It is astonishing how accurately this sacred yogi text describes
what is happening in the “modern” era with the human race.
Yes, the description is very accurate,
but what is important for an Authentic Seeker
is not the fact that an ancient text from the 5th-10th centuries CE
accurately describes the decay of the human race,
but spiritual teaching that is the solution.
Through our good and right actions
and, above all, by the direct way
which is, first of all, nondualistic yoga.
But also by any other authentic way.
We can thus be in the world, without being of the world!
Linga Purana (text transmitted -at the beginning- orally) says:
“The people of Kali Yuga
(the Iron Age, no connection with the age of Kali,
are two different words that sound the same)
they are stimulated by the basest instincts.
They mainly choose false ideas.
He does not hesitate to persecute the wise.
Envy torments them.
Neglect, disease, hunger, fear will spread.
There will be great droughts.
The different regions of some countries will oppose others.
The sacred books will no longer be respected.
People will be immoral, irritable and sectarian.
In the Iron Age, false doctrines and misleading writings will spread.
People will be afraid because they neglect
the rules learned from the sages and no longer perform the rites correctly.
Many will perish.
The number of princes and farmers will gradually decrease.
The working classes want to want to
attributes royal power
and have equal access to knowledge,
the resting places and beds of the old princes.
Most of the new bosses will be of working-class origin.
They will fiercely pursue the priests and the holders of knowledge.
They will kill the baby in their mother’s womb
and they will assassinate their heroes.
The lower class (shudra) will claim to behave like that of the Brahmins,
and the priests like the workers.
Thieves will become kings, kings will be thieves.
There will be many women who will prostitute themselves.
The stability and balance of the four classes of society
and of the four ages of life will disappear.
The earth will produce a lot in some places
and very little in others.
The ruling classes will confiscate property and misuse it.
They will stop protecting the people.
Worthless people who have attained some knowledge
(without having the necessary virtues to put it into practice)
they will be honored as wise.
People who do not possess the virtues of a fighter will become kings.
The scientists will be at the service of the human beingmediocre, vain and hateful years.
The priests will humble themselves, selling sacraments.
There will be a lot of emigrants,
walking from one country to another.
The number of men will decrease, the number of women will increase.
Predatory animals will be more violent.
The number of cows will decrease.
Well-meaning people will give up playing an active role.
Already prepared and spoiled food will be put on sale.
The sacred books will be sold on street corners.
Young girls will sell their virginity.
The god of clouds will be incoherent with the distribution of rains.
Traders will do dishonest business.
They will be surrounded by pretentious philosophers.
There will be many beggars and people without work.
Everyone will use harsh and coarse words.
No one will be able to be trusted.
People will be envious.
No one will want to do any disinterested service.
The Degradation of the Virtues and the Censure of the Hypocritical and Moralizing Puritans
characterizes the period of the end of Kali Yuga.
There will be no more kings.
Wealth and harvests will shrink.
Bandit groups will be organized in cities and villages.
Water will be lacking and fruits will be a little abundant.
Those who will have to ensure the protection of citizens will not do so.
There will be many thieves. Rapes will be common.
and who will risk everything.
They will wear their hair in clutter.
Many children will be born,
while their life expectancy will not exceed 16 years.
Adventurers will take the appearance of monks with shaved heads
and with orange vestments, with rosaries around their necks.
Wheat stocks will be stolen.
Thieves will steal from thieves.
People will become inactive, lethargic and aimless.
Diseases, rats and harmful substances will trouble them.
Individuals tormented by hunger and fear
They will take refuge in “underground shelters” (kaushika).
Rare will be the cases of those who will live 100 years.
Sacred texts will be modified. Rites will be neglected.
Vagabonds will be numerous in all countries.
Unqualified individuals will pass as experts in matters of morality and religion.
Many will slaughterwomen, children, cows and kill each other.”
(Linga Purana, ch. 40)