There’s a lot more good than it sounds!

Christmas is a charming time.
On a planetary scale, we all enjoy it.

It is a sudden, bright leap towards an optimistic perspective, marked by love, humanity, kindness and generosity, whether we are people who believe in the existence of God, or we are convinced that only ephemeral fulfillments can have a meaning in man’s life.

The atmosphere of the earth suddenly becomes beautifully colored and is purified (more or less) by the hundreds of days of the past year marked by materialism, malice, pettyness, black magic and, even, Satanism.

Christmas can have an expiatory effect and it’s a privileged moment, an insatiable chance to do something for the better.

Now these are hard times and it seems like the good doesn’t have much chance anymore. In fact, it just seems.
The reality is that good is much stronger than evil, which (only for some people) is more tempting.

We send you the attached text that has the gift of giving a real concrete hope for those hundreds of days between two Christmases as well.

It describes simple, traditional methods, easy to put into practice and they could create a “critical mass” of determined people to change the dominant note.
We think it’s interesting and that it’s worth, at the very least, to read and “pass on”.
But mostly to practice.

P.S. To read “three times” – I still am not tired. You’ll see why.
The good – Isihast meditation – download

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