<>Ignorance doesn’t hurt… by itself, but its consequences, yes, are painful.
It seems that due to the fact that such an apparatus would have completely changed the world morally and spiritually, it was forbidden to us.
Whatever dogma could have been verified, no one could lie anymore, and lying is a coordinated aberration for today’s world – but not for tomorrow’s.
We are convinced that it is much easier to rediscover, having today’s technologies at hand.
It is a device on which about 12 researchers have worked, some very famous: the great physicist Enrico Fermi, Pelegrino Ernettti, Werner von Braun, a Japanese Nobel laureate, a Portuguese (de Matos) and others, connected or coordinated by Pellegrino Ernetti.
<>After testing and using it in making films (including sound) from humanity’s past, it seems that the device was confiscated by the Vatican and its use or reproduction was forbidden.
On January 12 and 14, 1956, images were captured and recorded from the journey of the passion on Calvary made by Jesus Christ. Many details are different from the description in evangelia, but the background is the same.
“I saw everything: the agony on the Mount of Olives, the betrayal of Judas, the trial, the Passion.
Jesus was already disfigured when he was brought before Pilate.
I followed the ascent of Calvary, the Road of the Cross, but the medieval period somewhat distorted events, adding new episodes.
Christ never fell, nor did He carry the entire cross. It would have been far too hard. He carried only the horizontal bar on his shoulders, the so-called patibulum. His feet were bound to those of the other two condemned men who were crucified with Him.
He was completely disfigured. As a result of caning, his flesh had been torn, in some parts even the bone could be seen. But since, according to Roman law, the condemned man had to arrive alive at the place of execution, the soldiers asked a man in the crowd, called Simon of Cyrene, to help him.
<>I watched the scene in the Gospel as well. But there, the moment was sometimes interpreted differently.
There are texts that, when we read them, make us envy Simon for his role and wish, deep down, that we could have helped Christ carry the cross. But Simon did everything necessary, he executed only a command of the soldiers.
His whole creature exuded such greatness that everyone present—Jews, Greeks, Romans—withdrew from Him, collapsing to the ground. Only Mary, the Apostle John, and the other two Marys remained standing beside Him. ”
Every time Jesus spoke, everyone fell silent. His face, though expressing pain, remained noble, hieratic. Being crucified on the cross, Jesus said, “Now that I am glorified, I will draw everyone to me.” Sometimes the text of the Gospels emphasizes a meaning other than the actual meaning given to Jesus’ words. For example, when He says, “I thirst,” He is referring to a spiritual thirst, not a physical sensation.
The fascinating prospect of visualizing events from the individual or collective past has preoccupied the minds of many scientists, but also of metaphysicians and writers of science fiction. Apparently paradoxically, although clergy do not generally support such initiatives, the realization of such a device belongs precisely to a man of the Catholic Church.
Undoubtedly, the most famous and well-known time exploration machine is that of the Italian Benedictine father Pellegrino Ernetti. Its chronovisor is a machine to “see” into the past, through which images and sound of events that have occurred are accessed.
Through modern techniques, just as an AV or IT system accesses a television channel and records a broadcast (on tape, disc or other media), the tuned timer, synchronized with the past moment chosen by the experimenter, preserves the results through the same video and audio procedures. It seems to provide us with the ideal way to know our past and unravel the mysteries of history.
“The principle behind this machine is very simple and someone could reproduce it with evil intentions. But I’m telling you, we’ve shown that visible and audible wavelengths from the past aren’t destroyed, they’re not disappearing. And not just because they’re energy. The greatness of this invention was that we were able to recover that lost energy and recompose scenes from centuries ago.”
Padre Pellegrino Ernetti (in Busca de la Edad de Oro – In Search of the Golden Age – Javier Sierra, 2001).
Historically, science fiction writers such as H.G. Welles have been drawn to the possibilities of the existence or creation of a time machine. One of the most accurate, scientifically coherent descriptions of a mechanism of this type was given in 1980 by astrophysicist Gregory Benford in his novel Timescape, in which the author described a message transmission system formerly based on tachyons, particles having hyperluminal speed (greater than the speed of light). It is interesting that in the 50s, a period when Ernetti was beginning his experiments, several papers were published on the subject of photographing past events; then terms such as “chronoscope” or “chronotunnel” (“A Statue for Father” Isaac Asimov) appeared. Another example can be found in “Other Days, Other Eyes”, where Bob Shaw describes a chronovisor that used special crystals capable of slowing down the speed of light in order to observe the past.
Ernetti made known the case of his chronovisor in 1972, in an interview published in La Domenica del Corriere magazine (May 2, 1972 issue), where he stated that he participated in the construction and commissioning of a machine capable of recording images and sounds of the past.
In July 1965 L ́Heure d’Étre, a French religious magazine, referred to the chronovisor, then in January 1966 the Italian publication Civiltà delle Macchine printed the article L ́oscillografo elettronico. The two articles went unnoticed, but the 1972 interview elicited a great reaction of curiosity, enthusiasm and effervescence, especially regarding open perspectives.
Father Ernetti said his machine worked perfectly and with its help he was able to reconstruct portions of musical pieces lost for centuries, such as Thyestes by Quinto Ennio, represented in Rome in 169 î.Hr. From his other statements it appears that he witnessed important moments in the past millennia: the destruction of Sodom and Gomorrah, the crucifixion of Jesus (being able to hear his last words), the viewing of tablets with the commandments received by Moses.
The early stages of the project took place in 1952. During a recording session of Gregorian music in the laboratory of Father Agostino Gemelli, something unforeseen happened: on September 15, playing back the tape, Gemelli and Ernetti were astonished to discover that a non-existent voice had also been heard during the recording. The voice was emotionfully recognized by Gemelli as belonging to his late father, which deeply impressed the two priests.
