Astrology – spiritual path or mental trap…?
Nowadays serious publications or others, awkward, insert in their pages and so-called astrological “recommendations”.
They indicate what to do and what not to do, about money, influence or love, health.
If that were astrology, you probably wouldn’t have read here about such a subject now.
In general, we can wisely bypass the gregarious suggestions that reach us in the media.
If we want to find something authentic, verifiable, with practical and spiritual applicabilities – it is necessary to address a competent person.
Or to seriously study the field of astrology.
Besides this, even if we are authentically approaching this knowledge, it is good to keep in mind that “the stars tilt, but do not oblige”.
This is so because
the structure of energies influenced by the movements of the stars is, in fact, only the energetic scene on which the soul evolves.
It is subject to its own laws and can often thwart the energy inclinations of the astrals,
especially if it is an awake soul.
In our opinion, the trap of those who authentically study astrology is to interpret everything only from the astrological perspective…
Forgetting that their very knowledge of this science is, however, limited.
The prejudices that are formed in the minds of most who study astrology can be a greater obstacle than ignoring this science.
In its authentic form, astrology is a deep and correct esoteric science.
The personal value that we can obtain from the study of astrology is given by the practical application of information in order to obtain a practical spiritual benefit.
Usually this is done by:
- knowledge of our problems and qualities through astrology
- spiritual work to overcome obstacles
- spiritual work to capitalize on beneficial astral moments.
Our recommendation:
it is necessary to arm ourselves with caution, wisdom and practical spirit in our judgments based on authentic astrological information.
… but the best recommendation is:
to follow our hearts. for the mind can easily fool us, if it is only it alone.
When it is an instrument of the heart, however, it is wonderfully valuable.
Leo Radutz
The science of the stars dates back to the earliest Antiquity and it can be an esoteric science, a spiritual path or a precious adjuvant on the spiritual path.
Who does not believe that the so-called stars influence living beings and even the entire planet, to inform the police about the exceptional increase in the number of crimes, violence and accidents during the full moon period.
For example, people with mental disorders in psychiatric hospitals are very agitated and violent on full moon days.
In the classical period astrology already included five branches:
- spherical astrology
- natural astrology
- judicial or genetliaccal astrology
- medical astrology
- hourly astrology.
two today belong to the Orthodox sciences.
Spherical astrology is nothing more than the ancestor of astronomy. It examines the motion of wandering planets, stars, and asters.
Natural astrology aims to elucidate the physical influence of asters on earthquakes, tides, climate, volcanic eruptions and time.
It is related to geophysics, meteorology and volcanology. Astronomers, meteorologists and volcanologists do not practice the other three sciences, because they are considered unverifiable.
Quite forgotten nowadays, hourly astrology is, indeed, a divinatory art.
The operator observes the sky map even when the consultant asks him questions, and his answer lies in an interpretation of the signs that she indicates.
Medical astrology takes more into account the appearance of the individual’s native sky.
It is founded on the same principles as judicial astrology, but it is more specialized: it allows the discovery of diseases and organic deficiencies.
Of all the astrologies, the one that has been the most practiced is undoubtedly judicial or genetliac astrology.
It is she who has become, in Europe, the only one recognised and used.
It shares with hourly and medical astrology a certain number of data, including zodiac signs.
But you don’t get to be born under a certain sign in order to definitely submit to a defined character model.
Astrological houses, planets, their aspects, their transits also have importance and intervene in determining the influences that act on human destiny.
Therefore, when making a horoscope, the astrologer asks the consultant to specify, precisely, the place and date of birth (with an approximation of a quarter of an hour).
The establishment of a theme requires, among other things, very rigorous calculations and a perfect knowledge of ephemeris—astronomical tables.
They give for each day of the year the position of the stars.
The sixteenth century is the golden age of astrology, at least in Europe.
Cardan, Crollius, G. Della Porta and many other scientists, if not all, from Nostradamus to John Dee, speculate on the stars.
They consider that the human being is in relation to the Universe through numerous correspondences and that there is, necessarily, an analogy between the microcosm (the human being) and the macrocosm (the ensemble of the stars).
Therefore, it is postulated that stars and planets have an influence on destiny.
According to Paracelsus, there is a close and almost deterministic connection between the seven organs of the body and the seven planets (those known then).
Doctor of Theology and esotericist Cornelius Agrippa (1486-1535) explains in his book On Occult Philosophy, the Influence of the Signs of the Zodiac.
Leo Radutz, founder of the Abheda system, initiator of the Good OM Revolution