The Golden Law in Parenting

Transformă-ți viața prin Yoga Tradițională! Începem un nou curs la Abheda Yoga cu Leo Radutz. Rezervă-ți locul la ședința GRATUITĂ din 9 martie acum și fă primul pas către o variantă mai bună a ta!
The Golden Law in Child Parenting

and in the personal development of the adult

Dozens, maybe even centuries ago,

The fundamental rule of parenting was well known, understood more naively, maybe even foolishly or very stupidly sometimes;

However, the fundamental rule of parenting was well known, namely:

Teach your child to master his desires in favor of what is important to do.

Teach your child to have the skills necessary for adult life.

Teach your child to be persistent, to be a character of steel, to transcend obstacles.

I remember when I was little, I heard the expression of this principle in a few words, which outraged me then.

Someone said (parents talked to each other): “You must not let the child do what he wants!”

Then it seemed aberrant to me (“How could you have thought of such a thing?
What bad people, what do you have with your children?

The principle, however, was only poorly expressed.

These are:

Don’t let the child languish,

not to acquire the ability to be able not to do what comes to him,

which tends at the moment!”

That is, don’t let him sit, play, satisfy his basic needs, have fun, let him go.

You teach the child to be able to overcome one desire, in favor of another, more important desire.

Teach your child to get over the desire whose satisfaction comes immediately,

in favor of a much more important desire, but whose satisfaction comes later.

Teach your child to show the ability not to be like an animal,

that is, to be able to have foresight and accept the investment in effort, anticipating future results.

It’s amazing how people have given up this principle very easily, because,

Although we have talked about several, it is a single principle.

And amazingly, how not 1% or 2%, but a lot of people have actually forgotten about discipline and self-discipline!

They have completely forgotten, but not partially, the fact that self-discipline allows man:

– to withstand the vicissitudes of life,

– to solve emotional problems,

– to solve frustrations, traumas,

– indeed, at some point, these almost, it doesn’t even matter anymore!

Here’s the key to modern parenting – how could this key be implemented?

Something is missing, at this moment, for which this key cannot be implemented.

Namely: the children knew that there was no other solution, that is,

He must do what the parent, the educator, the teacher, the teacher, asks of him.

If he didn’t do what the parent said, at some point he had problems:

he was punished or even knew some physical corrections

which he then sought to avoid at all costs, in order to move forward.

So, things were done in such a way that the child felt that:

in the back he can’t, as he wants,

on the left there is no way,

on the right there is no way,

it can only go forward.

The parent went with the child to the teacher and made a transfer of authority; He told him:

Listen to the teacher, as you listen to me.
Mr. Teacher, if he does not listen to you, please tell me

and so on…

because the parent was aware that if the child does not acquire the capacity for self-control,

if it remains at the level of a being overwhelmed by desires,

it will be inferior and will not differ much from an animal that,

when he is offered a cake or something to eat appealingly,

give up freedom for a moment of gustatory joy or for a little food.

Well, with a lot of ingenuity, this, the 3 back walls, left and right, were removed.

Parents now, teachers or professors, even if they want to, can discuss,

they can perorate, they can show what the main mistake is,

If anyone else is concerned about these things,

But they no longer have a way to implement it, because this tool is missing:

the tool of directing the child in the desired direction.

For example, no earlier than the so-called communist period, there was the following instrument:

My dear child whom I love very much, I only want your best;

if you don’t want to listen to me, it’s your choice;

In this situation, I give up the care for you, I give up the sacrifices I make to be good for you

And I leave you in the hands of the state, I offer you to the state to educate you in the children’s home

or even in the re-education centers for childrenI.”

This was very beneficial because it did something fundamental:

showed, highlighted the fact that the father is the man who wants him well,

who, regardless of his training or spiritual level,

Certainly, the parent is a being who wants the good of the child

And for this he can even make great sacrifices, which the child does not notice – it is natural –

But sacrifices that he can give up: “Ah, you don’t like it, then I’ll give up and let you be the child of the state“.

Indeed, the state institution of re-education was effective, but today it is no more.

Today we actually hear that teachers or people empowered to take care of children,

they are the first to abuse, the first to traffic people with the children they take care of,

Saying green to their face: “My dears, this is your only chance, prostitute yourself because there is no other option!”

So today, the parent looks at his child whom he wanted very much,

for which he has already made many sacrifices, he looks at how he is taken over by the official ideology,

taken by the school that has no instrument of coercion,

a school in which, instead of learning something, the child unlearns what is good and assimilates what is bad,

a school in which he is nothing more than the object of LGBTQ ideology, imposed by force,

a stage in which the parent learns that even the law is profoundly against him

and that his child is not his child, that he is the child of the community who does what he wants with him;

In principle, unfortunately, what he wants,

is to make him a significant member of the future community of idiocracy,

being vaccinated with poisons as a child,

being stuffed with toxic food,

being taught that nothing matters,

than his own desire, being taught that the parent is never right if he has any other opinion than the child,

being taught that it’s better to do only what he wants,

not to learn, not to be nerds,

becoming, of course, a well-dressed adult,

with a quality phone, made by others,

but not differing much from “a useless eater” (as Yuval Noah HARARI pointed out),

being practically part of the millions of “useless eaters

Who are the ones who created them in the end, they make the decision that they don’t need them.

What should be done?

Very simple:

Let’s go back to the fundamental principle of parenting:

the child must learn to transcend his physiological needs,

Desires for comfort

by virtue of developing a perspective that will allow him to be well not necessarily in the near future,

but even in the more distant future.



Acharya Leo Radutz, founder of the Abheda system, the initiator of the Good Man Revolution

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