From the wisdom of the great yogi Paramahamsa Yogananda

Transformă-ți viața prin Yoga Tradițională! Începem un nou curs la Abheda Yoga cu Leo Radutz. Rezervă-ți locul la ședința GRATUITĂ din 9 martie acum și fă primul pas către o variantă mai bună a ta!

Din înțelepciunea marelui yoghin Paramahamsa Yogananda


Un vizitator l-a întrebat pe Yogananda:
“Ce este YOGA?”

Paramahamsa Yogananda replied:

“Yoga is union.”
Etymologically, this word is similar to the English word “yoke”, which means “yoke”.
Yoga means uniting one’s being with God or transcending one’s limited, ephemeral self and immersing oneself in the Supreme Divine Self, the Infinite Spirit.
Most Westerners and also many Indians confuse Yoga with Hatha Yoga .
Hatha yoga is a branch of Yoga based on the polar harmonization of yin-yang, ha-tha of being, by practicing certain body postures;
these posts are referred to in Sanskrit as ASANA.<>

Hatha-Yoga este o diciplină spirituală.

I have no intention of devaluing yoga postures.
The body is part of human nature. It must be maintained if it is not to become, at some point, an obstacle to our spiritual forces.
Sometimes aspirants who seek to find God attach little importance to yoga postures.
However, in order to attain Supreme Liberation, it is not mandatory for the being to practice asanas.

Hatha Yoga is the branch of Raja Yoga that deals with the physical body, Raja Yoga being one of the systems of Yoga science. Raja Yoga is a set of spiritual practices that help the human consciousness to connect to the Divine Consciousness.

Yoga is a science ,


in the sense that it provides practical methods of control over the body and spirit.
These are necessary to achieve the state of deep meditation.

It is an art, thanks to the fact that we will achieve mediocre results if we do not practice it with intuition and sensitivity.

Yoga is not a belief system.
It takes into account the mutual influences of body and mind, aiming to harmonize them.
Often the mind is unable to concentrate because of tensions or illnesses stored in the body. Through these, the evolution of being is stopped.
Due to the fact that the mind is dissipated or paralyzed by negative emotions, the energy of the being is greatly diminished.

A large number of them are, what the Indians call, “great yogis”.
They elevated their consciousness from the state of attachment to the body to the state of identification of being with the Supreme Self.
They discovered, through devotion, the secret to channeling the heart’s feelings to Spirit instead of letting them manifest as chaotic emotions.
They realized that the gate of spiritual vision is located between the eyebrows – an energy center through which the spirit immerses itself in Christ Consciousness.
The great yogis discovered the secret of stopping breathing and the manner in which, in this state, the soul can ascend to the heights of the spirit.
They discovered the state that some occultists call “mystical marriage,” in which
The Eternal Spirit of being immerses itself in God and becomes one with Him.

Mainly, Yoga acts on the energy of the body through techniques called PRANAYAMA (energy control; PRANA also means breath).


Yoga teaches us how, through breath control, to quiet our mind and attain a high degree of consciousness.
The most advanced levels of the Yoga system lead the being beyond techniques and show the yogi or yoga practitioner how to direct their concentration;
they manage not only to harmonize their being with the Divine Consciousness, but also to immerse themselves in this Infinite Consciousness with their whole being.
Yoga is a very ancient science, dating back thousands of years. His teachings, the essence of India’s legendary grandeur.

The truths that are revealed by this system do not belong only to India or only to those who consistently practice Yoga techniques.
Many saints of other religions, including Christian saints, have discovered in their spiritual practice various practices that are even similar to Yoga techniques.

Yoga complements the biblical texts, teaching the being how to love God with his heart, mind, soul, with all his strength.

The energy of the ordinary being is blocked on its lower levels.
The unavailability of this energy prevents the believer from loving God with all his might, with all three aspects of his nature:

True inner communion is possible only when the being has managed to unlock the energy of the body and sublimate it through deep meditation.

– fragment din cartea “Conversații cu Yogananda” de Swami Kriyananda



<, 225px" srcset=" 333w, 190w, 706w" alt="" width="225" height="236"/> Leo Radutz, founder of the Abheda system, initiator of the Good OM Revolution

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