Pollen a miracle?

We can define floral pollen as the sex cell or “sperm” of the plant. He is disposed like a fine powder on the stamens. The bees pick up this powder, then mix it with regurgitated honey and nectar, as well as with their own secretions. Thus they can form the well-known colored granules, that is, the bee pollen. To form a single pollen grain, the bee must visit an average of 300 flowers! The composition and organoleptic properties of different types of pollen, differ depending on ge

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How does it affect our health, the consumption of meat

Most people live longer to survive, in a continuous struggle: on the one hand trying to satisfy their daily needs, naturally, and on the other hand mobilizing an organism increasingly assaulted and unbalanced by the accelerated pace of life, stress, and pollution. Being in this veritable carousel, modern man rarely finds time and moments of silence to elucidate the mystery of his own existence. Western civilization is a model that many want to follow

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Tapas of sexual abstinence – brahmacharya

Tapas of sexual abstinence – brahmacharya Absolute abstinence is a practice that can confer: ability to control over erotic desire – what is a lot an important karmic burning, proportional to the difficulty that we could feel if we aim… Absolute. The emperor in the fairy tale “Salt in dishes” did not understand how important

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Oshawa diet – table with food Yin and Yang

Cereals Medium yin (- -) : sprouted cereals, white bread, white flour pastries, white flour pasta, germinated cereals, sweet corn Simple yang (+): whole wheat, whole wheat, whole rice, whole barley, whole oats, whole rye, whole corn, Bulgarian wheat, whole spelt wheat, whole wheat semolina, full corn cornmeal, expanded rice, black bread Medium yang (++)

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Oshawa Diet No. 7 – an inexplicable strength and zest for life

His action is extremely purifying;
the subtle energetic paths in the human body (nadis/meridians) are cleansed of many impurities and subtle deposits of kapha dosha (phlegm), which hinders the circulation of energy in the body. This general purification has the immediate effect of a considerable clarification and clarity of mind;
digestion becomes better,
hormonal secretions are regulated,
and the skin becomes clean and luminous.

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HEMP – the astounding divine gift of abundance and health

HEMP – the astounding divine gift of abundance and health In most of Eastern and Western Europe, in North America (even in the USA, where it is illegal to grow hemp), Russia, China, India, South America, the Middle East and many other countries, there is no ban on using hemp seed products. Unfortunately, there is

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Laughter heals us and prolongs our lives

Every emotion we experience influences our health. Thus, it is known that fear or depression decreases muscle strength and the ability to make effort. In contrast, scientific studies show that laughter has a tonic effect both on the lungs and circulation, as well as on the entire body. It equates to an intense physical exercise, which puts the blood in motion and generates a general feeling of well-being.
Laughter therapy” (practicing laughter as often as possible) makes us more optimistic, predisposes us to play and helps us relax and successfully overcome daily tensions and stresses, social or family obligations. Thus, laughter becomes a real element of “emotional hygiene”, which helps us to “cleanse” ourselves of negative emotions and to regain our state of candor and good mood.

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Cannabis or Indian hemp does not help kundalini

Cannabis or Indian hemp does not help Kundalini. In fact, Cannabis or drugs can’t awaken kundalini, but they can do us a lot of harm. Most of us know the common, so-called domestic hemp – the plant once cultivated in Europe for its fibers, but also for the seeds – Cannabis sativa . It has

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Petitions against the Codex Alimentarius

Petitions against the Codex Alimentarius The name ‘Codex Alimentarius’ comes from the Latin language and translates to ‘Food Law’ or ‘Food Code’. The Codex Alimentarius intends to outlaw any alternative method in the field of health, such as natural therapies, the use of dietary supplements and vitamins; Basically, to remove everything that could more or

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Ivermectin – Proven Anti Covid 19 Effects

Historian Nobel Prize in Physiology or Medicine 2015 Ivermectin was discovered in the 70s. Since then, decades of studies have been done on the beneficial effects in treating some parasites and lice. As a result of these studies, those who invented it, the Japanese Satoshi Omura and the American William C. Campbell, were awarded the

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Ayurvedic AntiCOVID Remedies in India

The products can be bought on the internet! ………………………………………………… The Government of India launched “National Protocol of Clinical Management based on Ayurveda and Yoga for the management of Covid 19”, prepared by the national working group in consensus with various expert committees. An interdisciplinary Ayush R&D team was formed by the Ayush Ministry to represent

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Clay has amazing effects – testimonials

Argila – panaceu universal „Consider argila un panaceu universal. Deși sunt medic, prefer tratamentele naturiste. Împreună cu soțul meu am recurs de câteva ori la argilă pentru ane revitaliza și vindeca de colită, diskinezie biliară șihipertensiune arterială. Am făcut chiar și împachetări cuargilă. Însă cura pe care am folosit-o și care ne-a dat nișterezultate extraordinare

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The meat is not good, I understand. What about fish what’s it like?

“Ok, I understand, the flesh is toxic and it’s a corpse of an unduly killed living being. But with fish and seafood what’s it like? I know that the fish does not feel pain and is not considered meat.” Well… why eat more fish? That it’s not meat is an illusion: Of course it’s meat,

The meat is not good, I understand. What about fish what’s it like? Read More »

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