As mentioned in the article about the Moon and its phases, life on Earth (and in particular the human being) is subject to the continuous influences of celestial bodies that compose or cross the Solar System in a certain period. We can only consider concrete, “scientifically proven” astronomical and astrophysical influences, but it is much more important to take into account the energetic, subtle interactions that leave their mark on our emotional states, predispositions and events in individual and collective life. Not recognizing these influences now, when astrology is increasingly establishing itself as an esoteric science with a very precise argumentation, is no longer a matter of skepticism, but of ignorance!
Some characteristics specific to each star are needed here to understand how planetary influences are composed:
Sun: signifies masculine, yang, emissive energy, consciousness and consciousness, need for affirmation, father, man, husband, masculine side of each being; analytical, mental, rational, decision-making side.
Moon: signifies feminine, receptive energy, yin, subconscious, passivity, inaction, feeding and growth, mother, wife, woman or feminine side of the human being; creativity and sensitivity, body fluids.
Mercury: expresses mental energy, intellect, thinking, ideational flow, rapidity of mental correlations, adaptability, child or young person, business.
Venus: expresses the energies of love, harmony, art, beauty, balance, creation and creativity, interpersonal relationships, refinement, the carnal aspect of relationships, the state of emotional – affective contentment / fulfillment.
Mars: expresses the energies of physical strength, body structure, capacity for action, inner and especially external conflict zone, raw sexual energy, efficiency in actions performed.
Jupiter: also called the Great Benefic, is correlated with the energies of wholeness, wisdom, philosophy, metaphysics, prosperity and abundance, spiritual Master, enlightened consciousness.
Saturn: Also called the Lord of Karma, it is unfairly feared by laymen. It is true that Saturnian energy forces to confront one’s own karma, especially with its harsh aspects, brings solitude, delay, is marked by time, slow but lasting processes, signifies the elderly, old age, but also wisdom acquired in time and through experience, the Teacher, restrictions of any kind. If properly integrated, Saturnian energy helps us quickly transcend our karma and reach wisdom through asceticism, by overcoming gregarious aspects and worldly, ephemeral pleasures.
Uranus: is considered the upper octave of Mercury, in correlation with the supermental, superconscious, inventions, innovations, planetary brotherhood, is the symbol of the Age of Aquarius, in which it is said that our planet and the entire Solar System have just entered.
Neptune: the upper octave of Venus, is the gateway to the Absolute, to God, related to occult energies, esoteric practices, mysticism, authentic spiritual paths, love and devotion to the Divine. However, a less harmonious integration of this planet brings with it the cultivation of illusions, uncontrolled oneiric and subconscious phenomena.
Platoon: the upper octave of Mars, is par excellence the expression of the volcanic impulses of the subconscious and especially of the unconscious, the expression of the collective unconscious, marks profound transformations, social convulsions, radical, dramatic decisions, supports total transformation by bringing to light and alchemizing all animal impulses, or in other words it is the emblem of the processes of transmutation and sublimation of energies, capable of transforming lead (lower aspects, unrefined of being) into gold (pure consciousness and elevated manifestations).
It is known that the last three planets, Uranus, Neptune and Pluto are called “collective planets” because their slow movement causes their effects in certain planetary configurations to last for long periods of time. Or, events in an individual’s life follow each other with a much greater rapidity, being influenced especially by the so-called “individual” or “personal” planets (Sun, Moon, Mercury, Venus, Mars, Jupiter and Saturn, respectively), whose planetary configurations evolve faster. Therefore, the last three planets leave their energetic mark on large-scale, collective events that engage the masses of people and have repercussions on the order of tens or even hundreds of years.
Celestial bodies (planets, especially, but also asteroids or even certain virtual celestial formations, considered only from an energetic point of view – see Lunar Nodes) can be in certain positions relative to each other, which makes their concerted influence exerted in a specific manner on life on Earth and on human beings. The table below shows the different main types of reciprocal planetary positions, as well as their effects and significance:
Conjunction-0 degrees: with tolerance or blind of +/- 8 degrees (15 degrees for luminaries). The two stars viewed from Earth seem superimposed; They combine their influences.
Sextile -60 degrees: tolerance or blind of +/- 4 degrees. The stars support each other. Dynamic, beneficial appearance, incites to action.
Quadrature-90 degrees: blind +/- 8 degrees. The stars contradict each other. Conflictual aspect, which can allow to resolve negative inner aspects and overcome oneself through a courageous hero attitude.
Trigon-120 degrees: blind +/- 8 degrees. Beneficial but passive appearance. It highlights the qualities accumulated in other existences, but which do not incite to manifestation and action.
Opposition-180 degrees: blind +/- 8 (15 degrees for luminaries). The stars counterbalance their effects. They can support or unbalance each other, as the human being perceives them. They induce the need for balance and harmonization of energies.
In addition to these interplanetary angular distances, we can actually speak of certain geometric configurations made up of two, three or more astrologically significant planets or celestial bodies. They exert certain specific influences on the human being, throughout life (if they appear in his natal theme), or for a determined period (for example, a year, if we talk about the solar revolution, so the astral influences that are exerted during an astrological year, from one anniversary to another of the individual). We present below the main celestial configurations:
WINGS – Planetary configuration involving four planets and knows two possibilities of realization. The symbolism of the configuration approaches that of the planet Mercury and Air Signs, particularly supporting professional activities in the field of communication. The gross level of conscience will be marked by intolerance and lack of diplomacy, superficiality and unseriousness. Harmonious people will manifest the power to synthesize the energy of configuration at the level of expression and personal achievement.
