This article is not information about Orthodoxy
Or about practices one should practice within OrthodoxyI.
Hesychast meditation is Christian and has an authentic spiritual basis.
Prayer of the Heart
The advantages of this practice are:
• Purification and elevation (elevation) of the spiritual environment of our lives, of our home, of our family, or even of the locality in which we live, and even of the country and planet (depending on the number of participants and the level of their spiritual power)
• Meditation is much easier and deeper in a collective effort
• It is a practice that can also be done in midlife,
Even if we have another activity that needs to be done right in that time frame.
• amplification of will and intelligence;
• always experiencing a state of calm, even in the middle of a hectic activity;
• contributes to the achievement of health and harmony of the body;
• practical wisdom, inspiration and inner ability to always and selflessly do good;
• ease in living purity and God in the midst of life;
• ease in always feeling “ourselves” on a deep level;
in fact, this “ourselves” is becoming more and more of the nature of Jesus Christ;
• fulfilling clean desires and especially elevated ones – even without ever asking for it precisely;
• possible life difficulties that we have become accustomed to facing
sometimes they will gradually disappear,
being, however, replaced by other, more elevated and spiritual trials;
• significant coincidences will occur in abundance in our lives;
• All life, both waking and in all other states, will be impregnated with the divine nature of the Christ level of consciousness. we will live life with intensity, easily centered in the present moment, in a state of awakening – hyperlucidity, noting the miracle in ourselves and others;
• increasing to very intense levels the power to love,
state of intense affectivity without object;
People tend to show intense love.
and fall in love easily
by the person who successfully practices the Prayer of the Heart;
• the appearance of exceptional personal charm,
which can be an obstacle for the unprepared
(can generate the appearance of pride and exacerbation of pride);
• physical, mental, mental, spiritual health and strength
• blurring and then eliminating evil influences from our being;
• the emergence of paranormal powers (which, even if they are a temptation to fall from the spiritual path, if they will not amplify pride and if they will not constitute a spiritual obstacle, they certify us a part of the success of the practice);
• the appearance of interior luminous phenomena of incandescent white color
(the so-called taboric light) but also other intense and pure colors;
• awakening of the soul, followed in the higher stages of salvation
or the full knowledge of Jesus Christ in our Heart
• an ever deeper identification with the spiritual archetype of Jesus Christ;
we will literally feel one with the One who lived over two thousand years ago.
Practical method
1. Approach a position that allows us to sit still for a long time , even in a chair, preferably with palms facing down, on the knees.
2. The best possible internalization is achieved,
referring to the most concrete existence of the living Jesus Christ in us,
intuiting Him as a special, miraculous personal and energetic presence at the level of the Heart.
(images of Jesus Christ crucified are not as effective.)
it is good for it to remain as a background attitude throughout the practice.
3. We say “Lord Jesus Christ…“, we inspire with the mental utterance,
we consciously relate more intensely to the Savior and we can even relate more intensely to the living presence of Jesus in our Heart; we notice the special quality of inspired air, which we associate with Jesus;
4. We achieve a full retention of breath (we hold our breath with our lungs full of air), of a natural duration, so without force.
5. We exhale, while saying “have mercy on me.”
6. We feel a very pure, luminous and very high energetic outpouring,
that floods our entire being with a special state,
corresponding to the presence of the energy of the Christ plan in our being,
7. Breathing becomes slower and slower and, eventually, becomes very subtle, almost imperceptible and our role is to accept this paranormal aspect, not to resist breathing vigorously.
We can leave the rhythm of breathing (when we feel the need), performing the prayer faster than this and becoming aware of the two main times without special effort.
We can then give up even the longer utterance, addressing only the mental utterance of the name of Jesus.
In the advanced stages of practice it is no longer necessary to utter the prayer mentally, it “flows into the heart” as if it were still uttered on a very subtle level.
We can continue the process also in the waking state, in everyday life, in all activities in which we do not need special concentration or it is not necessary to maintain a mental process to solve a problem.
Of course, it is not the case to achieve this during activities that require special attention and that are also characterized, possibly, by a certain degree of dangerousness.
Leo Radutz
founder of Abheda Yoga Academy
and the initiator of the Good OM Revolution.