HARAPPA CIVILIZATION – ancient civilization destroyed by a nuclear deflagration?

What is the HARAPPA CIVILIZATION can we correlate with the recent RECOGNITION OF THE UFO – THE NEE?

There are many places on Earth that seem to have been destroyed by a nuclear explosion, but the most amazing of all is Mohenjo Daro (“Mount of the Dead”), an ancient city whose ruins were discovered in the third decade of the last century.

Located today on the territory of Pakistan, Mohenjo Daro is part of a set of settlements belonging to the so-called Harappa civilization, also known as the civilization of the Indus Valley. One of those who dedicated his life to the study of these ruins is the Englishman David W. Davenport, who, after 12 years of research, published, in 1979, a book entitled “Atomic Destruction – 2000 i.Hr.”, the volume being built on the hypothesis that Mohenjo Daro did not fall into ruin with the passage of time, but his end was the consequence of a nuclear deflagration.


The extraordinary story of mount of the dead starts from the discovery of the firstruines and shows that, with the unveiling of the remains of the old settlement, archaeologists found themselves in front of a crater with a diameter of almost 50 meters, inside which everything, including stone, is melted or crystallized as if it had been nailed by a huge temperature. At the edge of this crater, the bricks are melted and welded to each other on the side from the site of the alleged impact. The researchers exclude from the start the possibility that the area may be
formerly pyrjolite by the eruption of a volcano, as there are none nearby.


The devastated area stretches over an area with a diameter of three kilometers. At every step there are black stones, misshapen pieces of a kind of stone that gave much to think to archaeologists, until it was discovered that it is fragments of ceramic vessels, melted into each other, probably after submitting to the same huge temperature. When the excavations reached the level of the streets, archaeologists were confronted with a macabre view. In positions that are more strange, hundreds of skeletons have been found.


The discoveries at Mohenjo Daro are by no means singular. The same apocalyptic scenes are also found in the neighboring town of Harappa, where skeletons were also found on the streets. Archaeological excavations allowed researchers to assert that the Harappa civilization was very advanced. The cities in the region are
built according to a rigorous plan, with straight streets that intertwine perpendicularly. The houses have sophisticated sewerage systems, superior to those that can currently be found in many cities of India and Pakistan. Who have
but was the founders of these cities, it is not known.

In the scientific community there is an unspoken debate on the age of the Harappa civilization. Traditional radio-carbon methods have shown that the ruins date back to about 2500 i.Hr. but, taking into account the effects of an alleged nuclear explosion, the risk of an error is very high. Some authors advance the idea that the nuclear war that destroyed these civilizations took place 8,000-12,000 years ago. The case was studied in the last century by several Soviet scientists, who discovered that skeletons have a high level of radioactivity. In one of these locations was found a skeleton with a degree of radioactivity 50 times higher than normal.

A layer of radioactive ash was also discovered near the town of Rajasthan in India , where, because of this, the project to build a new neighborhood was suspended. In fact, the city itself has an unwanted fame regarding the incidence of cancer cases and children who come into the world with various malformations. Another testimony over time of a nuclear war in ancient India is the huge crater Lonar, located a few hundred kilometers from Bombay and having a diameter of 2,154 meters. In the entire area there are no remnants of any meteorite and according to scientists, Lonar is the only crater in a basalt layer, the rock being subjected to an intense shock, with a pressure of more than 600,000 atmospheres, able to modify its very structure. Signs of a devastating war of antiquity can be found in other corners of the world, including the enigmatic Libyan glass desert, located near the Saad plateau.

When the first atomic bomb exploded in New Mexico, due to the extraordinary heat, the desert sand turned into green glass. In the last century, several archaeological discoveries, from different areas of the globe, have revealed other layers of such glass. But thousands of years old.
Discovered in 1932 by archaeologist Patrick Clayton, the glass desert stretches over a very wide area, measuring 130 kilometers in length. The width reaches 53 kilometers in places. Its name comes from the fact that the arid stretch is sprinkled with pieces of glass, of incredible purity, the proportion of silicon being 98%. An article published in July 1999 in the British magazine “New Scientist” proved that the already famous Glass in the Libyan Desert (SDL) is the purest such substance on the planet.

Over 1,000 tons of this material stretches over an area of hundreds of kilometers. Some pieces are large in size, chirping up to 30 kilograms, but most of them are small, resembling some shards, as if the huge hostile had been crushed by a colossal force. In scientific language, green shards are called tectites. Their origin is a subject of heated debate. The bottle is definitely extremely old. Thus, it is known that prehistoric hunters made various sharp tools from this material. A scarab carved in green glass was discovered in tutankhamun’s tomb.

The theory proposed by a part of the scientific community is that glass is the result of impact with a cosmic body. But there are serious problems with this theory.
Why is there no impact crater? A question that remains unanswered until today. Not even the deep sea probes with the help of the latest technologies have not managed to find the trace of any crater. Moreover, the green bottle is too pure to be the result of such a brutal impact. So can an ancient nuclear war have created all these traces? No one can give an answer. As implausible as the theory seems, so much evidence makes it impossible for scientists to refute it.


Atomic experiments in New Mexico, at the end of the Second World War, have shown that an atomic deflagration melts the silicon in the sand and turns the earth’s surface into glass. Lightning can also transform sand into glass, but the left shapes always have the shape of a root. Its ramifications penetrate into depth. Thus, the green glass beds can not be put in any case on account of this natural phenomenon.

The debates born within the scientific community about the problem of tectites were summarized in an article published in August 1978 in the journal “Scientific American”. Here, a reputed American researcher tried to formulate a plausible theory that would explain the existence of the mysterious layer of green glass. “The most likely source of green glass is luna. If the tectites come from the Moon it means that on the earth’s satellite there has been at least one volcano that has erupted in the last 750,000 years. I think the lunar volcano theory is the only one possible and I feel compelled to accept it,” wrote John O’Keefe, author of the article.

The head of the Manhattan Project, through which the U.S. built the two nuclear bombs that destroyed the cities of Nagasaki and Hiroshima , researcher J. Robert Oppenheimer, also added a shadow of mystery over the already famous green glass. In an interview he gave immediately after witnessing the first atomic experiment, the researcher quoted from the Bhagavad Gita: “Now we have become Death, the Destroyer of Worlds.” On another occasion, interviewed at Rochester University, seven years after the historical experiment, and asked if that was the first atomic experiment in history, his reply was, “Well, yes, in modern history.”

Multiple evidence shows that the civilization of the ancient Indians is tens of thousands of years old. However, by 1920 most experts agreed that the origins of Indian civilization should be sought somewhere around the fourth century i.Hr. However, this theory was shattered by the discovery of the ruins of cities such as Harappa, Mohenjo-Daro (“Mount of the Dead”), Kot Diji, Kalibanga or Lothal. Archaeologists still do not know today who are those who built these cities, but the attempts to date the ruins (now known as
The “Civilization of the Indus Valley”) produced figures that were invirt around 2500 i.Hr. Many scientists believe that these are the remains of the Rama Empire, described in the ancient texts of the Mahabharata and the Ramayana. These texts also describe a destructive war waged by the empire against an extremely powerful enemy.
The texts tell about the murderous weapons used in the conflict: huge fireballs that could destroy an entire city, “The Glow of Kapila” that could turn 50,000 soldiers into ashes instantly and flying spears that could destroy even the most resistant forts.

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