“Carpăn’s File” – a Romanian invention that has been functioning for over 70 years, was “forgotten” in a museum!

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<>At the “Dimitrie Leonida” National Technical Museum in Bucharest there is an electric file, built by Vasile Carpăn, which has been operating without interruption for 70 years. The inventor’s grandchildren were at the museum, recently, and expressed their intention to build at the Polytechnic of Bucharest a faithful copy of the prototype made in 1950, in
order to study the possibility of producing, for Romania,

afree electric urent

The heritage object sits in an armored metal vault, right in the office of the museum director. It is about the “Thermoelectric file with uniform temperature”, known as “Carpăn’s File”, made in 1950. The police have banned the museum management from exhibiting this object without an exceptional security measure. But the museum doesn’t have the money for that, that’s why it keeps it locked in the safe.

<>The file is, in fact,
a perpetuum mobile,
that is, a device that generates energy endlessly without intervention from the outside. Although it should have stopped for many decades, the “Carpăn’s File” is stubbornly functioning, as itsinventor predicted. Scientists cannot yet explain how this is possible.

Building a perpetuum mobile has been humanity’s centuries-old dream. An apparatus that would produce energy endlessly, without receiving external impulses, would definitively solve the thirst for energy of the present civilization. In the modern era, however, this dream has been abandoned on the grounds that it would be a utopia.

Those who continued to seek the solution, however, were marginalized, the scientific world considering them crazy. However, a Romanian physicist was stubborn to build it. And it seems that he succeeded. Nicolae Vasilescu Carpăn started working on this project before the First World War.

The “pila” was patented in 1922. For today’s scientists it is incomprehensible how it was possible for a man of exceptional scientific rigor, such as Carpăn, to start such a “madness”. The theoretical work refers to the dimensions that the apparatus must have and the materials from which it must be built. Vasilescu Carpăn argues in this work that the file invented by him will provide electricity indefinitely.

After the theory was ready, he got to work. He wanted to prove through a prototype that what he had calculated was correct.

<>The prototype was gata in 1950. It was, in fact, two series-linked electrical cells, which set in motion a galvanometric minimotor. This, in turn, moved a paddle connected to a switch. Every half of the spin the blade opened the circuit, so that at the second half of the rotation it would close it. The rotation time of the propeller was calculated in such a way that the cells had recharging time, respectively for the restoration of polarity during the period when the circuit is open. The engine and paddles were intended to demonstrate that the cells provide electricity. Today there is no need for such a thing, because there are high-performance measuring and control devices.

It is out of the ordinary that an electric file (an electric generator considered the ancestor of the battery) cannot live more than 5 years, maximum 10 in the case of the best performing ones. Then it can be discarded, because one of the electrodes corrodes, and its replacement actually means a new electrical file. However, the Romanian physicist’s electric generator was stubborn to operate even after 70 years of construction.

<>Measurements made recently at the cell terminals indicated an electric current with a voltage of the value of that calculated by the inventor, which is inexplicable to scientists. To go into a little detail, it must be said that, unlike what is taught in physics in the eighth grade, “Carpăn’s File” has a gold electrode, another made of platinum, and the electrolyte, the liquid in which the two electrodes are immersed, is sulfuric acid of high purity. The materials from which the pila is built are only one aspect of the problem. According to Carpăn’s calculations, a similar, large-gauge device could be built – respecting exactly the proportions of the existing one – to develop a much higher energy.

Such a generator could endlessly power a spaceship to travel to the Cosmos, for example. However, a preliminary feasibility study must be carried out in order to apply the invention. However, such a thing is not possible, as long as only a small circle of specialized people knows about Carpan’s miracle. There were several scientific communications in Paris, Bucharest and Bologna, in which the invention was widely presented. In the past decades, the miracle mechanism has even been the object of research at the University of Brasov and the Polytechnic of Bucharest.

Sources from the Bucharest Polytechnic told us that Carpăn’s grandchildren contacted the faculty and the Technical Museum to find the solution to make a faithful copy of the electrical cell, taking into account the fact that the documents containing the technical data of the object are also at the museum “Leonida“. This copy will be used to build a device that will forever solve the need for energy – that is, to produce free electricity.

Source: libertatea.ro

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