Astrology – basic elements
Astrology is an extremely complex and exact science practiced since ancient times, which deals with the study of planetary astral influences on the human being, events, relationships, etc.
It can help us immensely in deepening self-knowledge.
It can also help us to have a broader perspective on the reality that surrounds us, beyond the limit of a superficial, materialistic vision that does not take into account the real, profound causes of things.
At the physical level, concretely, the connection between the stars and the life on Earth is achieved through the influence action of the planets’ vibrations.
The name of the zodiac comes from the Greek language, where zoon means “living”, “life”, “animal”.
The zodiac also has the mythical meaning of “symbolic circle of animals”, although the Western zodiac, besides animals, also contains:
- the figure of a woman (Virgo),
- image of a man (Aquarius)
- figure of two children or teenagers (Gemini)
- image of a scale with 2 plates (Libra)
The only zodiac that is made up exclusively of animals is the Chinese one.
The zodiac is that region of the celestial sphere that has the shape of a girdle that is located on either side of the Ecliptic.
The ecliptic is the circle on the celestial sphere on which the Sun moves, apparently, within a span of one year.
We say it moves apparently, because in reality, the Earth revolves around the Sun.
The zodiac includes 12 constellations, zodiac signs or zodiac signs:
- Aries
- Bull
- Twins
- Cancer
- Lion
- Virgo
- Balance
- Scorpio
- Sagittarius
- Capricorn
- Aquarius
- Pisces)
These zodiac signs are closely related to the seasons and their unfolding.
The sun, in its apparent motion, transits the 12 constellations one by one over the course of a year.
It is the position of the Sun at the moment of birth that determines the natal sign.
In order to better characterize the zodiac signs, the ancient astrologers associated the four elements (earth, water, fire, air) with a group of three zodiac signs.
These, in their view, mirror the characteristics of each element in human individuality.
This resulted in a division of the zodiac signs into:
- Earth signs
- water signs
- signs of fire
- air signs
Planets and Planetary Aspects
Planets are celestial bodies that, through their astral inflows, imprint to human beings (and not only) certain fundamental characteristics that are specific to them.
They impregnate our being with certain native predispositions, qualities and flaws, balances and imbalances, etc.
Each of them governs in being different aspects, impulsing us in one direction or another in our daily life, depending on the specifics of the energy they present.
The main astrological planets are the Sun, Moon, Mercury, Venus, Mars, Jupiter, Saturn, Uranus, Neptune and Pluto.
The chart is a representation of the planets – with all the aspects they form with the zodiac signs, with the ascendant and with the zodiac houses.
It is a “map of the sky as it presents itself at a given time and place that must be clearly spelled out.
At the place of birth, the angles formed by the planets with the Earth are measured in degrees.
These angles are found in the astrogram, by positioning the planet in the respective zodiac sign (for example, Sun at 12° in Aries, Moon at 17° in Gemini).
When in an astrogram the celestial bodies are in certain specific angular and vector ratios, it is said that they are in a certain “aspect”.
These aspects specify and nuance very much the motivations and potentialities (good or bad) of the individual.
The major astrological aspects used to make and analyze the astrogram are: Conjunction, Sextile, Chariots (or Quadrature), Trigon and Opposition.
Astrological houses
Astrological houses indicate the specific relationship between the signs of the zodiac and the rotation of the Earth around its axis.
They represent the various fields of activity characteristic of the human being, such as: marriage, career, health, personality.
Each zodiac sign has an astrological house, therefore the houses are also 12 in number and, like the zodiac signs, they are also opposed two by two.
The line that demarcates the beginning of a house is called a cuspid.
The cusp of the First House (First House) is called ascendant and the cusp of the SEVENTH House is called Descending.
Natal theme
The four most important points of the natal theme:
- Ascendant
- Descendant
- Middle of Heaven
- Bottom of heaven
are of great utility in the astrological analyses of the astral theme of a human being.
They represent areas of maximum astral conductivity, influencing the personality, the relationship with the beloved being (of the opposite sex), the social life and the family relations of the native.
The zodiac constellation that rises to the horizon (east) of the place where the human being is born at the very moment of his birth is called ascendant.
The constellation or zodiac sign that represents the ascendant is one of the most important astrological clues for the characterization of the individual and his destiny.
The old astrologers explained the major influence of the Ascendant by the fact that it mediates “the astral flow that flows to the human being at birth.
The radiation emitted by the constellation that is on the horizon of the place and the moment of birth will be for the entire life a true astral mark of the individual.
The ascendant also represents the gobal image of our self and is generally defining for the physical appearance of the individual in question.
The 12 zodiac signs will therefore provide 12 types of ascendants.
In opposition to the Ascendant is the Descendant.
The descendant is the zodiac sign that generally indicates the type of people to whom the native will turn in the course of his life.
These people will be from the sign in which the descendant is, especially in the case of the beloved.
