The 9 Durga or Mahadurga – Navadurga

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Traditional forms of worship of the goddess Durga,

also known as Mahadurga in Hinduism, they are numerous and varied,

reflecting a rich tapestry of beliefs and practices.

they are different facets of the one Supreme Being – God,

in her feminine aspect.

Mahadurga is often worshipped in nine main forms,

known as “Navadurga”.

These forms are:


literally “Daughter of the Mountain”,

Often associated with devotion and pure nature.

the one that represents austerity, penance and spiritual discipline.

The one that symbolizes courage and strength, being represented with ten hands and three eyes.

associated with the creation of the universe and seen as the source of all energies.

mother of Skanda or Kartikeya and symbolizes the balance between the material and spiritual worlds.

A warrior form of the goddess, often invoked to defeat demons and negativity.

The most ferocious form of the goddess symbolizes the destruction of ignorance and darkness.

It represents purity and grace, often associated with soothing and maternal aspects.

is the form that grants spiritual and supernatural achievements,

Often revered for obtaining divine powers or siddhis.

These nine forms are especially worshipped during the festival of Navaratri, an important festival that lasts nine nights and is dedicated to the worship of the goddess Durga in all its forms. Each day of Navaratri is dedicated to a specific form of goddess Durga, each with specific meanings and rituals.

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