Transcending Limitations Meditation
in the relay
It is a collective effort of exceptional value in which there is at every moment at least one person who has taken responsibility for meditating .
It is best done on the occasion of Shiva Ratri (new moon period – moonless night) or near it.
When there are many, the power increases!
This meditation is a special chance and maybe UNIQUE for each participant because…
The subtle effects of Relay Meditation are much stronger than your own spiritual effort and spiritual evolution is substantially accelerated.
In addition, it is an excellent method to achieve important spiritual achievements.
This is even though the rest of the time we may be busy and unable to accomplish meaningful and regular spiritual efforts.
The principle is:
- the ability to unite spiritual efforts, and
- the maximum freedom of action of each one (who, although connected with others in his effort, is, nevertheless, permanently free in his decisions and actions, provided that he does not disturb others)
We begin the spiritual event on Saturday at 07:00 and end it on Sunday morning at 07:00.
♥ During this time, we can participate as much as we want (minimum 1h), aiming to go through the entire baton, if possible.
♥ During the period when we participate in the relay, we keep Mauna and avoid using the mobile phone as much as possible.
♥ Everyone chooses a suitable time slot from this period that they assume (or several).
♥ The smallest unit of time in which you can meditate is 30 minutes, but it is perfectly possible and advisable to perform meditation even during the entire 24-hour period.
♥ For people who want to take a break between meditation periods (before or after) there is the possibility to use the existing specially designed space. Here we can perform the techniques specially learned in the course (asanas, pranayama) or we can work with the yantra, all to keep us in the lucid state necessary for meditation.
♥ Participation is free but conditional on good behavior and minimal meditation experience.
So anyone who has aspirations and ventures to such an intensive and extensive spiritual action can participate.
♥ It is good to bring with us the offering of flowers and fruits to symbolically offer to the infinite within us.
♥ It is very good (but not mandatory) for participants to be from the announced time;
This gives them the opportunity to participate in the commencement ceremony of the relay meditation and receive the instructions.
Group spiritual evolution can be VERY FAST!
Anyone can find that it is USUALLY much easier to get results when we come to the gym and do yoga together.
The influence of the spiritual group (especially when it acts in unison) and the spiritual teacher or master can be so important,
so that the results are:
♥ much larger
♥ more significant
♥ more intense than if we acted alone.
How important is this phenomenon?
The effect can be huge, the efficiency of our efforts can be 10-100 or, even, much more, depending on the training of the participants and their spiritual aspiration.
Sometimes the effect of group action differentiates between “almost nothing” (almost zero efficiency) and ultimate spiritual attainment (“infinite” efficiency).
Each being goes (in reality) alone on the spiritual path;
No one else can go through it for her.
Yes, that’s true, but as “alone” as we are on our own path, “colleagues” and “teachers” (also “alone” on their path) can have a great influence, whether we want it or not.
The company of people with spiritual pursuits is a wonderful way to increase our spiritual aspiration and evolve spiritually rapidly.
In this respect is significant a quote from Matthew’s gospel,
(Matthew 18)
19. Again I say to you that if two of you agree on earth about anything they ask, it will be given to them by My Father who is in heaven.
20. That where two or three are gathered together in My name, there I am also in the midst of them. ”
Connecting to the spiritual effort or aspiration of a group also requires discernment to preserve our own search and transformative energies,
But a somewhat awake spirit acceptably achieves this.
In addition, a group with spiritual concerns itself orients the participants towards the wisdom of enjoying maximum freedom.
Or, perhaps, even, the state of spiritual liberation.
Here are some of the questions that have been asked over time and the answers provided.
1. Is there a particular reason why you call us to relay meditation?
Master’s answer: Yes.
To succeed in ascending spiritually, even if you are integrated into many activities, relay meditation is a great chance.
It allows a group of people to use their united strength and evolve spiritually in one night—perhaps—as in 50 years as usual.
Of course, this is a general assessment.
Because, otherwise, each case is individual and… You know how they say – “Don’t bring the year that brings the clock.”
That is , one could succeed and enter the samadhi after the first few minutes of meditation.
Someone else, dissatisfied with how much yoga he managed to practice in the past month, can come to the relay meditation:
– with the aspiration to complete his sadhana
-and make a significant leap through an intense effort made on weekends.
And he can even succeed with some ease (compared to the enormous spiritual merit gained).
2. “However, I don’t think I can do meditation for that long.
I know I don’t have to meditate for the entire 12-hour period, but even a few hours seem like a lot to me.
I know I can’t go long without sleep or feel the meditation posture is not too easy.
Why do you say I could…?”
Master’s answer:
Here is a misunderstanding about how such a spiritual effort is made.
There is no question that you will usually all be able to meditate clearly and perfectly for 12 hours. No way. Relay meditation is a very good tool – especially for those who fail to meditate for a long time.
This is because, apart from supporting the group, progress is possible by acting in any way with all the tools that your yoga training offers you.
You can start with natural meditation or Knowledge of the Spiritual Heart and continue with other modalities resorting, in particular, to the meditative procedures specific to the Path of Grace, which here are fundamental.
You can alternate meditation postures using both yoga postures and posture on the chair.
3. “I’m sure I’ll be sleepy. How could I meditate like that?”
Master’s answer:
You can then use the meditative processes of the Way of Grace, because there the efficiency does not appear because of your ability, but because of the “gift” or divine Grace.
It is quite possible that you will be sleepy, but if you continue with meditation (in any position, no matter how simplistic you practice) the efficiency is very high.
You can’t know what it’s like until you participate and seek to practice all the time. Efficiency exists, provided that we do not fall asleep or stop.
THE MOST IMPORTANT RULE IN THE RELAY TRANSCENDENCE MEDITATION: DON’T GIVE UP. KEEP GOING, KEEP GOING, KEEP GOING… (with pauses if necessary) whatever it is and no matter how deep or superficial the meditation may seem to you. Because when you feel that way, it just seems superficial. And that will be seen at the end and during the next week (at least).
You can also perform asanas, provided that during the asana you focus on the meditative procedure and not on the way of concentration corresponding to the execution of the asanas.
Ψ A good rule of thumb is NOT to lie on the ground or in an armchair, sofa or bed!
4. “If I do meditation, might I have a euphoric or ecstatic state during it or at the end?”
Master’s answer: Yes.
Some people sometimes have.
But not necessarily. Either way, that’s not the point. What is gained is not always so palpable, so obvious. Spiritual merit and great approach to spiritual attainment do not necessarily translate into ecstasy. The mystical ecstasy of yogis is a form of spiritual realization, but not the only one.
The effects of the Relay Transcendence meditation will reverberate in our lives for at least a week or more, depending on our spiritual level.
5. “How could I prepare myself to better handle the relay meditation?”
Master’s answer:
You can come to the relay meditation without preparation, but if you can, it is wonderful to make during the week or month, a tapas containing yoga techniques that give you increased vitality, willpower, concentration and an inner vibrational frequency as high as possible.
6. “I would like some advice for a beginner participant”
Master’s answer:
Keep your temper and, above all, be persistent. If you still fell asleep, at the first opportunity resume and continue.
In principle, it is wise to use green tea and other legal herbs with revitalizing and elevating effects before and during meditation.
If possible, it’s best not to eat at all, but if it’s very important to you, then you can feed yourself during the relay meditation period.
But we need to consume the minimum necessary food.
You can drink any amount of water (this is even indicated).
Acharya Leo Radutz,
founder of the Abheda system,
the initiator of the Good OM Revolution