How do we acquire authentic Knowledge – that is, the opposite of ignorance?

How do we acquire authentic Knowledge – that is, the opposite of ignorance? Knowledge means experiencing absolute Truth and truth about every aspect of our lives. In the west, knowledge has more of a theoretical asepct, mostly ignoring the fact that, in fact, knowledge is the process by which the connoisseur (we) come into contact

How do we acquire authentic Knowledge – that is, the opposite of ignorance? Read More »

What do we do when we can’t control our thoughts?

Practicing fundamental meditation sometimes happens… to “haunt” us thoughts that, apparently, we also do not want to manifest obsessively and excruciatingly. Or not excruciating. It may even like us, but it diverts us from our goal or from the direction in which we, in fact, want to think. Other times we want to meditate. We

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Is it possible for someone to take your soul? The hoax with the divided and lost soul

Life story “It is said that in a village in the East lived a boy whom nature had endowed with more power than the other boys of his age. He was both kind-hearted and jumpy to help, but a little naïve in his kindness. Some robbers from a nearby forest attacked the villagers on their

Is it possible for someone to take your soul? The hoax with the divided and lost soul Read More »

Kashmirian Shivaism – Trika school versus Advaita Vedanta

Vasagupta knew the philosophy of Advaita Vedanta and also it is likely that he would have also studied the Buddhist tradition of the eighth and ninth centuries. Kashmirian Shivaism is a branch of Shivaism and one of the most famous Hindu spiritual schools, which developed in India between the VII and XII centuries AD, taking

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What is mental emptiness – shunyata – in yoga (emptiness, vacuity)?

It is an interesting nondualist concept that refers to the fact that when the state of yoga is reached, there are no more thoughts, defending the so-called mental void of nondual happiness. The “Yoga Sutras” by Patanjali states from the very beginning “Yoga citta vritti nirodhah” which means “Yoga is the cessation of all mental

What is mental emptiness – shunyata – in yoga (emptiness, vacuity)? Read More »

21 common mistakes in meditation and some solutions

21 common mistakes in meditation There are many types of meditation and these tips are general In particular, each type of meditation has its precise indications, which must be followed. The advice of the teacher or master can help and boost significantly, sometimes even decisively. 1. To keep the spine flexed, the trunk or head

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AArathi (jnana aarathi)

I long to be Happy, Free and AliveAnd I feel more and more that I am truly my own Self,For which I am transforming my body and mind,And I discover that, even if apparently limited,I have always been and will be,In essence,Unlimited and Complete. …………………………………………………………………. Through my True SelfDark becomes LightIgnorance becomes KnowledgeThe pain becomes

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Anuttara stika – Spiritual achievement in 8 stanzas

Anuttara Stika is an anthem, written by the yogi master of Kashmiri Shivaism, Abhinavagupta. His own birth fits with the claims that he was actually an incarnation of the god Bhairava, conceived through extraordinary circumstances in which his mother and father engaged in ritual sexual union. In Kashmir it is

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What is useful, from a practical point of view, is the theoretical study of the 36 tattve useful for?

What is useful, from a practical point of view, the study of the 36 tattve? 1) To relate effectively to the Identification with the Self, individual or universal, the Source, the Observer, the Utterance, the Thinker. 2) To understand our existence and that of the Universe, the meaning of existence,

What is useful, from a practical point of view, is the theoretical study of the 36 tattve useful for? Read More »

Paramahansa Yogananda on Self-Realization

“What is the best religion”- one day asked a seeker of Truth. “Self-realization!” – replied Yogananda. “In fact, this is the finality of all religions, regardless of their form (Christianity, Buddhism, Mohammedanism, etc.), their definition, or the one they proclaim (Jesus, Buddha, Muhammad, etc.). They may argue that a particular ritual or temple is the only chance of salvation, but it depends only on the inner universe of each

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The soul exists – even from a scientific point of view

Therefore, it is thus obvious that the seat of consciousness is not in the brain or in any other part of the physical body.
So if our physical body dies, we still exist (but without a physical body) because the structure called “ourselves” is not in the body, which can even be destroyed causes us to be destroyed.

This is a fundamental truth, known long ago by the great yogis and by the people realized from any spiritual path, be it Christian or of another nature.

The soul exists – even from a scientific point of view Read More »

Why do we need to forgive? The Secret Method of Forgiveness – Kshama

De ce e nevoie să iertăm (kshama – in Abheda)? Not necessarily or only because that’s how “my aunt told us” or we heard it at the Sunday service. But because if we do not forgive we continue to live the conflict and because – amazingly – we bind ourselves to

Why do we need to forgive? The Secret Method of Forgiveness – Kshama Read More »

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