Middle of Heaven
Another important position in the chart is the position at the zenith, on the vertical of the birthplace, just above the head of the newborn.
This position is called the Middle of heaven (the tenth house).
It gives indications of the social destiny of the individual.
Bottom of heaven
Opposite the Middle of the Sky is the Bottom of the Sky (Fourth House), another important point in the horoscope (astrogram).
He gives us directions on the family and the ancestral roots of the native.
Lunar Nodes
The Lunar nodes (or of a planet) represent the points of intersection between the ecliptic (the apparent path of the Sun through the zodiac) and the orbit of the Moon (or that planet). They are two important points in the chart:
- The North Node shows what our purpose is, talking to us about our future.
- and the South Node tells us about our past.
When the Moon (that planet) reaches a node, moving from South latitude to North latitude, that Node is called the North Node or the ascending node.
The other is called the South node, or the descending node.
The lunar nodes are an important indicator of the destiny (karma) of the individual.
Karma-ica Astrology
Astrology is an exact and complex esoteric science, regardless of whether we “believe or” do not believe in astrology.
The same is true, for example, with regard to reincarnation – which is a reality of human existence, regardless of our views.
Excessively materialistic concerns cause some to not believe at all or cause others to hardly accept this belief.
This should not be a reason for astrology to neglect the study of aspects that help us get to know ourselves and others better.
Especially in the East is known the so-called “karma-ica astrology”.
“Karma is the name given by Hindus to the consequences of our thoughts and deeds, from past and present lives, which make up what Westerners call ‘destiny’.
Looking at life from the perspective of karma, everything we have done in the past is found as a consequence, at the right time, in the form of circumstances or events.
In the light of knowing these aspects, our sufferings and failures take on other meanings and valences.
If we accept them as life lessons, they not only become easier to bear, but they turn out to be essential steps for our spiritual transformation.
Karma-astrology helps us understand that the positions of the stars (planets) in an astrogram in zodiac signs and houses and the aspects between them also indicate:
- secrets of our past lives,
- as well as the solutions to the problems we face
- it helps us understand what our fundamental purpose or purpose is in this life.
Astrology in general and karma in particular help us by indicating the following:
1. What exactly a human being has proposed to assimilate (to learn) in this life – a lesson that is specific to the zodiac sign (in which the individual was born) corresponding to a certain element (earth, water, fire, air);
2. The way in which the native learns this lesson – customized even more (that is, it is specified and clarified even better) by the very sign in which he was born;
3. Information about what to do and how the being must act in order to find out and then fulfill its purpose (purpose) in life.
Thus, the astral influences from the moment of birth of a human being, expressed through:
- Sign
- the element corresponding to the zodiac sign
- Ascending
- positions in signs and houses of lunar nodes, planets and other astrological points
- and the aspects which they form between them,
it nuances and colors the individuality of each human being.
The map of the sky at the moment of our birth represents a psychological portrait specific to everyone, which acts through resonance with the planetary astral influences.
However, we must be firmly convinced that the stars always tilt, but do not determine.
Therefore, we must know that the wise man dominates (rules) with great ease the astral influences.
Nowadays serious publications or others, awkward, insert in their pages and so-called astrological recommendations, indicating what to do and what not to do, about money, influence or love, health.
If that were astrology, you probably wouldn’t have read here about such a subject now.
Authentic esoteric sciences are exceptional, but they have vulgarity and stupidity among their enemies.
In general, you can wisely bypass the gregarious suggestions that reach us in the media.
If you want to find something authentic, with practical and spiritual applicabilities – it is necessary to address a competent person or seriously study the field.
Even if you genuinely approach this knowledge, do not forget that…
“the stars tilt, but do not oblige”
because the structure of energies influenced by the movements of the stars is, in fact, only the energetic scene on which the soul evolves.
It is subject to its own laws and can often thwart the energetic inclinations of the astrals, especially if it is an awake soul.
The great trap of those who authentically study astrology is to interpret everything from an astrological perspective.
Most of them forget that their very knowledge of this science is, however, limited, and they can thus ignore real and important aspects that are “under their noses”.
I mean “not to see the forest anymore because of the trees”.
The prejudices that are formed in the minds of most who study astrology can be a greater obstacle than ignoring this science.
Astrology, in its authentic form, is a deep and correct esoteric science.
The spiritual chance we can get from the study of astrology is given when we apply the information to obtain a practical spiritual benefit.
Usually this is done by:
- self-knowledge of our problems and qualities through astrology,
- the spiritual work to overcome obstacles and
- spiritual work to capitalize on beneficial astral moments.
Our recommendation: it is necessary to arm yourself with prudence, wisdom and practical spirit in your judgments based on authentic astrological information…
The best recommendation is :follow your heart… for the mind can easily fool you, if it is only it alone.
When the mind is an instrument of the heart, however, it is very good.
Leo Radutz, founder of the Abheda system, initiator of the Good OM Revolution