These explanations are from the perspective of Abheda Yoga
and does not represent an opinion of the Orthodox religious cult.
Christian Heart Meditation or Hesychast meditation (not “hesychast”) has a certain effectiveness that does not depend on us, but on the grace or “mercy” of Jesus.
Still, a few people claim that although they practice regularly,
they do not feel an elevation of their level of consciousness.
We offer here a series of principles of efficiency in this type of spiritual approach
which can be an essential guide for the Authentic Seeker.
1. Detachment from action and its results.
It is not good to feel attached to achieving spiritual efficiency during practice,
as we imagine we would like it to happen.
The practice of Hesychast meditation or Christian Heart meditation
It gains strength if we are detached from its results
and is prevented if we are attached to the result
And we intensely pursue a certain satisfaction.
2. The mentalization of the living presence of Jesus Christ in our spiritual heart
and the identification with the living being of Jesus Christ in our spiritual heart.
This principle is based on
The fundamental aspect of identity at an essential level
of the limited human being
and the divine Being of Jesus Christ.
3. Centering in the Spiritual Heart, or at least,
a better interiorization and focus.
4. Instant presence or spontaneous attention oriented to the present moment,
on the practice that takes place in the heart
and, secondarily, on what is happening externally.
5 External noises or other stimuli are not obstacles, but are real chances of efficiency,
Because they allow us to sense the difference between inside and outside.
6. We do not struggle with any thoughts that arise, but only ignore them,
that is, we do not follow their course, we do not cultivate them,
substituting attention to them
with attention to the practice of hesychast meditation or Christian meditation of the Heart.
This practice is simple enough to tackle
and allows focus on it
almost for any practitioner (regardless of the spiritual level already gained).
Thus, the power of any thought will gradually decrease
and “Hesychia,” the living peace of heart filled with nondual happiness
It will install gradually.
7. When we practice “ora et labora” efficiency increases greatly
If we relate to the fact that we have a mysterious inner life,
what unfolds regardless of what is outside;
this inner life takes place at the level of the spiritual Heart,
inside our physical body, but on a subtle level;
in other words, there in the Heart are we,
identify with the living being of the Saviour Jesus Christ.
Thus, we find that it is easy for us to live concretely
the state in which
“we are in the world, but we are not of the world. “
8. When inhaling it is good to be aware
the subtle quality of inspired air as being of the nature of Christ consciousness.
9. It is good to allow breathing to become more and more shallow, with as long pauses as possible between exhalation and inhalation
(reaching the situation where we have the impression that we do not breathe at all);
this phenomenon should not be forced at all,
but it must be natural, and it is only allowed to manifest it.
Attention should be focused on prayer
and on identity in the heart with the living Jesus Christ, not on breath.
10. The posture should be with the spine as straight as possible,
having the head in continuation of the spine and, especially, if possible,
be perfectly immobile; Of course we can consider ourselves free
to move certain body segments for various pressing needs,
But a key to success in this type of meditation
It is almost absolute bodily immobility.
Afterwards one can practice “ora et labora” in the middle of life
(and thus during movement) but after some success has been achieved in meditation with the immobile body.
11. It is important to continue saying the prayer of the heart (even mechanically – from the subconscious), which constitutes an authentic rosary (or string of “rosaries”) with the help of which meditation gains continuity and efficiency.
Of course, if the inner state has become deeper and we feel it,
we can only repeat the name of Jesus,
And if it has become even deeper, then there is no need to say anything,
for the prayer of the Heart will flow in a subtle way, from Itself, into the Heart.
12. It is good to maintain as strictly as possible active sexual continence or sexual abstinence
(to benefit from greatly increased efficiency in meditation).
From experience we tell you that people who do not comply with this condition
Most often report things like “I don’t feel anything, although practically.”
Other helpful aspects:
Food is best vegetarian, without consuming alcoholic beverages and without smoking or using drugs.
– we can use the healing plants to improve our mental and mental state, to increase the ability to concentrate and maintain the mental focus; we do not include here “psychedelic” plants that, even if some are legal, have the gift of weakening the inner power, uncontrollably opening the being to the state of trance;
– using the secret method of identifying focus on an icon or representation of the Saviour.
We wish you full success!
Leo Radutz
AdAnima Academic Society