The moment when the voice of Father Germelli’s father was heard was not unique and perhaps not accidental, because he was in a period when countless such experiments were carried out. Perhaps the two priests were not strangers to their results, but being ecclesiastical faces they avoided explanations regarding the research of a phenomenon contrary to dogma and condemned by the church.
Phenomenon electronic voice (FVE – Phénomène de voix électronique PVE in French, Electronic voice phenomenom EVP in English) is known worldwide and indicates the existence on an audio recording of a verbal message, in most cases a single word or a very short sentence, of unknown origin, inserted into the main content.
The explanations are very varied, from physical phenomena (interferences, residual recordings, strong electromagnetic fields), psychological phenomena (effects similar to phosphenes in the visual field, or perceptions cantoned in the field of quasi-pathological illusions generated by an excessive imagination), to occult or paranormal (voices of spirits transferred beyond, psychokinesis, telepathy), but none of them able to clarify the phenomenon or to be at all plausible.
Unfortunately, there is a strong current of false “scientific theories” elaborated with the obvious purpose of misinformation, which are more aberrant, such as: “contact with the underworld is achieved through the frequencies of television, radio or computer commonly known as noise”.
There is no contact, the message, the information is not transmitted through “frequencies”, television and radio do not have their own “frequencies” of transmission, but receive a signal modulated on a carrier frequency that in no case is neither noise nor white noise.
<>White noise is a random process with spectral density of constant power in an infinite frequency band. Therefore, white noise is not a signal, information or frequency, but a uniform noise equal throughout the frequency band, and (radio operators know and use it) it is the repository of all information. If more information overlaps so that extracting a signal from the noise becomes impossible, it turns into noise. If an infinite amount of information overlaps, it tends to become white noise. The remarkable doctor Jacques Benveniste achieved exceptional results of transmitting information using APA as a transfer medium and a white noise generator for extraction.
Father Ernetti’s specialty was prepolyphonic music, i.e. music from 2000 B.C. to 1200 A.D. Father Ernetti had remarkable knowledge of Egyptian, Sumerian, and Vedic music. Father Ernetti’s collaborator, Father Agostino Gemelli, was a doctor of medicine and a specialist in quantum physics. He was also the founder of the Catholic University of Milan (of which he was rector for 40 years). These two remarkable scientists worked together on the chronovisor with other leading figures of world science, such as Enrico fermi and Wernher von Braun.
Once their research was completed, together with Father Ernetti, Agostino Gemelli obtained an audience with Pope Pius XII in order to tell His Holiness about the effectiveness of the chronovisor. The Pope’s reaction was surprisingly benevolent: he saw in this device the symbol of “the beginning of a new scientific study to confirm faith in the Other World.”
Ernetti and Gemelli’s conclusion was that all elementary particles live and are vital, consisting of sound waves (“In the beginning was the Word”; Genesis). Their camera did not capture images and sounds like a movie, but as a hologram, in three dimensions. The images were black and white, but dynamic and sound. The apparatus could be adjusted to the place and epoch to be observed. The two researchers could also choose a specific character from the past that they wanted to follow. The timer was adjusted to it, and the machine automatically tracked it.
<>Father Ernetti was convinced that each being has its own type of wave, like fingerprints that give it uniqueness. Also, the voice of every human being is unique. Taking these elements into account, the defender was adjusted to the “frequency” of the person concerned, and then this was automatically tracked in his evolution.
First, clerical researchers wanted to verify the authenticity of the sound-image captures of the chronovisor. So they chose a recent video scene about which they had enough data. They adjusted the timer on Mussolini during one of his speeches. Then they went back in time to Napoleon, who announced the proclamation of the Italian Republic. They later arrived in Roman antiquity, witnessing a speech by Cicero.
But the most impressive foray into the past, with the help of the chronovisor, consisted in capturing the moment of Jesus’ passion and crucifixion on the cross. Ernetti and Gemelli started from the Last Supper. Then, before their astonished eyes, the scenes of agony on the Magura of Olives, the betrayal of Judas, the trial, the ordeal unfolded. This was followed by the ascent of Calvary and the Road of the Cross – with some different elements than those recorded in the writings of the medieval period. Thus, the images captured by chronovisor showed that Jesus never fell, nor did he carry the entire cross (which would have been far too heavy!), but only the horizontal bar fixed on his shoulders (the so-called patibulum).
After creating this device for viewing scenes from other times, Father Ernetti, in agreement with Father Gemelli, decided to dismantle the device and store it in a safe place. They believed that the chronovisor could pose a danger in the hands of villains. The device can effectively capture anyone’s past, entirely and without exception. Nothing could be kept secret anymore. These aspects can confuse the world with their implications, and if used for vile purposes, the chronovisor can be the gateway to a terrible dictatorship that could be established on earth!
An even more amazing aspect is that the waves captured in certain ones can also belong to an event that has not yet occurred, therefore, to a future moment! But it is well known that the future consists of a sum of events endowed with certain probabilities of occurrence, which create certain “world lines”. Depending on the circumstances of a particular present moment, the most probable version of a future, of a “world line”, is selected, but this can give way to another, if one acts in the present in a specific way. Therefore, the future is constantly changing, not fixed.
In any case, with the help of a chronovisor-type device history can be rewritten. Events that will have been presented subjectively can be analyzed with the help of the chronovisor. Until it is made available to scientists for research, the device that “sees” the past sits somewhere in the locked cellars of the Vatican, being an extremely closely guarded secret.