Good is infinitely more powerful than evil


Good is infinitely more powerful than evil, which is only more tempting

Question from readers

“I go to work and I feel like this world isn’t mine…
People are interested, it seems, only in winning, friendship is only up to interests,
and the advances of the men around me seem focused on a very pragmatic need to “taste the woman” and that’s it.

In addition, all the pitiful public life, the administration, the politicians, the television – they make me feel in a world that I should not be a part of, because… That’s not my world.

I am a normal woman, I say, but I feel abnormally different from this reality. What is your opinion and what could be the solution?”

Normal does not mean natural but usual.

That is, in a certain era, in a certain space, certain aspects were or are considered “normal”.
That is, usual, according to the curve of the “Gauss bell”.

Which means, at one time, ordinary and gregarious.

This “normal” is not a value in itself (if you lived in Sodom, “normal” would have been homosexual relationships – for example).

An awakened man must not pursue the normal but the authentic, what is truly valuable and whose value is eternal, not dependent on the era and space of his life.

The spiritualization of life is the true way to access authentic values.

In addition, you can be more attentive around you, because


There are many men who love, many people who are good, and cleaner and somewhat better intentioned politicians.

Know that they also have your impression, that they are alone and alienated in a perverse world.
The reality is quite different.

The number and value of good and superior people is much greater than that of inferior ones, but the “noise” that bad people make is much greater. And this is not accidental, but premeditated.

Cultivate spirituality, goodness, beauty, love, fairness, purity, refinement, seriousness
in your life and look for people with similar aspirations.

You will see that it exists.

Look for those who are like you, but still inert and blasé and “wake them up – only if possible and if they want to!”

Action is superior to inaction, and a wise man is more valuable than a million fools.

Transform your life so that it itself, every day, helps and regenerates you.
And not hope for an illusory vacation, in an illusory world, to repair the mistakes of one’s own way of living .

Try to determine your own spiritual purpose and proceed immediately to its realization.

Abheda Yoga – the Way of the Heart that’s why it exists – to cultivate the good and make it evident within us and outside of us in this SEEMINGLY confusing world.

That’s exactly what we do on the Heart path – we develop training methods and skills to help us feel that our world is exactly what we need to be happy.

There are thus training methods, inner attitudes to cultivate, books to read and movies to see, higher understandings of love and life.

But you also need people to understand and go through all this.

Because an ounce of practice does as much as tons of theory.


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