Birthdays are overpriced

Transformă-ți viața prin Yoga Tradițională! Începem un nou curs la Abheda Yoga cu Leo Radutz. Rezervă-ți locul la ședința GRATUITĂ din 9 martie acum și fă primul pas către o variantă mai bună a ta!

What does the birthday mean? What would be good to do on this occasion?

In my opinion, the birthday is overpriced. People unduly expect this day to be a special one. A day when the Universe would show its love and gratitude to them, through their fellow human beings.
If this is not the case, many people become anxious or depressed, considering that life does not make enough sense if something special does not happen on their birthday either.

This sometimes occurs in an excessive, even wild, way in people who have adopted the luciferian perspective as a philosophy of life

for a “luciferian” the most important day is the day when his “god”, that is, himself, was born.

In luciferianism the basic philosophy is

“I do what I want, regardless of the consequences, if I can. And I fight all my life so I can do what I want.”

And this in a vain search for true pushing or happiness on the outside, fulfillment that will never come in this way.
All that will be achieved will be a continuous thirst for new and new experiences. This thirst is amplified as it satisfies.

What can be corrected?

If it is our day and we can live it in a special way, then we could and are duty bound to live especially all the days of life.

Without claiming anything from others, we can enter our hearts, manifesting more, if we can, humility and connection with the authentic within us.

We can achieve a spiritual retreat, advancing with the maximum of our powers towards the Self

  • We can do a retrospective of our life up to that time, a reflection of the type “What I have done with my life and what I will do, from now on with it”.
  • We can love more by taking the time to do so.
  • And yes, if our friends care a lot about it, we can give them the opportunity to love us by being closer to them.

It’s good to avoid the formal congratulations hard

Let’s seek to make our loved ones feel that we do not appreciate something of form, but their love or real consideration. Consideration that we hope is real and that it exists anytime, not just on our birthday.

Public celebration?

If we have a dharma (mission/ mission) in society and it is beneficial and necessary for us to make our birthday a public event, we can do it. We have as motivation that it is necessary not for us, but for our responsibilities in this life.

However, if possible, it is preferable to make a retreat, celebrating this moment in silence and solitude.

Our birthday should stand out especially by

what we do for good, not by what those outside of us do to us , much less to claim it in any way, in our heart or directly to them.

We are not entitled to anything,

in fact, we owe it to the Universe everything. Especially we owe our dedication to getting out of ignorance, out of limitation and illusion.

In our existence there are many cyclicalities and evolution manifests from many points of view, a spiral manifestation, some configurations repeating but with some different parameters.

So that on the precisely calculated astrological occasion of our time of birth a hiatus is manifested,

(which after many years is no longer identical to the objective time at which we were born, since calendar years are not identical to astronomical and astrological years)

We can know transcendence more easily by meditating during the hiatus period, before and after that
and preparing for the new annual astrological cycle with a wisdom that is also based on understanding and correcting our past mistakes.

Because some configurations and tests will be repeated, but having something different

So meditation, recollection and reflection are necessary, beneficial and are a wise choice.



Leo Radutz


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