For the famous “Talks” of Sri Bhagavan Ramana Maharisi,we must be grateful first of all to Swami Ramanananda Saraswati, for noting these discussions, in fact questions asked by those who came to visit the master and his answers, full of wisdom. Although the Great Sage of Arunachala was a follower of the spread of his teaching, especially through silence, in his presence, he instructed his disciples and through discourses, through clear answers, bringing more understanding into the minds of those who listened to him.
by Ramana Maharshi (Book Summary + Infographic) | Sloww" width="464" height="232" data-noaft="1">
Below, we replay excerpts from his Talks, which were recorded between 1935 and 1939 by Sri Munagala S. Venkataramiah (later swami Ramanananda Saraswati).
Discussion 1
A wandering monk (sannyasi) asks, “How can I understand that the whole world is God?”
Maharishi: If you look through the perspective of wisdom, you will see the world as God. Without knowing the Supreme Consciousness (Brahman) how will you recognize its omnipresence?
Discussion 2
Someone asks about the nature of perception.
Maharisi: Whatever state we are in, perceptions are part of this state.
The explanation is that in the waking state (jagrat) the physical body perceives the raw names and forms, in the swapn (dream state) the mental body perceives the mental creations in their various names and forms, and in sushupti (the state of deep sleep without dreams), the identification with the body being lost, there are no perceptions; similarly, in the Transcendental state, identity with Brahman places man in harmony with everything, and nothing exists outside his Self.
Discussion 3
A question was asked about the nature of happiness.
Maharisi: If a man thinks that his happiness is due to his external causes and possessions, it is normal to conclude that his happiness must increase with the growth of his goods and diminish in direct proportion to their decrease. Therefore, if he is deprived of his possessions, his happiness should be zero. What is the real experience of man? Is it consistent with this view?
In deep sleep, man is devoid of possessions, including that of his body. Instead of being unhappy, he’s really very happy. Everyone wants to sleep peacefully. The conclusion is that happiness is inherent in man and is not due to external causes In order to have access to his inner reserve of indescribable happiness, man must realize his Self.
Discussion 4
Maharisi was asked by an educated young man: “How can you say that the Heart is on the right side, when scientists say it is on the left side of the body?”
Maharisi: Just like that! The physical organ is located on the left side, I do not deny this. But the Heart that I’m talking about, is non – physical and is only on the right side. This is my experience, and I don’t need any authority to recognize that. However you can find confirmation of what I have said in the book Malayalam Ayurveda and in the Sita Upanishad; and reproduced the quotation (mantra) and the text (sloka) from the two sources mesed.
source: “Talks with Sri Ramana Maharishi” – Sri Ramanasramam 2006