INITIUM – a toxic pesticide experienced by the EU in Romania


INITIUM is a toxic product

The provisional name of the product INITIUM is ametoctradin. This is an extraordinarily powerful fungicide of the Pyrimidylamine Triazolopyrimidine class, the chemical structure of which you can consult. The product is toxic to the human body, is carcinogenic, reproductive and develops toxicity, neurotoxicity, and acute toxicity.
The fact that no concrete data on the effects of this substance on the human body have been made public, as would have been normal to exist in any research and evaluation report, is very worrying. But in this way no one can be held responsible for the serious effects that could later occur in humans following the consumption of foods that have been injected with INITIUM.

Of all the countries on the planet, only Romania is in a hurry to use a new, very toxic substance for potato, tomato, cucumber, onion crops, as well as for vine plantations. This substance, called INITIUM, increases the risk of colon cancer by up to 65%. BASF, a German chemical consortium, has revealed that Romania is the first country in the world to authorize its Initium product. The company claims that “the fungicide product will help winegrowers move faster to high-quality production.” If high quality means poisoning the population, then the statement is true…
The company spokesperson also said that in addition to the Initium grape product, which will be available in Romania from 2010 under the name Enervin, authorization has also been granted to Zampro, a fungicide-based Initium product for potato, tomato, cucumber and onion crops. That is, exactly the basic vegetables in the diet… The company claims that “both products have been extensively tested in the field and have demonstrated high selectivity and efficacy against some pests.” Hopefully it doesn’t refer to something “human pests” that the New World Order believes is overpopulating the planet!
Roland Ringel, Head of Global Initium’s Development Project, said with incredible cynicism: “Due to Initium’s very favourable environmental profile, the products have been authorised in a record time of four years. And in fact, Initium products not only have a high degree of environmental compatibility, but they are also very easy to use – they dissolve quickly and in water, thus saving time.”

Michael Hess, head of Crop Protection for Central Europe, also said, with a cynicism typical of all managers at large transnational chemical companies: “Romanian farmers want to compete successfully on the European market. For this reason, there is a great deal of interest in the field of innovative technologies. Our highly effective and environmentally friendly crop protection products will enable winegrowers and farmers to produce high yields and healthy crops with minimal residue levels, in line with EU regulations.”
Initium products will complete the portfolio along with other compounds, such as the recently launched Cabrio Top, an anti-disease multi-fungicide for grapes. According to Enervin, it is propagandistically stated about the Cabrio Top that it is expected to become “a driving force in terms of plant protection for vines in Romania”. What “propulsion” and “protection” it can be, if the grapes will simply be poisoned like the apple in the Snow White story, we do not know. Should we be propelled faster to the other world? Initium products are expected to be registered in the Netherlands and the UK in the first half of 2010, with other European countries to follow.

On that website, BASF boasted on January 11, !!!!!! that for the first time in the world was authorized in a record time the fungicide Initium which in Romania will be sold under the name Enervin.

The interesting position of Senator Iulian Urban on this subject and the way he militates against the use of this toxoic substance.

It is very doubtful that the evaluation report on which the conclusions of the European Food Safety Authority (EFSA) are based, had NOT been independently analyzed by other researchers – as required by the rules – at the time they drew the conclusions and gave the recommendation. This is stated in the report itself:
As the evaluation report has not yet been analysed by other researchers, the conclusions reached from the results obtained must be considered provisional and can be reconsidered once the additional reports are completed, in accordance with Directive 91/414/EEC.
So, from the official data currently available, it only appears that this substance exists and that it will be tested in Romania. Otherwise, we must take EFSA’s word for it that the substance is harmless to the human body. But there is no clear evidence for this.
The extremely easy and at the same time criminal way in which these recommendations were made, for introducing this substance into the food circuit without the existence of rigorous studies and evaluations, is as “scientific” as vaccinating people with an untested vaccine. You can still refuse a vaccine… still. But how can you avoid such criminal experiments, given that the law on the use
of this substance does not require consumers to be warned…

prospects- in 30 years three billion people could die: one from lack of food, another two from diseases caused by toxic substances introduced into the diet – directives
: elimination of natural supplements, minerals and vitamins
– animals will be treated with hormones and irradiated, and plants will be genetically
modified – those who use natural products will be imprisoned
– garlic, Peppermint and other such common plants will be considered drugs
– natural medicine and alternative medicines will be phased out.

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