My dear ones
I know some of you are not going to be able to do that. admire and support NLP methods along with other methods, some of which are authentic.
I have talked to various people and found that NLP is a perspective that can fascinate them and some want to know more about NLP. It’s natural.
Can we gain anything from NLP? Definitely YES. There are also good things, which a man can extract and apply in everyday life, he can better understand himself regarding certain mechanisms and automatic reactions that he has and wants to change… with others, maybe better times much better.
I have to tell you that at some point, I too have searched in NLP … an essence for the road of spiritual transformation that I wanted.
I abandoned NLP because I noticed that it is not what I am looking for: for me it is not a good method of transformation and inner evolution and that the time spent on NLP is d emulte or without significant or lasting results, or poorly used (ie I gain something, but not worth the effort). And I’ll tell you why.
NLP methods are addressed to the mind and only to the mind (be it subconscious). It is true that, in many cases, it is the mind that blocks our connection to something deeper, which is above the mind and which is studied with intensity by yoga: the supramental, the causal and, especially, the Self.
So, yes, it’s true, by unlocking some… mental blockages it is somewhat possible to access aspects that are natural and necessary for us.
NLP deals a little with this and a lot with understanding and applying how people can manipulate each other – what I’m not interested in, is, in reality, deeply harmful, it’s an egotistical, nonspiritual and luciferian aspect.
NLP can be appealing, shiny and fascinating but, for me, it still remains (essentially).
It is not, in fact, a method of self-knowledge (because I am not interested in knowing my mind but in “knowing” myself, the infinite potential, the Self), but when it acts as a method of self-knowledge, it does not study and acts only on the mind – the only aspect that can be the object of neurolingual programming.
In abheda yoga, the problems in the mind are solved by accessing issues above the mind.
Because yoga knows that “that which is superior can control that which is inferior, but that which is inferior cannot control that which is superior“.”
Transcending the mind and using it (including the higher intellect) as an instrument of ours is something that yoga deals with par excellence.
The mind, then, will easily “reform” if we have, at least, the awakened soul, not to mention the revelation of the Self.
For example, people who have at least their soul awakened cannot be hypnotized or mentally programmed.
This is, in my opinion, a very clear proof that we should deal with issues higher than the mind.
We present below a coherent study about these aspects of NLP and we specify that although it is not done by us, we agree what the conclusions of the study. Perhaps, if it had been written by us, the perspective given by this study would have been milder, but we understand those who did the study because the dancers are outraged especially at the manipulative side of NLP, in which man speculates on knowledge in order to take advantage of his fellows..
Still, NLP is somehow a danger because:
– study methods of manipulation and influence the human behavior of the many and unprepared to cope with this (I mention – while yoga studies methods by which human behavior can no longer be influenced or programmed);
-when, however, NLP is used to overcome the limited capacities of the being, the methods do not allow us to no longer have programs, but to have “other programs”, leaving, otherwise, the way free to reprogram ourselves by other “programmers”, who have chanced or who will be stronger or more skilled than us;
-not all statements in NLP theory are char so in everyday reality; in other words, it is inaccurate and applied mechanically, it changes a spontaneous man who knew nothing about NLP into an artifice fanatic preoccupied all the time with the connection with the mechanisms of his mind and those of others, as he thinks are taking place;
– NLP is used intensively and extensively by organizations and companies that want to manipulate people (for political, economic, group interests), and the solution to resist this is not, in any case, NLP but YOGA (but also other authentic spiritual paths that can offer similar results – probably, slower);
-can represent, for an authentic spiritual Seeker, a “dead end” from which not to come out for a long time or never.
Next, evaluate and decide for yourself.
We wish you a truly free, happy and spiritual life!
Leo Radutz
Neuro-Linguistic Programming (NLP or NLP after the Abbreviation in English) appeared in the 70s. His parents, linguist John Grinder, and psychology student Richard Bandler had set out to observe how successful psychotherapists managed to alter the behavior of their patients. In the preface of their first book, Virginia Satir, among those studied, wrote: “This book is the result of the efforts of two young people interested in finding out how changes in human behavior take place and documenting the process. It seems that they have managed to describe some predictable elements that cause the change in the interaction between two people. Knowing them makes it possible to use them voluntarily to induce change”(1)
It seemed a commendable intention, although from the beginning no one noticed that the two were not interested in the healing process itself, but strictly in finding a method of modifying human behavior. Could she suspect at the time Virginia Satir had participated in the construction of one of the most treacherous instruments of manipulation?
Today NLP is far from being a therapeutic technique – nor is it certified as such by psychological or psychotherapeutic organizations, which reject it for the most part. However, it is fully used by all those who have as their first interest the modification of human behavior in their own interest.
By using NLP in marketing and sales, consumers are determined to buy any kind of products, even the most harmful or unnecessary ones. In business, NLP is a reliable tool to determine the desired outcome in the event of a negotiation. In politics, it has become the number one psychological weapon to build speeches and win elections. In the army it is used to train soldiers so that they can more easily take down their targets, being spared too much remorse. In court, lawyers and prosecutors use it to influence the decisions of the Courts or to determine certain testimonies. NLP is therefore a dangerous psychological weapon, a treacherous tool of manipulation, a perverse use of the power of the word, a commercial system based on the Machiavellian idea that the end justifies the means.
NLP – a field that comes closer to illusionism and witchcraft than to psychotherapy
“The spell is hidden in the language we speak. The nets that you can stretch or tighten are under your command, provided you pay attention to what you already have (the language) and the structure of the incantations that we present.” (1)
Thus begins the first book written by Bandler and Grinder, a kind of Bible of the NLP, entitled “The Structure of magic”. The title and content make it seem more like a book of illusionism or witchcraft, rather than one in which a new science derived, according to the authors, from the latest discoveries of experimental psychology, computer science, cybernetics, neuroscience and linguistics is presented. The chapters also bear titles in the same tone: “Incantations for growth and potential” or “On how to become the sorcerer’s disciple”, creating to the reader the illusion that the key to paranormal powers is revealed through which he will have absolute control over the minds of others.
NLP continued to develop in the same spirit in which it began. Those who have the curiosity today to do a google search on this topic discover a lot of pages of propaganda and NLP advertising . The vast majority of them promise miraculous healings, immediate results without much effort, solving all problems – whether it’s losing weight, fear of speaking in front of an audience, airplane sickness, finding a “partner” (a bizarre vision of the couple relationship!) or even – for women – becoming pregnant(!).
