Zendo is the space where Zazen is made.
Zazen means “just sitting”, but this “simply” is all achievement in zen.
The space in the zendo, the objects and gestures must be as simple and clear as possible.
In the zendo we manifest a certain humility which is, in fact, a humility towards our self superior to the Supreme Self, to which we relate.
Before you enter the zendo, take off your shoes and put them in the indicated place.
He always enters the zendo with his left.
Before you sit down to meditate, put your hands together as if for prayer, a few inches in front of your chest, with your arms parallel to the ground – a position of your hands called gassho in Zen Buddhism – and tilt that altar, which can only be a brightly scented chopstick on a table in the room. Gassho is often used with a bow, to greet others and show them respect. This position is similar to the mudra namaste in yoga meditation.
When you pass through the room to get to your place, change your direction of travel at right angles. It does not go in serpentines, does not cross directly in front of the altar and not diagonally. When you’re in the zendo, always move and turn clockwise. Of course, don’t disturb anyone who meditates.
Put your hands back in the gassho position and lean towards your place and those who meditate on either side of you, who will respond with the bow of gassho.
Turn clockwise towards the other people in the room, lean towards them in the gassho. They will answer you the same way.
Sit on the zafu (a special pillow that you sit on when meditating) or on a meditation bench. Any of these can be placed on a thick mat or on a mattress called zabuton.
Turn counterclockwise towards the wall to meditate in the Soto style. Turn your face from the wall and meditate with your eyes towards the center of the room in the style of Rianzi.
Sit down and start meditating!
When you’re done, get up, lean again and leave the room following the same moves as when you walked in.
Zen is one of the most beautiful and direct paths in the beam of methods for experiencing spirituality in the middle of life and, in our opinion, has a deep connection with the Direct Way of the Heart.
Leo Radutz
AdAnima Academic Society