In everyday life we are tempted not to pay too much attention to details. However, if we look around carefully we will notice with astonishment that the intelligence of the Universe “speaks” to us through countless signs.
From the wonderful rose, to the vortex of a galaxy, from the spiral shells of the mollusks to the waves of the oceans, or the flight of a hawk when descending to the prey, everything is synchronized in the same pattern, namely: the golden ration.
What is the golden ration and what does it represent?
“Golden ration”, also known by other names as “the golden number”, represents a geometric proportion, discovered by Euclid more than 2000 years ago, which is denoted by the letter τ (from the Greek τομη, which means “cut”) or, more commonly, with φ (phi, from the name of the Greek sculptor Phidias), which art historians say would have used frequently in his sculptures.
The golden ration, or golden section, is a special ratio – where the ratio between the short and the long part of a right-hand segment, divided into two other segments, is the same as the ratio between the long side and the length of the whole. If we divide a segment so that the ratio between the whole and the larger side is equal to the ratio between the larger side and the smaller side, we will get the golden ration or proportion. This proportion is expressed by the “golden number” φ whose value is φ = 1.61803398874989484820458683436563811772… with an infinite number of decimal places. The inverse of φ, meaning 1/ φ, has exactly the same decimal places: 0, 61803398874989484820458683436563811772…
The value of φ is an irrational number, which means that its value is not known exactly, so even the point sought cannot be precisely located, we only know that it exists and divides the segment in the golden ratio. This number can be approximated to the rational number 1,618.
Golden rectangle
Starting from this ratio you can build the golden rectangle. Studies have shown that this rectangle, in which the ratio of length to width is even φ or about 1.618, is considered the most beautiful rectangle. Maybe that’s why National Geographic chose a golden rectangle as its logo.
This report often appears in architecture, advertisements, music, etc., because the objects that contain this report are considered more harmonious and beautiful.
Fibonacci’s String
The appearance of this proportion in all forms of nature is closely related to another series of numbers, which is found in turn in the world of the living, namely the Fibonacci String.
The fibonacii string is a series of numbers for which, any term starting with the third, is the sum of the two terms in the line immediately preceding, the string pronouncing with the first two terms equal to one unit: 1, 1, 2, 3, 5, 8, 13, 21, 34, 55, 89,….
Interestingly, the ratio of two consecutive terms of the Fibonacci’s Sir tends to the golden number, φ. Further it can be seen that the Fibonacii string expresses the law of organic growth, that is, it indicates mathematically, the way in which the processes of growth occur in nature!
<>Based on the numbers in the Fibonacii String, a Fibonacci spiral can be built, which approximates a golden spiral, or a logarithmic spiral, whose growth factor is φ or the golden ration.
For example, we will find the Fibonacii spiral in plant phyllotaxis (phyllotaxis means “leaf arrangement” in Greek) in the arrangement of the petals of many flowers, such as the rose, the arrangement of sunflower seeds, in the Chinese broccoli, the scales of pineapple, and of the fir cones, in the genealogical tree of the drone, in the structure of the bronchi, as well as in the molecule of human DNA.
<>The “golden ration” or “golden number” is found not only in nature but also in culture and art, it being used by great Renaissance artists such as Botticelli, Lippi, Michelangelo and Leonardo Da Vinci or in contemporary art by the painter Salvator Dali, in his famous painting “The Last Supper” in which the painting and frame are in a golden relationship. In architecture, we meet the golden ration in the construction of the Parthenon in Greece and the Great Pyramid of Giza, Egypt, which has the dimensions based on this perfect proportion.
Recently, it has been experienced the playback of the “golden number” or φ in the form of musical notes, as can be seen in the video below:
We can conclude that the whole creation respects these numbers and preserves this golden proportion or perfect proportion, demonstrating the fact that in the entire universe divine harmony and perfection is manifested, in a unitary and holographic way.
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