Money, power, influence, health, the achievement of any goals, the fulfillment of all desires, all that a mortal can dream of! A painting that has not been seen since the middle ages when the charlatans praised through fairs, in front of the crowds of helmet mouths, the magic potions.
As for the therapeutic value of NLP, we will give the floor to Christian Balicco, PhD in psychology, human resources consultant and member of the Association of American Psychologists: “We observe – and it is a dramatic finding – that certain people do not hesitate to turn after a few (weak) weeks of training, into psychotherapists, without most of them having clinical formation. In the face of such an ambition – that of wanting to help, to care for another – we cannot fail to raise the issue of the health and mental balance of these “practitioners”, and not to think about the dangers to which those who have the naivety to consult them are exposed. The Golden Pages are full of such “psychotherapists” who present themselves as NLP specialists. The very fact of wanting to become a “psychotherapist” can still be the logical consequence of this process of manipulation because it makes the first come to believe that NLP is the “miracle method”, the only one capable of explaining all human behaviors. The repetition of this kind of message in different and various forms is a method of strengthening, found in all conditioning techniques. This way of proceeding is all the more effective because the amounts collected and claimed by these famous “master practitioners” are very high. These amounts represent for some a guarantee of the content of the training and of the efficiency of the method (if it is expensive it means that it is serious and gives results), but also of the status of the specialists who teach this pseudo-knowledge (if it is expensive it means that I am dealing with real specialists). “
Without forgetting to take pride every time on the results obtained, NLP omits to speak of their stability as well. For in terms of healing, it brings only temporary relief of some symptoms. This is because they are not concerned at all with understanding and removing the causes that produced them, as Philip Hodson, a member of the British Association of Counselling and Psychotherapy, states.: “although NLP can treat some symptoms, the causes remain untouched”. (20) Moreover, it makes this vision a great merit: “NLP has managed to break certain patterns in classical, traditional psychology that is excessively focused on the problem and the cause. Even today, most psychologists believe that behavior change is a long process that requires special effort on the part of the patient” writes Ionut Ciurea in an NLP propaganda material. (11)
“NLP fascinates all those who are attracted by a naïve and superficial psychology that explains only “how” (to proceed), continues psychologist Christian Balicco, never worrying about the “why”. It fascinates all those who consider the use of a technique legitimate without knowing its conceptual bases. It fascinates especially those who believe that everything can be said, without checking the methods that allowed those statements to be reached. Most often used by practitioners without genuine training, NLP allows the rapid application of a set of “recipes”, supposed to help a certain kind of people to regain their psychological balance (in the field of psychotherapy) or to improve their communication with others. In fact, it is nothing more than a gigantic manipulation. Not at all by chance Y. Winkin, professor of communication anthropology who worked alongside those in the Palo Alto School, qualifies NLP as “intellectual fraud,” “exploitation of trust,” and “manipulation of ideas and people.” (2)
“Bandler said he created NLP so he could do whatever he wanted” – Christopher Tomasulo, NLP trainer (3)
“The work of NLP does not cease to assert that this practice is based on the discoveries of experimental psychology, linguistics, neuro-psychology, computer science, systems theory, etc. But when we look at things more closely, we only find generalized loans. One of the great discoveries of NLP is that beliefs are at the core of any experience and knowledge. It is known that this epistemology is already adopted by scientists from the works of Popper, Kuhn, Lakatos or Feyerabend. NLP didn’t invent anything about it. NLP is deceiving by name itself, using the term programming because it’s not based on any of the contemporary theories in computer science. Just as the word neurolinguistics leads us to believe that it is an application of this science, while it is very far from it. It actually uses bombastic terms to hide charlatanism. In summary, NLP is characterized by a total absence of a scientific and methodological basis, it resorts to false appellations to fool its customers who will pay dearly for something worth nothing. His methods bring nothing in addition to other theories. In conclusion, a lot of noise for nothing.” (4)
The fact of having mastered the ideas of others, of then presenting them as their own discoveries, giving them a perverse meaning, does not now prevent the parents of the NLP from fighting each other over copyright. “The last method of communication left to invent for Grinder and Bandler is through lawyers. Because Bandler filed a lawsuit against Grinder. The “specialist” in communication, or better said the copyright expert, now claims total paternity and all rights (to use names, methods, concepts and even certain verbal expressions) on NLP”, write R. Bruyer and S.Kalisz in a study on NLP. (4)
“Bandler and Grinder trained over fifty-five thousand people and wrote more than a dozen books about the techniques they “discovered”, but they never published any scientific study on them as their subject. That’s also because the scientific world has looked at the research of the two with suspicion. Moreover, their challengers claim that the positive results are greatly exaggerated. […] Grinder and Bandler failed to rigorously substantiate their discovery from a scientific point of view, being far too concerned about the advantages of marketing its applications. At the same time, the discussions about the social consequences of the methods and the responsibility of the authors in this regard are amplified,” writes Bogdan Ficeac under the title “The fascinating power of neurolinguistic manipulations”. (5)
Indeed, the scientific world has not let itself be deceived by the “magic” with which the two have shrouded their discovery. It regards NLP as what it is: an amalgamation of ideas, behaviors or theories extracted from context and appropriated from other fields. The immediate consequences are the impossibility of finding a coherent definition, the lack of a unitary structure and stable and repeatable results.
In terms of defining the field, the views of NLP representatives are so diverse that they create even more confusion instead of clarifying things. One says that NLP is “the study of subjective experience”, another that is “a new approach to communication and change”, another “a new approach to personalitiesi”, another “one attitude”, another “a technology that builds and uses patterns of behavior”, another also a technology, but of “achievement of performance in any field of activity”.
“Whatever the definitions proposed, the strategy is always the same: behind a pseudo-conceptual hermetism, one tries through a more or less obscure discourse, the concealment of countless counter-truths, sometimes naïve, sometimes gross. Definitions such as “NLP is a process or modeling a process,” “epistemology of experience”, or “manual of brain use” perfectly illustrate these attempts,” shows psychologist Christian Balicco. (2)
This way of constructing NLP is a very perverse one. On the one hand, it makes NLP -ists feel entitled to invoke the validity, credibility and authority of areas with which they actually have no connection. On the other hand, it allows NLP to become a kind of bottomless bag in which anything can enter or from which, on the contrary, anything can come out. In the NLP view, the content or principles do not matter, since the words with which they are called are just some labels (frames), which can be changed immediately to create a better image.
