Whenever the disciple is ready, the master appears!

Whenever the disciple is ready, the master appears!

“In the ancient Egyptian books it is said that whenever the disciple is ready, the master appears.

Whenever the disciple is ready, the master appears. There is no need for the disciple to look for the master, the master always seeks the disciple. Even if you go to the master, the master is always the one who is looking for you, who finds you.

The same is true with the divine: whenever you are ready, it happens – Gomnezeu is looking for you.
He always looked for you: he followed you, he waited for you.
Whenever you are ready, the seed will sprout, the bud will become a flower.
But preparation is waiting – waiting is the only prayer you can do.
But if you don’t believe it, you can’t wait.

Only faith can wait.

Reason always insists on things that happen immediately.
The heart can wait; for her there is no urgency.

<>Try to understand this: time exists only for reason.
For the heart there is no time, the heart lives in eternity.
Only for reason does time exist.
So the mind always insists on haste, on the zor, on the urgency, and the mind is always tense.
Time passes, life flows, life dwindles with every moment.
Things have to happen on the spot – that’s the insistence of reason.
But the heart knows no time, there are no clocks for the heart.
The heart exists eternally, that’s why the heart can wait – the heart can wait indefinitely.

If you have love, if you have faith, if you trust, then there is no rush.

And then there is no need to wait with indifference.
Why don’t you dance while you wait?
Why was you wasting this time in apathy? Why don’t you dance?
When your girlfriend comes, she’ll be better off if she finds you dancing.”

(Excerpt from “Vedanta – 7 steps to samadhi” by Osho, Pro Publishing and Printing House, 2004)

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