INTEGRITY – the match between values, principles and actions (+video 9 min)

My dear ones What is INTEGRITY? In my opinion it is one of the highest human virtues and represents the match between a person’s values, principles and actions. This involves authenticity, honesty and a firm commitment to what the reseptive man wholeheartedly believes to be right, regardless of external circumstances or pressures. From a spiritual, […]

INTEGRITY – the match between values, principles and actions (+video 9 min) Read More »

Transformation matters

Transformation matters Camp for the development of spiritual heroism had muother spiritual effects, not only those that have to do with spiritual heroism. Spiritual heroism is man’s ability to give up comfort, that is, to what he considers, rightly or wrongly, that it is good and pleasant at that moment, for a value that is

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Personal relationship with the spiritual path

There is a personal relationship with the spiritual path. It is a relationship that takes place in our heart, in our soul, it is an inner relationship, but it also has personal manifestations. Personal relationship with the spiritual path is like relationship with a living being. This parallel is not accidental because, in fact, the

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How do we know that a master or spiritual school is “not okay”?

Just as Jesus said that many “false prophets” would appear during the apocalypse, At this delicate time of humanity, there are many schools and a lot of false information. Spiritual truth is much more accessible than it used to be. But it becomes inaccessible due to the abundance of “flames and smoke” in the media

How do we know that a master or spiritual school is “not okay”? Read More »

The powerlessness and dangers of artificial intelligence – AI

Study and understanding of the powerlessness and dangers generated by the development of artificial intelligence has a lot to do with understanding of what spiritual awakening or falling asleep means. Spiritual awakening means to identify ourselves more and more, deeper, closer to the permanent, With the “Living Within Us” ourselves, the living being within us,

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We can change the world… YES! IT’S REALLY A BIG NEED!

Can we change the world? YES, WE CAN AND MUST CHANGE THE WORLD… Of course, this is not about changing the world according to our egotistical desires. It’s about doing THE GOOD that… change the World. In fact, the world begins to change for the better from the first moment we change ourselves for the better. And, of course, it begins to change for the worse from the first moment we refuse our transformation to perfection. We can never calculate the impact that our own transformation has had,

We can change the world… YES! IT’S REALLY A BIG NEED! Read More »

“Let’s dedicate my life to helping others!”

BE GOOD, BUT, BE GOOD AT SOMETHING! It is necessary to be aware of the necessity of your own spiritual evolution, in order to be able to effectively help others. Basically, you work spiritually, primarily for yourself. Each of us (even if we ignore this) have a responsibility regarding the huge number of beings that

“Let’s dedicate my life to helping others!” Read More »

Don’t “let” whatever happens…

Some people are misunderstood, illogical and selfish: Love them and so on! If you do well, people may blame you for hidden and selfish interests: Do good! If you are a successful man, you will have fake friends and real enemies: Still be a successful man! The good you do today can be forgotten tomorrow, Do the good though! Honesty can make you vulnerable: Still be honest! The biggest people, with the greatest ideas, can be knocked down by the smallest people and

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What is the dharma – the spiritual purpose, the meaning of life? Abheda Yoga (+6 min video)

Life certainly has a deep meaning, for which it is worth living and which must be so deep that it is even worth dying for it. This is, I say, an existential test for anyone. I mean, I ask myself – do I have in my life some values for which I feel deeply, undoubtedly,

What is the dharma – the spiritual purpose, the meaning of life? Abheda Yoga (+6 min video) Read More »

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