An example of this is what happened at the first NLP World Congress held in May 2006 in Berlin. Daniel Bichiș, romania’s representative, says: “we talked for a whole night with the other members of the new reflection group (interesting name, reminiscent of the reflection room from the Masonic initiation n.n.). Many of the ideas that were at its origin, 30 years ago, are no longer supported by experimental data. Also, some of the axioms on which they are based can be reformulated”. (6)
These realities make NLP a questionable field, even for some NLP trainers who have begun to unravel from the original magic.
What are the problems of NLP – according to some trainers?
We have seen what the “opponents” of NLP say, let’s now see what even those in the field say. In 1997 several NLP trainers published in the magazine “Anchor Point” a material with the title: “Dealing with the hidden face of NLP”. (7)
“This material, writes Michael Hall, one of the authors, it was born from the concern that Nelson Penaylillo, the NLP trainer, shared with me in an email. Nelson has compiled a list of the problems that in his opinion exist in the field of NLP . This list was completed and explained by trainers Dr. Bob Bodenhamer and Peter Kean:
1. Lack of awareness – to date none of our publications has talked about NLP’s weaknesses. NLP has many problems, among them being the very stubbornness with which it refuses to recognize these problems.
2. The use of the term “programming” – “programming” in the name of NLP, certainly makes many people wonder how much reframing we do (in short, reframing is an NLP term that refers to changing the perspective, the framework). Adding to this the fact that we use the subconscious aspects, it’s no wonder people say that NLP manipulates them. Using this term people are left with the idea that the “programmer” is doing something to them with or without their knowledge. This technology operates in an impersonal, inhumane way, without caring for people.”What do you think is the solution proposed in this material? “Hall, in an article published in June 1995 in “Anchor Point” even proposed that on behalf of NLP , programming be replaced by psychology”. Typical NLP mentality – if something goes wrong, we change the name and that’s it! This is at a time when psychology rejects NLP by describing it as a vulgarization.
3. Bad reputation that NLP is manipulation – Too many NLP practitioners have too often forced other people and their realities. Nelson: “Imagine that you could work a lot harder if people didn’t know that what you’re doing is NLP! Perhaps we have crossed the limit by too much arrogance.”
4. Difficulties of making a job out of NLP – the technology of human change NLP can cause someone to produce change in others, but in many countries it does not make you and be a therapist. Nor do they all manage to immediately become able to achieve the changes needed to achieve results in 1-2 sessions. Sometimes it takes years for a person to become truly effective. Moreover, those who work in the field of psychotherapy must also consider a very pragmatic aspect – what will it live from when becoming so effective will it cure a phobia in just 2 sessions? Bandler may take $500 an hour, but who else can afford it? We see, therefore, how the main concern is not the healing of a person in distress, but the accumulation of as much money as possible .
5. NLP failures – many people have really tried NLP and have discovered that it does not work. We already have studies and experiments that have tested certain aspects of the NLP model and have come to the conclusion that they do not work. “I teach my students that sometimes NLP works, sometimes it doesn’t,” Bodenhamer says.
6. The lack of quality of trainings and certification – being an NLP practitioner has become so out of anyone’s reach that it has become meaningless. Anyone can do this in six, ten or twelve days. This shortening of the training time weakens the importance of the NLP Practitioner certificate.
7. Lack of a community spirit – Kean in 1996 raised this issue, even wondering if there really is an NLP community. Since the first trial that took place between Bandler and Grinder we have not only had a string of continuous quarrels in our “community”, but they have even taken place between those who make the “true” NLP. Nelson shows that the initial momentum given to a field determines its direction and style. In the case of NLP, the iconoclastic personalities of Bandler and Grinder, and even of Fritz Pearls, not to mention Milton Erickson that they modeled (an NLP technique that consists of imitating, copying behaviors, attitudes, ways of thinking or speaking, etc.) have encouraged too much individualism, competition, the inability to be together with the other, etc.
8. Lack of regulation – Who regulates this area? Who provides the control in order to maintain a high quality level? Nelson: “The field of NLP operates in a way that seems uncontrollable. Anyone can do trainings, can set up an institute and do all sorts of things on behalf of NLP.” This is NLP seen by its own trainers and the picture is even grim. But there are many other things that reveal the true face of NLP as a method of manipulating and amplifying the ego.
NLP – more than manipulation
Apparently innocent, with good intentions and beautiful goals, NLP is in reality a collection of techniques for manipulating others, controlling and modifying their behavior through mental programming and hypnosis. When you tell an NLP practitioner that they are manipulating, there are two options: either he will admit it, but he will seek to prove that it is “positive manipulation”; or he will vehemently oppose and talk about NLP as a method of persuasion, of influencing, of self-control of the mind by which you can even defend yourself from manipulation. Both are nothing more than new attempts to manipulate.
We have shown above how NLP was built starting from the desire to find an effective method of changing human behavior. Bandler and Grinder soon came to discover the power of hypnosis in this sense. They were particularly attracted to Milton Erickson’s work, which succeeded, through a strong confusion created between the rational and emotional aspects of the being, to induce what is called “conversational hypnosis”.
Ştefan Buzărnescu in “Sociology of Public Opinion” defines manipulation as: ”action to determine a social actor (person, group, collectivity) to think and act in a way compatible with the interests of the initiator, and not with his interests, by using persuasion techniques that intentionally distort the truth, but leaving the impression of freedom of thought and decision. Manipulation aims to inoculate a convenient understanding, resorting both to misleading with falsified arguments and to appealing to non-rational levels. The real intentions of the one who sends the message remain unnoticeable to his receiver.” (8)
By definition, manipulation is therefore something bad, negative, that must be avoided. However NLP invented a story – which other NLP practitioners then learned from Bandler’s books – through which they strive to convince how beneficial (for whom?) manipulation is. We learn from them that there is also positive, accomplished manipulation – you guessed it, because you probably heard it often from NLP practitioners – “in the interest of the manipulated one”.
“Most often NLP is called manipulation and rightly so it can be categorized that way. NLP is manipulation because it acts and uses the most advanced tools that give immediate results,” writes Marian Rujoiu, NLP trainer in a presentation material on the Internet (9).” We can distinguish between positive manipulation and negative manipulation. We cannot in any way say that manipulation would be a good or an evil in itself. Positive manipulation is manipulation in the interests of the manipulated person[…]. But why do I have to defend myself from manipulation? Let us no longer pretend that we are just victims of manipulation. When we assume this passive role and realize that we have always been manipulated in a negative sense, the only one responsible is us.” (reasoning worthy of that of the CSM when it concluded that misa yogis abused themselves in March 2004, n.n.) “You don’t necessarily have to ask yourself the question, ‘Does he want to manipulate me?’ Maybe he wants to manipulate you with good intentions (the road to hell is paved with good intentions, says a wise saying. You have to rejoice if someone is acting to achieve your interest, you have to rejoice when someone is talking to you so that you understand (it doesn’t even matter what, you have to rejoice when someone wants you a better life. Shall we refuse this good that comes down this route of manipulation just for the simple reason that we are dealing with a skilled man?” (9) The passage above is eloquent. Besides the fact that manipulation is by definition something harmful, deeply negative, and that has been the case since the world, another questionable aspect arises – who decides what is the interest of the person concerned by the manipulation? Manipulator? Person? How can she do this if she is not asked? Or the manipulator asks her from the beginning: “do you allow me to manipulate you a little in your interest?” And she suddenly lights up her face and responds with a sigh of relief, “Of course, how not to, covet!”