APPLYING ASPECT – Planetary aspect to be achieved between two or more planets, when the fast planet approaches the slow one, and they will realize their maximum momentum.
– A planetary aspect that has already experienced its peak moment, and is now about to unravel, as the fast planet begins to move away from the slow one.
– A planetary configuration consisting of three planets, two being opposite and the third forming squares with each of them; This third planet is called the “focus planet” (or “apex planet”, or “peak” of the configuration) and receives the energies of the other two. That is why it is the most powerful planet. The vibratory mode in which both the focus planet and the other planets are located has led to the existence of three types of T-square:
–the cardinal T-square (all planets are in three of the four cardinal signs) – which gives dynamism, but also relational crises;
-square in fixed T (all planets are in three of the four fixed Signs) – which gives power of concentration, perseverance, but also attachment to the material plane;
-mutable T-square (all planets are in three of the four mutable Signs) – which confers a very high adaptability and elevation, but also psycho-emotional instability.
This configuration makes the native experience conflicting events that will help him overcome his weaknesses and mistakes from previous lives, being the sign of those born to succeed, to fulfill what they want (or are somehow obliged) to do.
– Planetary aspect that occurs between two or more planets in the same place on the zodiac circle, in a range of plus/minus 8 degrees. It gives considerable energy that can be felt in the form of long-term focus on an idea or direction, the state of firmness and unity of being, but also in the form of stubbornness, inertia and ignorance.
– A planetary configuration consisting of four planets in opposition two by two, all four of them quaring each other at the same time. It indicates determination, inner strength, will to achieve the ideal / proposed goal, concentration, mature integration of life experiences, but also stagnation, inertia, limitation, anguish, dispersion of energies. Depending on the vibratory mode in which the configuration planets are located, we distinguish three different types:
Cardinal cross is the cross formed by four or more planets that are in the cardinal zodiac signs of Aries, Cancer, Libra, and Capricorn
–fixed cross – is the cross formed by four or more planets that are in the fixed zodiac signs Taurus, Leo, Scorpio and Aquarius
Mutable cross is the cross formed by four or more planets that are in the mutable zodiac signs Gemini, Virgo, Sagittarius and Pisces.
– Planetary configuration in which a pair of trines connect with a pair of sextiles in such a way that the oppositions unite the four corners. The configuration facilitates objective attitude in relationships of any kind, the use of innovative ideas, intuition and presence of mind, but also gives a lot of selfishness and relational interest. In the absence of an authentic spiritual path, the native will use the resulting energy rather as a permanent tilt between two tendencies, between two centers of interest, or between two people.
(or Great Triangle) – Planetary configuration containing three planets arranged 120 degrees apart from each other, each in the Signs of the same Element. It indicates talent (acquired in previous lives) and opportunities, divine protection and what is popularly called “luck”. Keep in mind, however, that the pyramid needs squares and oppositions to become active and useful to our transformation. Depending on the Element in which the configuration planets are located, we distinguish four different types:
– Fire pyramid – all three planets are in the zodiac signs Aries, Leo, Sagittarius;
– Earth pyramid – all three planets are in the zodiac signs Taurus, Virgo, Capricorn;
– Air pyramid – all three planets are in the zodiac signs Gemini, Libra, Aquarius;
– Water pyramid – all three planets are in the zodiac signs Cancer, Scorpio, Pisces.
MUTUAL RECEPTION – Astrological aspect made by two planets, each positioned in the domicile sign of the other. Their energies support or weaken each other, behaving either as one or, on the contrary, in total phase opposition. Examples of mutual receptions are:
– Sun in the zodiac sign Capricorn (domicile of Saturn) and Saturn in the zodiac sign of Leo (domicile of the Sun)
– Jupiter in the zodiac sign Scorpio (domicile of Pluto) and Pluto in the zodiac sign of Sagittarius (domicile of Jupiter)
– Uranus in the zodiac sign Pisces (domicile of Neptune) and Neptune in the zodiac sign Aquarius (domicile of Uranus).
– An aspect achieved by the presence of at least four planets in the same zodiac sign, regardless of the angular distance between them (which distinguishes it from the conjunction aspect). It confers a lot of decision-making and action power, but also the predisposition to obsessions, fixed ideas, deep ignorance.
– Planetary configuration containing three planets, forming two sextile and a trine. Like the T-square, the minor triangle also has a focus planet, which receives the energy of the other two and makes the configuration more active. It supports the expression of creative qualities and gives objectivity, inventiveness, ability to materialize abstract ideas.
– Planetary configuration also known as a “parachute”; it contains a pyramid and a minor triangle; It is a more dynamic configuration than the pyramid because it features an opposition and a focus planet that push existing plantar energies into action. It indicates the native’s tendency towards conservatism but often guarantees certain success.
Above all, “the stars predispose, do not dispose.” Therefore, we cannot talk about irremediably harmful elements in the theme of a human being. Often, certain predispositions considered positive make an individual stagnate in his evolution as a soul, while a combination of stressful circumstances stimulates him to develop. It is known, for example, that the natal themes of thieves or people who tend to get rich from easy activities, in which others work for them, contain several trine aspects (passive beneficial aspect, which does not predispose to action, but indicates a beneficial karma accumulated from previous existences). On the contrary, the natal themes of some prominent people are governed by squares and oppositions, configurations with the potential for stress and conflict for that individual. But only by confronting them with our own shadows can we overcome them, alchemizing them in the crucible of our spiritual heart.