<>In Yoga but also in Ayurveda, the anatomy and physiology of the body are viewed more in terms of energy than in a strictly material sense. The foundation of yogic and Ayurvedic practices is based on the idea of energy, which then influences the physical body – in other words: “Energy matters!”
The relatively new field of quantum physics comes to reaffirm this fact, known for thousands of years. Quantum physics says that atoms are nothing more than energy vortices, which rotate and vibrate continuously. Yoga (and Ayurveda) use the circulation of Prana or energy through the body, in order to maintain good health and prevent diseases, through the practice of Yoga, asanas and meditation, as well as through a correct diet and a healthy lifestyle.
, means in Sanskrit limbra “point(energetic) sensitive“.
These sensitive points are important because they have a great influence.
For example, injury or damage to seemingly innocuous marma can lead to bad moods to, perhaps, chir, death.
Knowing the location of the marma, helps us discover the places in the body where tensions and stress accumulate, and how we can free ourselves from them. These vulnerable points can be places of strength or weakness, depending on the direction in which the balance of our inner balance tilts. We can bring more power into the body, encouraging the flow of energy, instead of blocking it, as we often do when we are stressed, and thus enjoying more harmony in our lives. On the other hand, various traumas, or problems at the physical level, near these points, can have adverse effects.
Practicing the asanas of Hatha Yoga, one of the eight branches of Yoga, is a way to ensure a correct flow of energy through the entire body, and through the entire network of marmas. Many of the main marma are located in the joints, and in the areas where the tendons, muscles and bones meet. Also, the marmas are defined as “the union of veins, tendons, joints, muscles and bones”. Some of the yogic postures can release these energy nodes from the body, ensuring a fluid flow of Prana, and ensuring the elimination of toxins from the body.
<>There are 107 marma’s throughout the body (108 according to other writings that consider the skin or mind to be all marma’s).
In the Ayurvedic tradition we will find the Mahamarmas or the Great Marmas that are located in the head, heart and bladder.
In simpler terms, these three areas may be related to the three Doshe or constitutional patterns of Ayurveda – Kapha, Pitta and Vata. These terms in the Sanskrit language refer to the way in which Prana is stored, transformed and used in the body. Knowing the importance of these Mahamarma we can considerably improve our daily yogic practice.
Special techniques, such as contractiles such as Mulabanha, Ashwini Mudra or
Nauli Krya
, together with the asanas performed on the ground, in the sitting position, with the right spine, can ensure a healthy energization through the bladder marma (Basti Marma), having a positive effect on Dosha Vata, which influences the nervous system and the mind.
Fasts that activate the heart chakra as well Bhujangasana (Cobra), Matsyasana (Fish) And Dhanurasana (Arch) and posts that are performed by torsion of the spine, such as
Ardha Matsyendrasana,
can release the tension accumulated in the marma from the heart area (Hrdya Marma), having a positive effect on Doshei Pitta, which also includes the Agni digestive fire, the intellect and the visionary capacity.
Many reverse asanas ensure the circulation of Prana to the head, especially in the area between the eyebrows, (Sthapani marma). Using Bhrumadhye Drishti or looking to the point between the eyebrows, and postures such as Prasarita Podottanasana, (bent forward with the legs apart) or
, one can improve dosha Kapha’s condition, strengthening immunity and all the time the body and mind, and ensuring a better balance for Dosha Vata.
Using the above suggestions during yoga practice, you can try these asanas, before or at the end of the asana session, or you can perform them separately, to release the blockages that may arise in the body, and to create a life-giving current, releasing Prana from all important areas of the marma.
Source: http://www.yogamoo.com/