The new Machiavellianism
From whom did these NLP -ists learn such an inverted, perverse view? From none other than Richard Bandler, who proves black on white that values are just a matter of “reframing”!
“Don’t think that reframing (in short changing the perspective, the frame) is only appropriate when you have something negative and you make it positive,” he writes. “Sometimes a hefty dose of fear, uncertainty and suspicion can be very helpful. Sounds kinda ol diavesc, right? Others have said it to me. Including a sympathetic social worker while attending one of the workshops I held in America. He then asked me: – I mean, do you want to tell me that it is okay to be cunning?
Me: yes. That’s exactly what I’m telling you.
Him: I was so skilled at it when I was young, and I haven’t done it in years. Wouldn’t it mean I’m manipulating? Me: Yes. I think this is a good example that shows that reframing was really necessary.” concludes Bandler. Why? Because that man still had a lack of conscience in him and realized that manipulating was something harmful? Without being “rebuilt” by Bandler would he have missed the chance to have become a good NLP -ist? And Bandler continues:
“Virginia Satir (one of the psycho-therapists whom Bandler and Grinder “shaped”, n.n.) made some role-playing games, which were nothing but reframes through psychodrama. Everyone had to play the role of a part of someone. If you didn’t like a person it was a great time to take revenge on them. I don’t know how it was that I was always playing the role of a negative side of someone. I had to always be Machiavelli. In one of these games I had to play the manipulative side of someone. I think that’s because I was the best fit in the cast. And suddenly during the game, that person stopped and said, “But I like this part of me. I never really thought about it, but my ability to manipulate helped me get a lot of good things.”
“In any case, in humanistic psychology the frame has been created that ‘manipulation is bad’. If you look in the dictionary the first definition of manipulation is: to work or operate with your hands, to maneuver or use skillfully, to control or manage with art. It has nothing to do with good and evil, it has to do with being able to do something effective. If your frame is “whoever manipulates is bad” this prevents you from doing a bunch of things. Once you’re trapped in such a frame it doesn’t even matter if it’s good or bad. As a communicator you want to have the ability to change the frames that people place around everything. If someone thinks something is bad you have to use the meta-model and ask them when, where, how and for whom. If someone says that stupidity is something bad then you will say: some people use stupidity to get others to do a certain thing for them. That’s really something smart!” (10)
As we see according to Richard Bandler and John Grinder – the founders of NLP do not exist right and wrong, these are just mere frames, labels invented by people. Truth, Good thus disappear as values and landmarks. Their place is taken by non-values. Indeed, originally, the word manipulate means “to arrange with your hands, to maneuver, to handle.” Knowing its meaning, Bandler should have noticed all the more the negative connotations of this word when applied in reference to manipulating people as if they were mere objects. A linguistic nuance that escaped the great expert in language. Not surprisingly, since NLP regards people as programmable computers, emptied of spiritual aspects and elevated emotional elements.
Through such absurd reasoning, he comes to prove that as long as you get what you want, manipulation can be used. And Machiavelli argued with the same perverse conviction that the end justifies the means. With such a mentality of its creators, it is no wonder that NLP especially attracts people interested in controlling others, either out of obsessive fear of not getting themselves manipulated, or out of an avid desire for power and material success. The second category is particularly attracted by the idea of “technology to achieve performance in any field of activity” or as another NLP definition says even more explicitly: “a system that allows us to learn the steps by which we can reach a goal, regardless of its nature”.
And here we are dealing with a big trap. “In any field of activity” means that if someone wants to perform in killing people, for example, NLP can help them. And it really did. NLP trainer Ionut Ciurea states it in a propaganda material: “Anthony Robbins, one of the world’s leading NLP experts and promoters, tells in his books how he managed to work for the U.S. Army in a program to train U.S. soldiers. What robbins was asked to do was to significantly increase the performance of firing the target with the gun, a goal that at first glance seems very far removed from the NLP. However, this goal involves “duplicating performance”, shaping excellence. Identifying the few people who performed very well, Robbins “bid” their strategies of excellence in drawing, that is, he extracted the specific way (strategy) by which they achieved great results. The platoon’s performance in the firings increased spectacularly. Robbins was rewarded according to his efforts. What he applied is the essence of NLP : shaping excellence.” (11) What do you think these soldiers were preparing for? Did they want to become good shooters to win the biggest plush monkey at sunday’s fairground shooting? Not at all. These were real soldiers training to effectively kill as many people as possible.
NLP supporters often claim that this is a neutral tool and that everything depends on the intention with which it is used. So far we have shown that from the very beginning it was built as a psychological weapon of control and manipulation of human behavior. Next we will review several concrete examples of how NLP is actually used . For NLP has opened Pandora’s Box, and the liberated monsters are now within the reach of those most interested in controlling human behavior: politicians, great businessmen, ad creators, sales and media people, etc.
NLP -a good tool to silence those who disagree with you!
