Pollen a miracle?
We can define floral pollen as the sex cell or “sperm” of the plant.
He is disposed as a fine powder on the stamens. The bees pick up this powder, then mix it with regurgitated honey and nectar, as well as with their own secretions. Thus they can form the well-known colored granules, that is, bee pollen.
To form a single grain of pollen, the bee must visit an average of 300 flowers!
The composition and organoleptic properties of different types of pollen, differ depending on the type and species of the plants of origin, as well as the time of harvesting, so we will discover various types of pollen with different tastes, smells, flavors and colors.
The most valuable from a therapeutic point of view is raw pollen.
It is a natural probiotic because it contains lactobacilli and bifidobacteria that come from the stomach of bees.
It is very beneficial for our digestive system, contributing to the restoration of the intestinal flora, and to the inhibition of pathogenic germs in the digestive tract.
In addition, raw pollen contains several types of yeasts, which in the intestines protect us against the installation of mycosis.
Dry pollen does not exert these actions.
All these micro-organisms are destroyed when the pollen is heated to over 40 degrees Celsius, in order to dry out.
Instead, if the pollen is kept raw, in the freezer, they remain in a dormant state, and upon thawing these principles become active again.
Raw pollen is a generous source of vitamins:
- both fat-soluble A (and provitamin A), D, E, F
- as well as water soluble – C, P (rutin) folic acid, B1, B2, B3 (PP), B5, B6, B8 (H).
Some of these vitamins are found in such large quantities that 30 grams of pollen provide the full recommended daily dose.
It is good for pollen to be consumed in the morning on an empty stomach, and to be administered sublingually, 30 minutes before breakfast.
In physical or intellectual overstrain regimes, but also in weight loss diets, the amounts can reach up to 50-100 grams per day.
Sometimes we can replace one of the main meals only with pollen. It is advisable for people who have health problems to seek the advice of an apiphytotherapist.
In the pollen of polyfloral there are large amounts of provitamin A!
In some acacia assortments, even 20 times more than in carrots!
Nowadays, vitamin deficiencies are multiple, and are favored by the modern diet, which is depleted in vitamins, due to exaggerated chemistry in agriculture, multiple processing in the food industry and chemical additives present in food.
In addition, the exaggerated consumption of alcohol, tobacco, refined sugar, and antibiotics accentuate the deficiencies.
Conventional medicine tries to compensate for these deficiencies with the vitamins and polyvitamins of synthesis existing in the pharmaceutical industry. But who can accurately calculate the needs of each organism?
And who can tell us how well these vitamins are absorbed or used by the body?
Today more than ever we are faced with increasingly complex pathological situations that include poly-deficiency vitamins.
That is why the ideal solution represented by pollen, really seems like a miracle.
Raw pollen is a polymineralizing naturel, in raw pollen are found practically all the chemical elements that make up the human body.
It is worth mentioning that mineral macroelements: Ca, Mg, P, K, Na and as microelements: Cu, Fe, Mn, Ni, S, Se, Si, Zn, B, Co, Cr, I, Mo.
After brazil nuts, pollen is credited as the second natural source of selenium.
Another rather rare and less known element, which is found in very few natural sources but is present in pollen, is Boron.
It is necessary for bone strength, stimulates brain functions and mental vivacity, favors sleep and contributes to the regulation of sexual hormonal secretions.
On average, polyfloral pollen contains:
- protein 23.7%,
- lipids 4.8%,
- carbohydrates 27.8%,
- water 7-11%,
- soluble and insoluble fiber 13-14%.
Proteins are found in pollen in greater proportion than in meat, and most of them are in the form of amino acids, which are absorbed directly, without efforts from the body.
Pollen is richer in amino acids by more than 3 times compared to eggs, cheese and meat!
It is also a very rich source of enzymes, containing about 100 enzymes, which have a crucial role in the biochemistry of the body.
To understand the properties of pollen we need to understand the purpose for which bees harvest it.
For bees, pollen has a special significance, being their main source of food, being rich in proteins, vitamins, minerals and other micronutrients.
On the quality of the harvested pollen depends both the vigor of the bee family and their defense capacity, that is, the power of their venom.
Also, the better the pollen, the more valuable the royal jelly is, and the queen and young larvae are better fed. Drones also consume a lot of pollen, which gives them strength and fecundity.
Due to the active principles in pollen,
→ it is a powerful energizer, it is stimulant, tonic and slightly aphrodisiac.
→ It fights constipation and regulates digestive transit, relieves irritative states, neuroses and depression.
→ It is indicated in the treatment of liver diseases, from simple steatosis, acute or chronic hepatitis to cirrhosis and liver cancers, can dissolve gallstones, and has vermifuge properties.
→ It is also indicated in prostate and breast cancer due to the flavonoids contained in pollen, which by their intense antioxidant action, protect against peroxidation of saturated fats that are involved in the production of these diseases.
→ A dose of 30 grams of pollen per day, provides 15% of the daily ration of fiber, it contributes to the reduction of LDL cholesterol.
Pollen also tends to normalize triglyceride levels in donations where nutrition and stress are properly managed.
→ Pollen is also indicated in osteoporosis, in slimming diets, in debilitating states, including anemias of any kind
→ Improves blood quality and contributes to the regulation of hormonal functions.
The absolutely miraculous properties of pollen would require perhaps entire tomes of information, but for now we stick to the above.
We hope that you have aroused enough interest in this
“medicine of medicines”
which is raw pollen, whose properties deserve to be known as well as possible and it certainly needs to be incorporated into our daily diet, if we want a healthier and harmonious life.
Leo Radutz, founder of the Abheda system, initiator of the Good OM Revolution