Oshawa Diet No. 7 or, as it is also known in Yoga, Dhanyacarin Krama, is the most severe, but also the most effective of the regimens indicated by Dr. George Oshawa.
The Oshawa No. 7 regimen has maximum efficacy in all diseases caused by excess yin energy. It also allows a quick balancing of the being from an energetic point of view (yin – yang).
Effects of Dhanyacarin Krama (Oshawa Regime No.7)
His action is extremely purifying.
- The subtle energetic pathways in the human body (nadis/meridians) are cleansed of many impurities.
- Subtle deposits of kapha dosha-phlegm (these hinder the circulation of energy in the body) are also cleansed.
- This general purification has the immediate effect of considerable clarity and clarity of mind.
- Digestion becomes better,
- hormonal secretions are regulated,
- and the complexion becomes clean and bright.
- The eyes become bright and the being feels an inexplicable force and zest for life, often foreign to it until then.
The state of yang is amplified in the being. We feel that we can control ourselves better, including at the level of emotions.
- Even some psychic addictions are eliminated.
- In many cases it helps human beings reduce or even get rid of certain states of subtle possession, as is the case in epilepsy or some cases of alcoholism.
- For those who are addicted to certain toxic substances or drugs (alcohol, tobacco, coffee, heroin, cocaine, opium, hashish, etc.), the number 7 regimen of Japanese doctor Oshawa is the equivalent of a miracle.
It detoxifies and, at the same time, amplifies mental and even physical self-control and eases the withdrawal phenomenon in case of interruption of toxic substances.
- In case of incurable diseases, such as cancer, this regimen is very valuable. It helps a lot to stabilize the evolution of tumors (that is, they only grow) and even eliminate them.
This regime is yang in nature, having a tansforming yang effect at the level of the whole being. Tumors need yin food to live.
Of course, even if we eat nothing but yang food, as in the Oshawa diet, there are still yin substances in our body (for example, substances resulting from the metabolism of our own fats in the body). However, gradually, the yang regime takes effect and tumors regress in many cases.
In severe cases it is necessary to resort to this regime permanently, with breaks of 3 days between periods of 10 days, during which yang vegetables and fruits are consumed.
It is a great method to adjust our weight
without having to resort to starvation. We can eat, but only the food in this regimen.
Thus, overweight people will be very happy to see how this regimen not only normalizes their weight, but also harmonizes their body shape. Resistance to extreme hot-cold temperatures is amplified. Secretions resulting from sweating are reduced and have a less intense odor.
Underweight people will find that if they eat enough during the 10-day period of the diet, it tends to normalize their weight, meaning that they will fulfill themselves bodily.
*The wise way to act in this situation is NOT to return, at the end of the diet, to the usual food abuse.
What does the regime entail?
For 10 days it is consumed exclusively: wheat, rice, millet and buckwheat + water and salt.
We can consume them in any combination or proportion we want, cooked or baked (so without oil or anything else).
As a liquid, only pure spring water or commercial plain water should be consumed, and only in exceptional cases herbal teas.
- Success condition:
Let’s not starve, that is, to have enough food available and of the best quality. In this way, the Oshawa regime will be easy to sustain and, moreover, we will be able to perform all our duties at work or in other situations in which we act.
It is possible that with such a first regimen more violent or unpleasant physiological reactions occur
due in particular to intensive purification and massive detoxification of the body. But continuing tenaciously, these unpleasant aspects will disappear quite quickly, giving way to a completely different bodily condition and even a different, much improved metabolism.
*Even healthy people should resort to at least two Oshawa regimens (10 days each) per year for a general refresh and purification of the body.
! We draw attention once again that in this regime should be consumed only:
wheat, rice, millet and buckwheat (boiled in water or baked with a little salt) and absolutely nothing else!
If we have important reasons (a serious illness or intoxication)
This regimen can be repeated several times (in groups of 10 days) with a break of one to five days between two such groups, during which time other foods can be consumed, preferably also yang, until the desired effect is achieved.
There are conditions in which it is not possible to keep Dhanyacarin Krama – the Oshawa regimen no.7, because their mandatory diet is completely different. For example, in diabetes.
It is good to consult a doctor when we have some doubts or when we want to use this regimen to help cure a condition.
Recipes for Dhanyacarin Krama – Oshawa no.7:
1. Baked wheat
Wash the wheat very well and place it in the pan with salt and water, just enough to cover it. Leave to hard heat until the water evaporates, then stir continuously. It is very important that the fire is strong, so that the grain is crispy and not hard. It ripens until the wheat changes color slightly and is easy to chew. Ideal in such a case is the use of a Teflon pan or a cast iron cauldron.
2. Buckwheat and baked millet
It is carried out analogously, with the stipulation that they must be baked without being moistened beforehand.
3. Rice soup with wheat dumplings
From a small amount of whole wheat flour, water and salt, make a soft dough (softer than the one for cakes) and leave to soak for 15-25 minutes. From this are made small-sized dumplings, which are put in boiling water with salt. Boil for about 10 minutes, then add rice or rice flour.
4. Wheat and rice porridge
Place the water with salt to boil. When it boils, pour whole wheat flour and rice flour in the rain until you get the desired consistency.
Attention! And the wheat and rice swell to boil, so you have to leave the composition softer. Boil about 20-30 minutes.
5. Wheat cakes or bars – the easiest option to use
(more can be made and taken away) and the most nutritious.
We finely grind the wheat (with the help of a mechanical or electric grinder), until it becomes like flour. A hull is formed from water, salt and wheat flour completely obtained previously, using as little water as possible. Leave for about 30 minutes to soak, then make cakes that are baked in the oven or pan, without oil, over low heat. Bars with a thickness of about 3-4 cm – the most advantageous form – are baked only in the oven.
*Recommendation: the cakes should be as thin as possible.
Proceed analogously for buckwheat.
You can also make cakes from mixing wheat flour with buckwheat flour or rice. They can also be made from complete wheat flour in which a few tablespoons of boiled rice are incorporated. It makes a softer dough in this case.
It is advisable not to store cakes or bars in plastic bags, but in paper bags, to stay fresh longer.
We also suggest the following combinations: boiled rice with baked wheat flour, boiled wheat with baked rice flour and boiled buckwheat with buckwheat or wheat flour.
Leo Radutz, founder of the Abheda system, initiator of the Good OM Revolution