The next episode is narrated by Thom Hartmman, psychologist, NLP trainer, former psychotherapist, director of an advertising agency and head of a talk show on a U.S. national radio. Here’s what he says about how NLP techniques are used “in the interest of the manipulated one” by one of the fathers of this current, Richard Bandler himself:
“I was in England about 10 years ago at a training with Richard Bandler, along with 150 other people. First stood a man who from the very beginning of his formation did nothing but finish the sentences in Place of Bandler, when he paused briefly to structure his speech. At the first two interventions of this kind, Bandler looked at him badly. At the third he stood up and began to move slowly towards him. There was something strange about the way it went, and suddenly I realized it. Bandler scanned this man’s physiology: breathing, blinking, body movements, and then rhythmic his words after them creating a strong relationship with him. It basically enters his world (this is an essential technique in NLP called establishing the ratio, n.n.). While he was doing this, Bandler turned to him, saying, “It’s not too polite to erupt like that. Such an outburst seems to me a reckless behavior (in English rash behaviour, the word rash also has the meaning of rash, urticaria n.n.) Don’t you believe it?” And as he spoke these words, he gently scratched his arm with his fingertips. All NLP -ists know that when they are in a strong ratio, people mimic each other’s body language. Bandler turned around and walked back on stage saying, “These eruptions really are reckless behavior” (rash behaviour, with a second sense of eruptive behavior). He didn’t even get to the end of the stage that within minutes the guy was rolling on the floor, scratching hysterically, as if an eruption had broken out.” (12)
A similar episode features one of the NLP inspirers – hypnotherapist Milton Erickson: “In the ’50s, Thom Hartamnn continues, Milton Erickons was invited to the annual meeting of the Association of American Psychiatrists. As he suffered from polio as a child, he was in his well-known wheelchair. The President of the Association was at the entrance and greeted his guests, shaking hands with them. When it was his turn, they shook hands, but at that moment Erickson quickly took his pulse, gently pressing the index on his wrist, noticed the rhythm of his breathing and the blink of his eyes, and as they shook hands he rhythmized his words to be in consonance with the president’s physiology. He induced the hypnotic trance and asked him, “Did you notice that you felt very relaxed?” And he replied in the affirmative. This man had written an editorial in which he said that hypnosis was silly and criticized Erickson. “Do you know you’re in a mild hypnotic trance right now?” continued Erickson. “How interested!” the president replied. “And you’ll see now that it works.” “Yes, you’re right, it’s very relaxing.” “I wonder if you could share with everyone here at the meeting how good you feel in the state of hypnosis,” Erickson then suggested. And the president went to the front and started, “I’d like to share with all of you friends, you know, to apologize to Milton Erickson…” After which brus wakes upc And it has a moment like, “Oh my God, what did I do?” This is called induction by interrupted handshake.” (12)
NLP and success in the election!
In the U.S. election campaign in the summer of 1988, George Herbert Walker Bush (Bush father) lagged far behind Governor Michael Dukakis in the race for the White House. Yet in just a few months, Bush won the election. What happened during that time? Bush’s image men made full use of NLP . Most political analysts were of the opinion that Willie Horton played the leading role in this spectacular turnaround. Time magazine even called him “the most valuable player on George H. W. Bush’s team.” Far from being a member of the electoral team, Willie Horton was a criminal, who had been released from a massachusetts prison, ahead of schedule, as part of a rehabilitation program. Immediately after his release, he fled to another state where he raped a woman and tried to kill another person. Michael Dukakis was the governor of Massachusetts and had signed his release. Bush accused Dukakis of acting too “soft” when it comes to fighting crime and prepared a series of videos showing Horton’s figure in the most sinister posts. However, things were not limited to the widespread popularization of a wrong decision made by Bush’s rival.
Here’s what Thom Hartmman says:
“I remember that in 1988, during the presidential campaign, I noticed a series of commercials depicting Willie Horton in black and white. For those who know NLP this was an obvious anchor meant to associate Horton with black and white images. They were also accompanied by a certain music and a specific voice. After a while when you saw those images or you heard that music and the intonation, you automatically thought it was Willie Horton. Some time after that I noticed another set of commercials in which, this time, Michael Dukakis appeared in black and white. The images were accompanied by music and a voice similar to those in the first commercials. I thought then immediately: “these guys anchor Dukakis by Willie Horton!” (anchoring is an NLP technique that associates in the target’s mind two elements that until then had no connection, n.n.). It’s not who knows what the secret, there are things that are done in any agency. I myself have taught such techniques in courses for advertising agencies. So in the 1988 campaign, George Herbert Walker Bush “hortonized” Michael Dukakis and won the election. While I was in New York at a conference, I told everything I had noticed to Joe Riggio, a brilliant NLP trainer. And he said, “Yes. Know. A common acquaintance of ours has done this job for Republicans.” And I know for sure that Frank Lunz is No. 1 in these political affairs. What he uses is NLP !
People often make decisions based on feelings. They organize their logic to agree with their feelings, rather than to organize their feelings to agree with logic. In a political battle the first and most important thing you have to do is to identify the primary emotions. When you want to communicate with a group of people with whom you obviously cannot establish a direct relationship, you must build a message that touches all 3 sensory modalities (visual, auditory, kinesthetic). Now (in 2004) Bush (the son) has come up with a campaign full of kinesthetic slogans, aimed at sentimental issues: “strong”, “straight”, “move forward”, “do not give up and run away”. One listener asks, “a lot of people I know, and I myself voted for Bush because we trust him, not for logical reasons. Does this trust have to do with what you call kinesthetic?” We talked yesterday about people who are visual, auditory, kinesthetic and that in order to create a political campaign the main message must be anchored in kinesthetic language because it addresses feelings. And that’s exactly what Bush did in the last election campaign. If you address this part of the brain that deals with emotions, you can get people to vote completely against their own logic.”
Newt Gringrich, Atlanta’s state representative in Congress, came I think by ’92 with the “contract with America”, masterfully built in NLP terms. Just like his famous list of words. This was a secret memo at first that circulated over to Republican leaders. I don’t know if he wrote it, it was very well done. I still suspect my old friend in the NLP’s or someone else like him. The memo was titled: “Language, a Key Mechanism of Control” by Newt Gringrich. Newt wrote, “We often look hard for words to help us define our opponents. Apply these words to our opponents, to memories of them, to their proposals and to the parties to which they belong.” And here’s the list of words that Republicans were supposed to use whenever they talked about Democrats or liberals: decay, failure, non-realization, collapse, deeper, crisis, urgent, destructive, sick, pathetic, lying, liberal, they, theirs, unionized bureaucracy, compassion, betrayal, traitor, consequences, limits, superficial, sensationalist, endanger, coercion, hypocrisy, radical, to devour, loss, corruption, incompetent, permissive, destruction, imposition, self-service, greed, ideological, insecure, anti-flag, anti-family, anti-children, anti-jobs, pessimistic, excuses, intolerant, stagnating, doing well, corrupt, selfish, insensitive, status quo, trustees, taxes, expenses, shame, disgrace, punishment, bizarre, cynicism, deception, theft, abuse of power, machine, bosses, criminal rights, incendiary records, patronage.
