How dangerous are the food created in the laboratory?

Dr. Andre Voisin, from France, director of studies at the National Veterinary School in Maison-Alfort, near Paris, published in 1959 a book that made a sensation, “Soil, grass and cancer”.

The idea that emerges from this book is the following: “Man is constantly making immense efforts to obtain ever greater yields, to meet the food needs of a population prey to the most overwhelming demographic explosion, only that, in this genuine chase for more, he forgets that he himself is a product of this earth. The ashes will be turned back into ashes and the powder will return to the powder.” This is not the case, Voisin says, “of a religious or philosophical dogma, but of a scientific truth of such simplicity and depth that it should be engraved in golden letters on the frontispieces of all the faculties of medicine on earth.”

Some of the most dangerous foods are hydrogen fats that are likely to favor the appearance of heart disease. This category includes almost the entire range of fats and oils used to reduce the baking time of confectionery, pastry and bakery products, so we will find them without any weight in cakes, pies, biscuits, biscuits and in any bread bought commercially. The most appreciated ice cream aprons are also prepared on the basis of hydrogen oils, very expensive. It is true that the long and complicated process of hydrogenation prevents rancidity
fats, especially vegetable oils, but in this process the essential fatty acids are destroyed.

(see the arid ) – the real food disaster the concoction of a Frenchman, who thought about getting a surrogate for butter, which was expensive and therefore inaccessible to many people.
But margarine is devoid of any trace of vitamin A and vitamin D, which are abundantly found in milk and automatically pass, in a high concentration, into butter.

Paddy rice is the only really rich source of class B vitamins, treated white rice is practically nothing more than pure starch, which also comes to add, killerly, to the diet and so oversaturated by carbohydrates of the modern Westerner.

are effectively the primordial element in man’s diet, so that their most current source is, on almost the entire globe, meat. A look at how this commodity is produced nowadays, is very useful.
Animals fed into fatteners, where their food is hybrid cereals, have a very low protein content, because they are also obtained from land poisoned with insecticides, herbicides and chemical fertilizers. All these are found in the fat of the animal and especially in the meat stuffed with fat threads.

Fatty pieces of meat, so tasty are the first cause of myocardial infarction. In order to obtain the rapid fattening of the animal, the breeder also subjected it to an intense feeding regime with chemically treated concentrates, especially with diethylstilbestrol, a substance with carcinogenic incidence especially in women, but also in men.

But the most deadly part of the unfortunate animal thus fattened is the innards, which often betray the unconscious methods by which the rapid weight gain was obtained. There are not at all rare cases when the sanitary-veterinary control prohibits their marketing, especially of the ficates, found as carriers of tumors and abscesses and soaked with deadly toxins, despite the fact that they come from animals considered of the highest quality.
The same is true with chickens from large farms: their meat has an unimaginable content of arsenic and the liver, the purifying organ for the whole organism, groans of stilbestrol.

Eggs from the trade that come from industrial productions and which usually remain unfertilized, have neither the taste of the others nor their nutritional quality, so there is a subtle biological differentiation between the two categories.

The chickens from industrial productions, grow up imprisoned in huge farms, sit so crammed into their metal cages that they have practically no possibility to make any movement and are separated by sex from an early age. The hens from these chickens have never been fertilized so this is also a reason why the quality of the eggs decreases!

Bibliography : The Secret Life of Plants by Peter Tompkins and Christopher Bird

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