It was discovered accidentally – chemotherapy worsens cancer!

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A team of American researchers, while studying the fact that cancer cells are highly resistant to treatment, accidentally discovered something much more important, namely, the fact that chemotherapy strongly affects healthy cells by damaging them, and at the same time causes them to release a protein that supports and fuels the growth of the cancerous tumor.

<>In the report on the findings of the study conducted in the journal Nature Medicine, the scientists signal that the results were “completely unexpected”.

Thus, evidence of significant damage to DNA cells was found when examining the effects of chemotherapy on tissues derived from prostate cancer patients. This report represents a slap in the face to medical organizations in the United States, which have supported chemotherapy for years as the only possible option for cancer patients.

This news comes after a similar discovery was previously revealed, namely that extremely expensive drugs for treating cancer, not only do not treat these tumors, but actually aggravate them. It was discovered that these drugs cause tumors to “metastasize” and grow in size massively after their consumption, and therefore killed patients faster.

Known as WNT16B, the scientists who conducted the research, say that this protein created by chemotherapy, increases the survival of cancer cells, and is why chemotherapy makes that, the lives of patients shorten faster.

The co-author of this discovery, Dr. Peter Nelson of the Fred Hutchinson Cancer Research Center in Seattle, explains:

The WNT16B protein, when secreted, interacts with nearby tumor cells and causes them to grow, invades them, and more importantly, resists further treatment.
The team of researchers added that the results obtained indicate that the damage to benign cells can directly contribute to an increased kinetics and to the growth of the tumor, respectively.

Meanwhile, extremely cheap treatments, such as natural ones, which use tumeric and ginger have been extremely effective, shrinking tumors and combating the spread of cancer.

<>Following 11 case studies, it was found that the use of tumeric reduces the size of a brain tumor by an almost shocking percentage of 81%. Several researches have also shown that tumeric is able to stop the growth of cancer cells entirely. Thus the case of a woman who was cured of cancer, appearing right on the front page of the newspapers, revealed that her victory against cancer was that she had consistently used, as the main spice,turmeric.

This accidental discovery by American researchers still shows the lack of real science behind many treatments belonging to the “old paradigm”, despite what official health organizations would like people to believe. The truth is that natural alternatives do not receive nearly as much funding as those used for synthetic pharmaceutical drugs and medical interventions, since there is simply no room for profit. If everyone used tumeric and vitamin D to treat cancer (or even better yet, preventing it through a healthy lifestyle), the big drug companies would be taken off the market.



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