On the other hand, in order to refer to themselves, Republicans had to use the following words: to share, change, opportunity, inheritance, challenge, control, truth, morals, courage, reformation, prosperity, crusade, movement, children, family, debate, competition, actively, we, ours, candid, human, pure, to provide, freedom (in English liberty), commitment, principle, unique, duty, precious, premise, full of care, listening, learning, difficult, helping, leading, vision, success, empowerment, citizens, activist, mobilization, conflict, light, dream, freedom (in English freedom), peace, rights, pride, build, preserve, pro-flag, pro-children, pro-environment, reform, pro-jobs, eliminating easy living from prisons, power, choice, choose, honest, protect, confident, exciting, common sense, passionate. This is the official list of Newt Gringrich. These are all very, very powerful things. What I can tell you is that two decades of psychological warfare have passed that was led by only one side,” concludes NLP trainer Thom Hartmman (13)
<>It wasn’t the first time the NLP had been used in politics at the highest level to influence the masses. In an article published in the New York Times we read: “Doug Wead, a close friend of Bush’s, who also writes a book about his discussions with the president, says: “Bush told me: as you can see there are certain code words. There are the right ways to say some things and other inappropriate ways. I will tell them that I have accepted Christ into my life” (14). The Boston Globe tells of the same subject under the headline “Words matter. How Bush speaks in the religious code”: “it was an allusion to the occult science of the NLP by which the president wants to manipulate his Christian voters through words designed to subconsciously induce the idea that he is one of their own. “ (15).
Thom Hartmann also explains how Dick Cheney uses NLP techniques: “It’s about Willie Horton again. The Bush family again subjects America to psychological operations, except that the level of sophistication and manipulation is higher than in 1988. Here’s how it works and how Dick Cheney uses this weapon with great skill. Humans have three “brains”.” And as Bush’s psychological manipulation specialists know very well, the politicians who win the election are the ones who speak to all three brains. The most primitive is called the “reptilian brain” because it also occurs in reptiles and has only one concern – survival. He doesn’t think in abstract terms and he doesn’t feel complex emotions. But it is responsible for reactions such as fighting or running, of hunger or fear, of attack or flight. The second brain is the one that occurs in mammals, also called the “limbic brain”. He deals with more complex emotions such as envy, hope, love (hilarious, to reduce love to the brain! n.n.). The third brain, the neocortex or the newest crust is more sophisticated, that’s where abstract thoughts, words and symbols, logic are processed.
When Dick Cheney recently extracted from the context a comment by John Kerrey on sensitivity in the war on terror, he carried out a manipulation of the guardian of the three brains. Only ridicule with fear as its substrate still has the same power. “America has been involved in too many wars, for all sorts of desires of ours, but absolutely none of them have been won by being sensitive,” Cheney said. He aimed first at the neocortex (too many wars), then at the limbic brain (desires) and then at the reptilian brain. His words triggered an instant roar of laughter on the part of the audience, behavior that is an involuntary response, a discharge generated by the fact that the neocortex was moved in one direction by the first words and then confused by the second part of the statement. This sudden deflection is known by the comedians as the “punch line”, as in the joke: “I just flew back home from Chicago…. Oh how tired my arms are.” This causes the neocortex to be momentarily confused and causes an involuntary response from the limbic brain, such as laughter. And then against this background, Cheney can speak directly to the reptilian brain that receives the answers without rational censorship: “those who threaten and kill innocents around the world – Cheney continues raising a problem related to the reptilian brain, to threat and survival – must not be treated with sensitivity, they must be destroyed.” To have an even greater impact on the audience’s most primitive instincts, Cheney then uses the word “sensitive” several times, always associated with the idea of survival. This is not only among the most sophisticated psychological weapons, it is even an immoral one. Kerry then sought in vain to fix everything, bringing arguments that spoke only to the neocortex. His words had no power, as they did not reach either the limbic system or the reptilian brain, in which Cheney had implanted his message.” (16)
NLP and Sales
We reproduce a dialogue between a sales agent initiated in NLP and a potential customer, as he is recounted in Bogdan Ficeac’s book – Manipulation techniques:
“The sales agent (AV): Good morning, Mr. Petrescu. I’m George Alexander, a salesperson at Delta Electronics. Potential customer (CP): Yes, I remember talking to you on the phone. (After he squeezes his hand, he sits back in the armchair, leans against the backrest, and puts his left leg over the right one). AV: (he also sits in the armchair in front of the desk; he imperceptibly imitates the tone of the voice and the way of sitting of the other). I understand that sales of ZKM computers are going very well… CP: (smiles satisfied) Yes, the demand is still high. We are pleased with them. AV: (tests the establishment of subtle contact, gradually changing its position; the other imitates it without realizing it, so the contact has been established) What prompted you to buy the products of our competitors? CP: (his eyes remain to the bottom right, revealing his way of perception “kinsthetic”) Well, I felt {kinesthetic or sensitive expression} that it was the best deal at the time and that’s why I signed the contract with them. (salesperson “anchors” subtly the phrase on the signing of the contract, uttered by the other, with an eyebrow lift and a certain gesture of the hand) I imagined how beautiful they would look {visual expressions} The ZKM’s in our new advertising brochures and I thought that after this association they would hear from us {auditory expression}. I was so caught by this idea {sensitive expression}, that I was burning with impatience {sensitive expression} to go back and put my people to work (again, AV “anchors” the other’s phrase, looking at the decision made in the past, with an eyebrow lift and the same hand gesture). That’s kind of what happened then and I feel {sensitive expression} that I was not mistaken. AV: (opens the briefcase and begins the presentation of its offer): The keyboard of our new models is much more comfortable. A simple touch {sensitive expression} of the keys is sufficient to activate them, so the warranty period offered by us is three times longer than the competition. In the computer, the modules are lightweight and simple to replace. I’m sure you feel {sensitive expression} the difference between the characteristics of our computers and those you market. Likewise, I’m sure buyers will feel {sensitive expression} immediately the advantages offered by our company… (as he speaks, the agent imitates the tonality and gestures with which the wholesaler described his strategy a few moments before; he also throws the “anchor”, in order to get the other to sign the contract, raising the eyebrows and gesturing from his hand)” (5).
Such a scene may even seem ridiculous and obvious that even in this case the NLP partisans will say that everything is in the interests of the manipulated one. So do the advertisements with which we are constantly bombarded. They make full use of sensory expressions and all kinds of anchors that connect the products presented to our most pleasant and intimate memories. Most of them end up buying not because they want the product, but because they are created the illusion of reliving that experience.
In a video circulating on the Internet we can see how NLP techniques are used to determine a person’s decision about the gift they want for their birthday. The one who applies the NLP techniques of anchoring and shaking the hand interrupted to induce conversational hypnosis is the illusionist Derren Brown.
