including advanced yoga techniques

to be able to teach international yoga classes in a professional way.

At this time there are no more registrations

Diplomas offer the opportunity to teach yoga and meditation in any country, respecting the laws of that country.

Abheda TTC 200 and Abheda TAP

is an internationally accredited, rigorous and documented course of YOGA teachers

With a theoretical and practical level of excepț I teach advanced techniques of traditional yoga.

Adapt advanced traditional yoga to Western culture

and transmits pedagogical methods that allow good yogi training.


It takes place under the direct guidance of the international teacher Yoga acharya Leo Radutz,

Professor trained in India at Sivananda Kutir in the Himalayas.

He has 29 years of yoga experience (since 1989), has come into contact with numerous yoga practices and has written several brochures and works on the nondualist yoga system. Every month he gives lectures that can be heard at Abheda Yoga Academy. He founded the nonprofit Abheda Yoga Academy.

This yoga school led by Leo Radutz has received international recognition

on behalf of Yoga Alliance International in India

and can offertraining and diplomas even international yoga master – Yogacharya (TTC500).

About graduation exam and attendance at workshops

An absence per month is allowed,an additional fee of RON 100 (for each day absent) is allowed and the recovery of those hours is required.

The course offers:

Over 200 or 500 hours of meditation and traditional yoga √ written support for which it includes all the lessons taught

A graduation package consisting of an additional textbook, books.

The preparation includes:

  • Basic information about nondualistic yoga
  • Study Bhaghavad Gita, Hatha Yoga Pradipika, Gheranda Samhita, Yoga Sutras, Sanskrit – basic
  • Practical and theoretical elements of hatha, raja, jnana, bhakti and karma yoga
  • Practical elements of anatomy, physiology and nutrition
  • Sanskrit Writing Summary Items
  • Teaching pedagogy
  • A comparative study of the main authentic spiritual traditions throughout history – yoga, Buddhism, Zen, Christianity – Hesychast tradition, Sufism, etc.
  • About Sat-Chit-Ananda
  • Integration into Self from the perspective of Abhinanagupta, Ramana Maharishi, Ramakrishna, Shankaracharya
  • Asane yoga and basic techniques in Pranayama
  • Extended presentation and practical guidance in some forms of meditation: Anuttara fundamental meditation of integration in oneself, meditation of the state of presence
  • How can any obstacles in meditation be overcome in practice,
  • Meditation in the dark – Kaya Kalpa from a nondualist perspective
  • The 4 fundamental states of consciousness
  • Methods for enhancing mind focus capacity
  • Participation in a 3-day fundamental meditation retreat
  • Individual 24-hour retreat in the dark
  • About Samadhi

The donation for this course can be paid as follows:

  1. A donation of 900 euro/person is paid in full; donation can be made in euro or in lei, during the day until October 12, 2019 .
  2. A donation of 100 euros / person is paid until October 12, 2019 and the difference of 1000 euros until December 1, 2019 – a total of 1100 euros
  3. A donation of 150 euros/person is paid until 12 October 2019, then every 2 months a donation of 275 euros/person every two months four times – a total of 1250 euros.

Payment is made in cash or by bank in the accounts on the Contact page.


Pre-registration conditions:

– Minimum age of 22 years old – Sending a copy of the identity document (ID/CI or passport) – Filling in and signing the registration form: ABHEDA Form TTC200 – A minimum culture about yoga and meditation (this is not an eliminatory condition but it is recommended to have some general knowledge in this direction) – A commitment on one’s own responsibility that can be downloaded here: ABHEDA TTC200 Student Commitment Payment is made after the signing of the contract which takes place on a date subsequent to the submission of the registration form, the commitment and the copy of the identity document.

*PROFESSIONAL PROMOTION (within Abheda Yoga Academy)

Abheda TTC 200 IS AN INTERNATIONAL ACREDITATE YOGA PROFESSOR COURSE. Diplomas offer the opportunity to teach yoga and meditation in any country in the world, respecting the laws of that country. AFTER GRADUATION IT IS NOT POSSIBLE TO COORDINATE THE CLASSES OF ABHEDA YOGA SCHOOL, BUT IT IS POSSIBLE TO INTEGRATE INTO THE GROUP OF ABHEDA YOGA INSTRUCTORS FOR STUDENTS WHO HAVE CERTAIN QUALITIES. Graduates with good results will be able to become Abheda Yoga teachers, benefiting from special initiations, theoretical and practical support from Abheda Yoga Academy and being able to use the name Abheda Yoga when organizing courses.

Ethical, moral and professional behaviour

After certification, it is necessary for a teacher to exhibit a certain moral, ethical and professional level. If there are situations of proven violations, this could lead to the suspension of that teacher. More information can be found if you contact us by email at or by phone on 0727 531 412

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