A library in Romania is on the first place in the top of the most beautiful libraries in the world

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<>The library of the Technical University of Iasi was designated as the most beautiful library in the world, the ranking resulting from a survey conducted by the boredpanda.com portal.

A little known library in Romania is considered among the most beautiful in the world. At least this is the opinion of many of the visitors of the portal boredpanda.com which has had an online survey for nine days. Over 400,000 users have analyzed so far the proposals of the site specialized in finding and promoting unique images from the world.

At the moment, the Library of the “Gheorghe Asachi” University of Iasi (ICU) is on the 1st place in the users’ preferences, an honorable position given that among the “competitors” there are architectural masterpieces such as the Trinity College Library in Dublin, the Royal Portuguese Library in Rio de Janeiro, the Admont Monastery Library, made in the late Baroque style, the National Library in Prague, the National Library of France or the Library of congress of the United States in Washington.

The Library of Iasi was founded at the beginning of 1948, in the new body of the University Palace, the current headquarters of the “Al. Ioan Cuza” University of Iasi. The extension of the palace was designed by I.G. Pompilian in the same eclectic style as the original Palace, notes adevarul.ro.

The construction of the extension began on August 5, 1929, and the architect Theodor Vasilescu also participated in the works. From 1933 to 1942, the university of Iasi was called Mihăileană University, after which the name changed to Cuza-Voda University. Initially, the book fund of the technical library was modest, of only 12,000 units. Currently, the ICU Library holds a total fund of documents of 962,528 volumes – (522,187 books, 129,332 magazines, 5,042 special fund (CDs, DVDs, microformats) and 305,967 technical documents.


Source: http://onlinereport.ro/o-biblioteca-din-romania-pe-locul-intai-in-topul-celor-mai-frumoase-biblioteci-din-lume/

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