Transformă-ți viața prin Yoga Tradițională! Începem un nou curs la Abheda Yoga cu Leo Radutz. Rezervă-ți locul la ședința GRATUITĂ din 9 martie acum și fă primul pas către o variantă mai bună a ta!


Why study Bushido?

Because the archetype of the spiritual hero or the inspiring heroine is absolutely necessary in this age of maximum spiritual decay. This is how we obtain the necessary spiritual virtues and, in our opinion, everyone needs virtues for a meaningful life.

We have the belief that the bright future of humanity requires methods to live life in a spiritualized and spiritualizing way.

The essence of bushido was defined by Saitō Chikamori as follows:

– Sincerity – do not lie, do not be insincere, do not be superficial
– Responsibility – do not be irresponsible
– Frugality – do not be greedy
– Politeness – do not be rude, do not defame
– Modesty – do not be boastful, do not be arrogant
– Loyalty – do not be unfaithful
– Harmony – be in good relations with those around you, as much as they allow us
– Inner peace – do not worry too much about events
– Compassion – show concern for each other, be compassionate, with a strong sense of duty.


Eight BUSHIDO virtues, according to Nitobe Inazō from the Meiji period

Nitobe defined bushido as:

the ways that noble fighters should observe in everyday life, as well as in their vocation.” – Socrates

1. Justice (義, gi )

Be extremely honest in your relationships with all people.

Believe in justice, not the one from other people, but the one that springs from yourself.

For the true noble hero or fighter all views are deeply taken into account with regard to honesty, justice and integrity.

Noble heroes or fighters (heroines or fighters) make a total commitment to their decisions.

2. Heroic courage (勇, yū )

A true warrior must have heroic courage. It is absolutely necessary, even if it can be risky and so we can live life completely, fully and wonderfully.

Heroic courage is not blind. He is smart and powerful.

3. Benevolence and compassion (仁, jin )

Through intense training and hard work, the real

noble heroes or fighters develop a power that must be used for good.

They have compassion.

They help their fellows at every opportunity.

If an opportunity for compassionate action does not arise, they strive to find one.

4. Respect (礼, resume )

Real noble fighters have no reason to be cruel.

They don’t have to prove their strength.

Noble fighters are not only respected for their strength in battle, but also for their relationships with others.

The true power of a warrior becomes evident in difficult moments.

5. Honesty (誠, makoto )

When the noble fighters say that they will perform an action, it is as well as done.

Nothing will prevent them from completing what they say they will do.

They don’t have to “give the word.” They don’t have to “promise.”

Talking and doing is the same action.


6. Honor (名誉, meiyo )

Warriors have only one judge of honor and character, and this is themselves.

The decisions they make and how those decisions are implemented are a reflection of who they really are.

You can’t hide from yourself.

So meiyo is not honor towards others – which would be just an aspect of the ego but honor towards yourself.


7. Duty and loyalty (忠義, chūgi )

Noble fighters are in charge

for all that they have done

and for everything they have said and for all the consequences that follow.

They are extremely loyal to all those in their care.

For all those for whom they are responsible, they remain extremely authentic.


8. Self-control (自制, jisei )

Associated virtues

Piety Branch (孝, kō )
Wisdom (智, chi )
Fraternity (悌, linden )
Debt (義理, giri ) ( Giri (Japanese) )


processing carried out after wikipedia

by Leo Radutz, founder of Abheda Yoga Academy, initiator of the Good OM Revolution

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