There is an easy way to become healthier (sometimes, even, much healthier) without subjecting ourselves to somewhat more difficult actions such as Anaharin – black fasting or longer-lasting fasting – from 32 hours to 49 days or how much we want to achieve.
Anaharin 23 hours can be carried out continuously and perhaps, even, all life.
This discovery of the value of ancient principles is precious at this time, when poor quality food, chemicals, growth hormones in plant and animal foods make us sick and increase the possibility of having a food excess but especially a harmful food excess.
For fear of climate change, many are determined to generate a drastic decline in the population and direct a famine that could cause people to consume even insects. But there is no need for that.
It is enough to carry out the vegetarian diet
and Anaharin in its forms, and
we will quickly see an improvement in the health, level of consciousness and beauty of people.
Reduced food window
Yoshinori Ohsumi, a Japanese researcher specializing in cell biology, discovered the diet that leads to slowing down the aging process and losing weight.
It also prevents skin cancer, decreases the risk of breast cancer and blood pressure.
His discovery was so innovative that Ohsumi was awarded the Nobel Prize in Physiology and Medicine in 2016.
When we increase the period when we feel hungry, the cells recycle everything that is old and useless and rejuvenate.
Up to Ohsumi it was believed that eating little and often would slow down the accumulation of fat in the body while eating rarely and more nutritious would have led to the accumulation of fat.
Ohsumi contradicts this theory.
The period of time between the first meal and the last meal of the day is called a food window.
He found that if we eat with a reduced food window, we have a healing, detoxifying and regulating effect of weight that we feel very naturally.
According to research conducted in 2017,
those who eat between 8.00 and 20.00 are more prone to health problems
than those who eat between 8.00 and 14.00.
When the food window is narrower, the risk of developing diabetes, anemia or obesity is lower.
They tested the changes produced in the body of people who reduced their food window to 12, 8, 6 or 4 hours. All subjects consumed an equal number of calories.
The difference was that those who had the smaller food windows, managed to get rid of the extra kilos much faster.
This fact is due to the remarkable fact that the body burns more fat at night and the feeling of hunger decreases.
According to the theory of the Japanese researcher, the reduced food window has the following benefits:
p-protection against UV light, skin cancer and slowing down the aging process
– the
risk of breast cancer, blood pressure and the risk of heart disease falls
– c
restores the quality of sleep.
Small food window, in which it is eaten during a window of 4-8 hours,
may lower blood glucose levels and
can reduce weight in people with type 2 diabetes (!).
In addition, abstaining from food for 15 hours a day for a month
can have beneficial effects even in people suffering from obesity,
among which is the stimulation of the cells of the body to resist diseases.
Fasting of this type can also activate autophagy, that is, a process that damaged cells are self-consumed by the body for detoxification and regeneration.
This function can be considered a valuable strategy in preventing and treating many age-related chronic conditions.
The simplest option:
– we have breakfast 30-60 minutes after waking up
– we start work 2-3 hours after waking up
– we eat more consistently at breakfast than at lunch
– we reduce the food window to 6-8 hours, without changing the number of calories.
The most effective option!
We propose the most effective way to live healthy … Eating!
In short it is anaharin 23 hours or absolute fasting or intermittent fasting of 23 hours
Simple: we eat once a day and that’s it!
The Persians, at the time of the flourishing of their civilization, said that “those who eat more than one meal a day are barbarians ” (that is, backward, ignorant).
This natural way of feeding can continue throughout life, with some exceptions when we want to support, for limited periods, another regimen or Anaharin on a continuous basis.
Advantages and indications:
– can be done continuously and can, even, all life
– better ability to relate to that which is transcendent, supreme or sacred
– clarity and mental aggrandizement
– easy-to-support meditations
– the practice of asanas is more efficient
– better mental, emotional and physical efficiency in work and better ability to manifest our
– detoxification
– strengthening the immune system
– less sensitive health to external factors
– prevention of some diseases such as skin and breast cancer
– regeneration, sometimes rejuvenation or, at least, prevention of aging
– curing obesity
– decreases the risk of developing diabetes, anemia or obesity
– Lowers blood pressure and the risk of heart disease
– increases the quality of sleep.