The victim is a man who was asked a few days before he wrote on a note what he wants for his birthday. He is invited to the set where he has a brief, seemingly innocent, discussion with Derren Brown. In the end he is asked what he wants and answers very resolutely: a BMX bike. He gives this answer several times, arguing that from a young age he wanted such a bicycle. Necessarily red. The much-desired gift is taken out of a box. It’s really a red BMX bike. He is asked to show the note on which he wrote down a few days before what he wants and is convinced that there he will find written “a BMX bike”. On the sheet, however, it is written with his own hand: “a leather jacket”. What happened? While shaking hands with Derren Brown he applied an NLP technique of inducing hypnosis and then inoculated some suggestions in which he slipped the key word bicycle and the letters BMX. “Let me explain to you how I get the presents,” he begins. The use of the word bike – bicycle as a verb, instead of buy – to buy confuses the logic of the interlocutor and strikes by facilitating the fixing of the suggestion. “Rather than re-cycle the same two bottles of tired wine… they get the person to fall in love with the gift,” continues Derren Brown. “Those to whom I buy the gift irradiate with pleasure” (in English they BeaM eXcitement for it). “This feeling can be so strong, so extreme (in English can Be so eXtreme) that it replaces the memory of what they actually wanted (obvious suggestion). A few days ago you would have said I want X… such as a BM machine or an X box. All these are suggestions that determine the person to choose what the hypnotist wants. In the same way they play with the minds of consumers and advertisers or sellers. And they do it by manipulating through NLP techniques.
NLP and lawyers
Bogdan Ficeac also describes how NLP is used in the legal field: “In one of their books, addressed this time to lawyers or to those who have contact with justice, Grinder and Bandler describe some techniques of manipulating judges in court. For example, covered “anchors” and non-verbal communication can be particularly effective in such cases.
Here’s an example of manipulation: A practitioner of neurolinguistic influencer systems accompanies his friend to the courthouse, where he is to be tried. At one point, during the trial, the judge is amused by a reply from a witness and bursts into laughter. Immediately the practitioner throws the “anchor”: he coughs in a certain way, drew his voice or sneezes discreetly, so as not to distract attention, but still to be heard by the judge. He then watches every moment of the judge’s relaxation and repeats the sound, in order to strengthen the bond established by that “anchor”. He also participates in other trials, throwing the “anchor” every time the judge smiles, but in such a way that he does not stand out. Then, during the trial of his friend, he throws the “anchor” as often as possible, but without distraction. The subtle bond created in this way between the “anchor” and the judge’s behavior will cause him to relax when addressing the defendant and even have a favorable attitude towards him. Grinder and Bandler argue that, applied by experienced practitioners, the method has chances of success in most cases. (5)
“NLP is like installing software in your brain to get a certain behavior. It can persuade jurors to give justice to the lawyer who knows these techniques or to influence witnesses to give up testimony even after they have taken the oath. It is exactly as the poet Robert Frost once said: a jury consists of 12 people chosen to decide who has the best lawyer.” (19)
“NLP is designed in such a manipulative way that I think that telling the truth in an eloquent way or speaking from the heart, with a lot of passion – in the most important area where you should think about the evidence and the truth – will disappear forever,” says Joyce Tsongas, former president of the American Society of Judicial Consultants in the US. (19)
“The most well-known NLP technique is anchoring. That’s exactly what nations does, a houston lawyer when he sits in the same place in the room whenever he wants to score or reinforce a certain aspect. For example, nations anchor the unpleasant state related to the idea of damage with a single place in the room, moving there whenever it is talked about, or even pointing to that place so that it connects in the minds of the jurors certain aspects of the discussion to the state of mental anguish.” (19)
The use of such dirty practices NLP has led to lawyers being banned from moving through the courtroom in the U.S. or in some states, as is the case with Texas, even being asked to stay seated all the time. Even so, NLP lawyers don’t give up on their manipulations: “you still have your graphics and other visuals left,” the Nations says. (19)
And what about love?
Another favorite application of NLP techniques is what is called “speed seduction”. Seduction is one of the basics of manipulation. Etymologically the word comes from the Latin seduco = to pull aside someone from his way on a common path with that of the seducer. Simply put it is synonymous with hijacking the path.
The NLP field abounds with books such as “
NLP, the secret of rapid seduction”, “How to make a woman get to your bed”, “Fox hunting – the art of encounters and seduction”, “The satanic sorcerer – NLP and the science of seduction”
, etc. All these books are full of NLP elements – anchoring, mirroring, conversational hypnosis, verbal expressions meant to manipulate. What is completely missing from them is love as the basis of the couple relationship. Women are regarded as sexual objects, divided into categories according to how well they look, called “foxes” or “chickens”.“
“Ross Jeffries is trained in the field of the art of the mind, more specifically in hypnosis and NLP . He chose to apply his knowledge of these techniques in the art of seduction, and the results are explosive. Woe to the Fox who meets a high-speed Seducer and does not realize it. Ross can even get to bed with the Fox in an hour and what’s worst is that it can make her think it was her idea. The foxes seduced by the High-Speed Seducers are not aware of what is happening to them.” (17)
In one of the basic books of Ross Jeffries, NLP trainer – “How to make a woman get to your bed,” we read from the very first page: “the reader is warned that the use of some or all of the techniques in this book may have legal, civil or criminal consequences“. “SDishonest educations in a dishonest world,” is the title of the first chapter, as an attempt to justify the immorality of the book’s content: “Many who read the title of this book get mad at me,” writes Ross Jeffries. Invariably I get all sorts of complaints: these seduction techniques are incorrect and unfair, I’m told. It doesn’t leave women the power to choose. Why don’t you take them out of the book?” I’m going to deal with these allegations a little bit. Yes, indeed some of the seduction tactics in this book can easily be classified as incorrect. I also had some moral reservations when I put them in the book. But right or wrong are relative terms. If you are in a boxing match (forced comparison n.n.) and they both play by the rules it is incorrect for me to hit you in certain sensitive areas, but if I follow the rules and this can be correct“. (18)
We come again to the same perverse and morally devoid vision that if you achieve your goals everything is allowed. The big problem in NLP is that it is not guided by any kind of moral rules and replaces values with non-values, considering Good, Truth, Fairness as mere labels applied by people to things.
Instead of closing…
1. From the beginning, the NLP parents were concerned with finding a method of modifying human behavior. 2. NLP is manipulation, no matter how much its defenders try to convince us of the opposite by invoking “positive manipulation” Such a thing does not exist. “To manipulate someone in their own interest,” as they argue, involves being able to determine what that interest is. Or this only God can know.
