Does power corrupt? Hybris syndrome. Solutions

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Does power corrupt? Hybris syndrome. Solutions

Power corrupts” – it says

and thus it is assumed that any man who comes to have power tends to be unfair, abusive, egotistical, arrogant or unconscious.

This is, of course, a subterfuge to justify and spread the idea that there would be no other solution because all people would be corrupted by power.

I mean “that’s it…” today’s rulers are corrupt because “it’s normal” and that there could be no people who weren’t corrupted by power. False!

The r eality is that not all people are a chorusof power, and that’s where, after all, the whole meaning of existence lies.

Thereare many people who have power, greater or lesser and are not a choirat all, and even they apply intheirwisdom and fairness, often no matter how powerful they become.

When can a man be corrupted by power and when can he not?

This question is fundamental because the answer would give hope to our lives

in the sense that there could be a human community ruled by people whom power does not corrupt.

If a man considers it justified

and acts at the maximum of its power regardless of the consequences,

in the idea that he wants to gain something over his fellows on the basis of the law of force,

not supported by the right of conscience,

then that man, indeed, must not have power because he will use it indiscriminately.

We such a person should not be invested with the wellisre byOacold does not have the ability to resist temptation to identify themselvesIas with the ego, the tingeție caris bring noMei negative effects, distRuctive pentRu person respisstack and pentRu Other.

Dwould if, having power, a man uses it only so much and advantagewhenhe considers it necessary

and refuses to folose it when it is not ethical, moral or with love,

in his case it is possible that the puter


not to corrupt him.

And this difference is given by the identification with the ego.

People who identify with egos tend to increasingly, in proportion to the intensity of identification, to move away from the truth, to no longer be able to honestly recognize what is obvious and to make aberrant decisions.

At first he makes decisions in which it is obvious that he does not care about what others feel, about the meanings of his actions, about ethics or morals, about truth. then it reaches a self-destructive level.

Acest level is known and described in the Science of Consciousness – Abheda as the level at which we find that identification with the ego can generate, through the astounding blindness that occurs, decisions and actions that are obviously also against the person responsiblefortives.

Hybris syndrome

Hybris syndrome or Hubris syndrome refers to people who manifest a significant change of personality, in a negative sense, once they acquire a leadership position or when they gain a position in society that gives them power. This can happen in politics, in business or in any other field.

From Pittacos of Mytilene, a remarkable Greek politician, an example of balance, honesty and intelligence, from the sixth century i.Hr., remained a famous saying, which some ascribe to Pythagoras, and which time has constantly confirmed, settling in the collective consciousness as an expression of an ever-verifiable truth, regardless of the epoch:

Do you want to know a man? Endow it with great power“.

Pittacos of Mytilene

People who suddenly seem to lose touch with the world in which they live, overestimate their competences and capabilities, become intolerant and contemptuous of others, do not hesitate to abuse their power, knowingly ignoring the rules, laws, common sense, without being interested in “costs” and consequences.

What does power mean?

Not just a function that allows him to dispose of his fellows but even an inner power, intelligence, power of fascination, paranormal power, special power of the physical body, power of influence online or in the press.

In the army it was said that the person with the military rank who actuallyhas seen the greatest abuses and who does not hesitate to be excessive is often the person with the rank of leader- the lowest rank in the army.

The main symptoms described scientifically and identified by the author of the book “Sick in Power”, David Owen, who has significant experience both as a doctor and as a politician:

the use of power for self-immolation; the world is a kind of “arena” in which he, the privileged one, is entitled to power and glory;

the obsession of the self-image and the predisposition towards megalomania, towards actions that would bring it an image benefit;

loss of contact with reality and progressive isolation;

reckless and impulsive actions, negligence, nervousness;

ignoring the advice and criticisms of others and over-dependence on their own opinions;

“Messianic” discourse, of the holder of absolute truths, the tendency of unjustified exaltation;

obvious incompetence, due to excess confidence and lack of attention to detail;

confusing his desires and points of view with those of the people or the organization / company to which he belongs and expressing them in a pathetic, unnatural way;

the tendency to talk about the reverent self, in the third person, or to use, awkwardly, the plural “we” or, excessively, “I”;

the conviction, expressed emphatically, that the only “court” before which he must be held accountable for his deeds is “history” or “God” and that it will, of course, be favorable to him;

excessive attention paid to his “vision”, his choices, ignoring the practical aspects and the true consequences.


Whatare solutions possible?


practicing humility or Vinaya Mudra


– self-sacrifice, selflessness, minimalism and volunteering


– acceptance and practice of humanity, love of neighbor and princelypiului
Truth and justice without love are cruelty


– regular practice of the yoga transformer system, especially Abheda,
because it’s not enough to want to be good, you have to be able to.


Leo Radutz
yoga teacher
founder of the Abheda system


Do you want to do Good consistently and with efficiency?

Come with us !

Revolution of the Good OM


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