The Geto-Dacians could be the ancestors of the Indians!
We thank Dr. Lucian Iosif Cueșdean for his work and for the truths he brought to light.
We are convinced that more and more researchers will outline shocking and amazing truths about the origin of the peoples and languages spoken on earth, in relation to the language and nature of the Romanian people.
If you wish, search!
You will see that the information is not hidden, but it is given to you.
Many hypotheses are phantasmagorical, others are inspired but exaggerated and enough are shy but inspired, but the Truth is becoming clearer and clearer.
Keep your discernment and seek the Truth.
In Asia, 80,000,000 people speak the language Romanian!
Dr. Lucian Iosif Cueșdean detailed all his research in the book
Sensational! We have been Romanians for over 2500 years
Lucian Cueșdean: “The Punjabi language, from India, has 2,000 clean Romanian words, and many others are very similar to ours. That’s because they are the descendants of a Getic tribe, like us, although the distance between the Romanians and the Punjabs is 4,500 kilometers.”
We learned at school that the Daco-Getae would have been a branch of the Thracian nation, which lived exclusively in Dacia, on the current territory of Romania and which spoke a language different from Latin. The Roman Empire conquered Dacia, and the Daco-Getae would have partially given up their language to learn the speech of the conquerors. From their combination would have appeared, in time, Romanian. After 20 years of study, Dr. Lucian Cueșdean came to the conclusion that this theory is false. Cuessdean says that the Getic tribes, under different names, occupied a vast geographical area, from Central Europe to Asia, close to China and India. The current Punjabi population, in northern India, for example, is the descendant of a tribe of Getae located in Central Asia more than 2,500 years ago. These descendants of the Getae speak a language similar to Romanian. But many of the words punjabi common with Romanian are also common with Latin. The problem is that 2,500 years ago there was no Roman Empire. This means that the Getae spoke a “Latin” language long before the Roman expansion.
The ancient map of Europe and Asia, for the year 500 î.Hr., was made by Thomas Lessman. The Thracian tribes occupy a huge space, from Central Europe to close to China
Getae warriors have descendants in India
“We started from the information about the great tribe of massacres, attested in the center of Asia by the ancient historians and mentioned in Evagrius Scholasticus, written in the sixth century d.Hr. and translated into the formula Ecclesiastical History by E. Walford in 1846, from which I quote: ‘The present JADE population in northern India is the descendant of the Massacres.
In pahalavi, messagetae is translated to the Great Jats». We have followed in the footsteps of this population, the Great Jats. The Chinese called them Yueci, meaning Getae, recording their domination in Punjabi. So the Getae once lived in Punjabi.
Note: the Geto-Dacian nations spoke the same language, as the ancient geographer Strabo (60 BC-26 d.Hr. says), that is, from the Carpathians to the center of Asia”, lucian Cueșdean told us.
<>1. This is what the Romanians look like, the descendants of the Daco-Getae
<>2. This is what the punjabi blouse looks like, the descendants of the masages
If the Getae have ruled territories from Europe to Asia, if the Punjabi population is a descendant of them, and the Romanians are, in their turn, descendants of the Getae, dr. Cueșdean was curious to see if there was any linguistic connection between us and them, comparing the words in the two languages.
“After 20 years of study, we have come to the conclusion that the 80 million people of the Punjabi community speak an archaic Romanian. They have 2,000 identical words, many of them common with Latin as well.
But if Punjabi is a language once spoken by the Getae, it means that the Getic nations spoke a “Latin” language before the advent of the Roman Empire.
Hence the fact that Romanian language is older than Latin.
The bottom line is that in an imemorial past there was only one European language, most likely archaic Romanian, or Getodaca
This language, through a series of migrations and modifications, gave birth to all the languages called Indo-European, including Latin.
And the Dacian war was a fratricidal one. To this day, Romanian or Aromanian is spoken from the northern Adriatic Sea to the Volga.
Moreover, there are now, officially, 20,000 speakers of Romanian language in Kazakhstan,” says Cueșdean.
He studied for 20 years the problem of massacres
Lucian Cueșdean is 70 years old and he got his PhD in medical sciences. Before 1989 he worked for several years in Libya, a former territory of the Roman Empire. There he began to look for explanations for the fact that the Dacians gave up their language in favor of Latin, and the Libyans did not. In 1990, studying all the historiography related to the Getae, he came to the data about the massacres, which led him to their descendants, the Punjabi population.
Herodotus wrote about the massacres in Asia
The first attestations of the tribe of massacres in Asia are found at Herodotus:
“The Caucasus forms the barrier of the Parthians (Scythian nation – n.r.) from the west of the Caspian Sea, and then to the west and towards the sunrise comes a plain of a huge expanse (Central Asia, near China – n.r.), which is lost in the distance;
this great plain was occupied by the massacres, against whom Cyrus had a desire to start with the army.” Cyrus, the king of the Persians, even set out against the massacres led by King Tamyris, but his army was destroyed, and Cyrus, beheaded.
The theory is verified on the internet
What dr. Cueșdean can be checked on the internet.
For clarification, we propose an exercise: the reader can choose the word in Romanian, search it on the online dictionary in English, and from English he translates it, also through the Internet, into Punjabi.
We cannot give all 2,000 common words. We’re going to show some of the ones we thought were of Latin origin.
You’ll notice that the sounds are almost identical, and the meanings are absolutely the same.
At a closer look it looks like a kind of Aromanian.