3. The idea that you have to learn NLP precisely in order to be able to manipulate those who are trying to manipulate you is nonsense. You can defend yourself from manipulation only by developing certain spiritual qualities such as discernment and lucidity.
4. NLP abolishes and reverses values. Good, Truth, Love, God are in NLP’s vision some relative frames (frames) created by people. This conception is totally opposed to the spiritual one.
5. By removing the value landmarks, NLP cultivates confusion in order to create a greater receptivity to hypnosis. Confusion is accomplished by creating an inner conflict and is opposed to unity and harmony.
6. NLP is based on the idea that people can be programmed or reprogrammed like computers.
7. The NLP mentality is a Machiavellian one, based on the principle of “the end justifies the means”.
8. The NLP boasts that it makes it possible to achieve objectives “regardless of their nature”. The lack of discernment in this regard makes the NLP to be used for the most abject purposes: training soldiers to kill people or manipulating the electorate.
9. In practical terms, NLP is limited to objectives related to the accumulation of money, seduction and sexuality without love, power and influence over others. They are all at the level of the lower centers of force.
10. For this reason NLP only leads to the exacerbation of ego and hubris. At the NLP World Congress in 2006, it was very clear what NLP is aimed at: “creating a world in which personal and self-fulfilling development is the basic rule”. These desiderata have nothing to do with spiritual evolution, and are even opposed to it.
11. NLP promises to achieve fast, immediate results without much effort. However, its results do not have durability in time and do not lead to the transformation and elevation of the being. Regarding its use in the field of psychotherapy or medicine, NLP can only lead to a temporary removal of some symptoms because it does not act on the causes.
12. NLP attracts especially the collectors of “recipes”, interested only in HOW, not IN WHY. The great mass of those who apply it acts without knowing what they are actually doing.
13. NLP is only interested in image, not content. If one aspect is discredited, it is immediately renamed, only by the surface, with a new, more credible name.
14. If in a community all the members were NLP- ists, this would be self-destruct in a short time because the NLP does not create anything, but lives by stealing, hijacking, falsifying, perverting the work and efforts in other fields. Even its practitioners say that one cannot currently speak of an NLP community , and the endless string of “copyright” lawsuits between the two founders, Richard Bandler and John Grinder, bears witness to this.
15. NLP was built by stealing ideas, techniques, theories and practices from other fields. Taking them out of the context in which they existed and with which they formed a unitary whole, they were impoverished, distorted and widowed exactly by their essence.
This can create a lot of confusion. There are some people who believe that there are compatibilities between Yoga and NLP, because yoga also talks about states, about the self-control of the mind, about five sensory ways, about the fact that the world is as we see it, etc. In reality, it was not Yoga – a spiritual path that was over 4000 years old – that took these elements from NLP, but NLP stole them from Yoga. But he did so by impoverishing these elements precisely from the moral and spiritual values, absolutely necessary when it comes to knowing and using the power of the mind for the purpose of human transformation.
We often encounter statements by NLP trainers who refer to Yoga: “In NLP there are a number of techniques and methods specially designed to develop the ability to control states – such as […] use of posture and breathing.” (11) or “the NLP model was influenced by previous theories and concepts: (among them n.n.) body therapies (Yoga)”.(21) Such references are also gross manipulations. First of all, Yoga is not a body therapy, but a millennial spiritual path. Secondly, the postures and breath that NLP speaks of are parodies and ridicules of the asanas and techniques of Pranayama.
It is true that the methods of self-control (and we emphasize AUTOcontrol) of the mind for the purpose of transformation and evolution have always been the prerogative of the spiritual paths. They are always accompanied by moral values and gradually revealed from master to disciple only to the extent that he (the disciple) proves that he has reached the necessary level of maturity and spiritual evolution in order to use them only in a beneficial and discernible sense. Taken out of this context, such knowledge can become extremely dangerous and lead to reverse effects, as happened in the case of NLP: exacerbation of the ego, pride, will of power, decay, suffering. The spiritual treasure is thus defended by thieves. If at first NLP seemed just a box of matches in the hand of a small child, today we can say that it has fit in the hands of real piromans. The way in which intense propaganda is made – as a miraculous method of obtaining influence, money and material success attracts only those who want all kinds of “powers”. While those who really aspire to learn how to self-control their mind and turn into good, they have Yoga at their disposal and know that they do not need NLP.
1. Richard Bandler & John Grinder: Structure of magic, vol 1, Science and Behavior Books, 1975
2. Christian Balicco – La programmation neurolinguistique ou l’art de manipuler ses semblables, par Christian Balicco – SPS n° 243, août 2000
3. Christopher Tomasulo (Dr. Sulo) – The secret technology behind the world’s greatest communicators. Dr Sulo’s Crash Course in Neuro-Linguistic-Programming (NLP)
4. R. Bruyer & S.Kalisz – Pour en finir avec la pata-psychologie, Editions Luc Pire
5. Bogdan Ficeac – The Fascinating Power of Neurolinguistic Manipulations in Manipulation Techniques, Nemira Publishing House, 2004
6. First World Congress of NLP May 26-28, Potsdam, Germany
7. L. Michael Hall, Nelson Penaylillo, Bobby G. Bodenhamer and Peter F. Kean – Dealing with the downside of NLP , Anchor Point, May 1997
8. Ştefan Buzărnescu – Sociologia opiniei publice, Editura Didactică și Pedagogică, 1996
9. Marian Rujoiu – What is manipulation and what is not?
10. Richard Bandler & John Grinder – Reframing, NLP and the transformation of meaning, Real People Press, 1982
11. Ionut Ciurea, NLP Practitioner – Vision through NLP: principles, presuppositions, paradigms
12. Thom Hartmann – transcript of the issue of 16 November 2004,
13. Thom Hartmann, transcript of the issue of November 17, 2004,
14. By David D. Kirkpatrick – In secretly taped conversations, glimpses of the future president, New York Times, February 20, 2005
15. Bruce Lincoln – Words matter. How Bush speaks in religious code, Boston Globe, September 12, 2004
16. Thom Hartmann – Chenney speaks to reptile brain,
17. Fox Hunting – The art of dating and seduction.
18. Jeffries Ross – How to get girls into bed without trying. Straightforward, Manassas, 1991
19. Terry Carter – More lawyers are using neurolinguistics to present their cases to jurors, with winning results, ABA Journal, September 2001
20. Anna Moore – NLP: Where Anything is Possible, Marie Claire, online edition.
21. Introduction to NLP,
this study was taken from the