Cannabis or Indian hemp does not help kundalini

Cannabis or Indian hemp does not help Kundalini. In fact, Cannabis or drugs can’t awaken kundalini, but they can do us a lot of harm. Most of us know the common, so-called domestic hemp – the plant once cultivated in Europe for its fibers, but also for the seeds – Cannabis sativa . It has

Cannabis or Indian hemp does not help kundalini Read More »

The great yogi Gopi Krishna – about Kundalini

Gopi Krishna, you have been taking steps for years to scientifically investigate the yogic experience of awakening the kundalini force. What is the meaning of the word “KUNDALINI” and what is its linguistic history? KUNDALINI, in Sanskrit, means “coiled” and comes from the word KUNDALA. It refers to a force that in the ordinary man

The great yogi Gopi Krishna – about Kundalini Read More »

Cannabis or drugs can’t wake up kundalini, but they can do us a lot of harm. Testimony of Swami Satyananda Saraswati

More and more people are asking me if it’s okay to use light drugs, such as Cannabis indicum or marihuana for deep meditations and kundalini awakening. Why isn’t that good? Because: – it is not necessary – deep meditative states can be obtained perfectly through methods that do not resort to such a thing and kundalini awakening is already shown to occur effectively, spiritually and without dangers through Abheda Yoga – there are also unwanted side effects and even peri

Cannabis or drugs can’t wake up kundalini, but they can do us a lot of harm. Testimony of Swami Satyananda Saraswati Read More »

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