Execution mode
Only one meal a day is consumed, basically during the time period 13:00-15:00, after which nothing else is consumed besides water or infusions of tea of unsweetened tea or powders of medicinal herbs, if we need it.
Basically, it is possible to feel more or less hunger near the table.
The hunger before the meal is a help. The stronger it is, the more pleasant and easily digested the table will be.
If we wish, it can be alleviated by the consumption of water or herbal infusions and that is relatively easy to observe if we are active.
After this meal follows an easy to sustain period and only in the evening, after 19-22 it is possible that we may still feel a need to feed ourselves more significant that can be sustained with the will and also by sustained activity.
After a while of practice, a spontaneous regulation occurs and the hunger manifests itself only to prepare the efficient consumption of the only meal of the day.
It is better to consume at the only meal of the day and foods with fiber or with higher volume at the same amount of calories. In this way it will be easier for us to support the diet.
If we practice the yoga of feeding during this unique meal of the day the food will bring us a lot of joy without the need for large amounts of calories. We can sometimes find that , although we eat “on the satiated”, we do not gain weight and we have a spontaneous process of body harmonization.
It is good to have a meal with a varied content and with as many spices and spices as possible but not excessively spicy, but in a way that allows us to feel the taste of food.
Possible common errors
We must not consume any kind of food outside this unique meal, even in small quantities, since it is necessary for the body to enter a special operating regime and the consumption of whatever is food prevents this from happening.
Other errors could be that we are not active or refrain from drinking water or herbal infusions.
Possible risks or contraindications
The risks are rare and related to particular cases.
There are ailments in which the diet is necessary to be strict, regular and with a certain minimal structure. For example, people who have type 1 diabetes or those with hypoglycemia should eat regularly throughout each day to maintain a constant level of sugar in the blood
These people it is necessary to exercise caution or seek medical advice to follow this regimen.
Some of the people who follow this way of feeding may find that they feel at first hunger, fatigue, impaired concentration, agitation, weakness and irritability. These are, only for some people, trivial temporary consequences of the Anaharin diet or 23-hour black fasting.
Usually, where they appear, these symptoms fade by the day.
For some people, abstaining from food can increase the risk of overeating at the allowed meal. Thus, there may even be surprises for people who want to lose weight, because they may notice that the level of body fat is higher, if this overeating is significant.
Still the diet with one meal a day has a much lower risk in this direction than other diets.
There is a possibility that we find that we take this one abundant meal and yet we lose weight or maintain our weight.
Nutritional deficiencies can occur when unusual and low diets are kept for the long term. It is necessary that this single meal has a varied content, even if it is vegetarian.
Sometimes – depending on the particular situation of each one – the body may begin to lose muscle mass but if we maintain this diet as something normal, while we are active, working and living life naturally, many of the apparent possible problems of such a diet seem to have never existed.
It depends on the particular appearance of each of them and how they activate throughout the day.
For example, some of the mice that ate only once a day had increases in body weight, insulin and blood fat levels.
Also, in the case of some mice there was an oxidative degradation of the fatty tissue – which was desirable – but also of the liver. In addition, even the metabolism and sleep-wake cycle has been changed by the dietary restriction imposed by the one-meal-a-day diet – and these are expected effects.
In the case of man, if the specified conditions of activity and possibly the systematic yogic practice are observed, the mind becomes clearer and the sleep shorter and more restful.
But if we find that we have malaise and that the energy level, the mental arousal and maybe also the consciousness decrease every day, it is good to ask for the advice of a competent person to gthe mostand a solution of to continue the regime, or of temporarily modify it.
We wish you success in this way of living life!
Aksungar, F. B.,et al.(2017). Comparison of intermittent fasting versus caloric restriction in obese subjects:
Arnason, T. G.,et al.(2017). Effects of intermittent fasting on health markers in those with type 2 diabetes
Baron, K. G.,et al.(2011). Role of sleep timing in caloric intake and BMI.
Bi, H.,et al.(2015). Breakfast skipping and the risk of type 2 diabetes: A meta-analysis of observational studies
Carlson, O.,et al(2007). Impact of reduced meal frequency without caloric restriction on glucose regulation in healthy, normal weight middle-aged men and women.
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founder of the Abheda system,
the initiator of the Good OM Revolution