The story of the rebirth of the eagle
It is the story of eagles living on the highest peaks of the Andes mountains in particularly harsh conditions; in an extremely unfriendly environment.
And yet, this breed lives the longest.
The secret to their survival lies in a protective enzyme emitted at the base of the flakes;
Thanks to her, the body of the eagle is protected from the calamities in which it leads its life.
Although his living conditions are among the harshest, he can reach the age of 70
But to get to this point, the eagle has to make a tough decision…
From the age of 40, his long, flexible nails are no longer able to support prey.
Its long, sharp beak curls, making it increasingly unsuitable for tearing prey.
Its wings, heavy and aged by years and the thickness of its feathers, restrain its flight and tire its chest muscles.
And what’s worse, the protective enzyme ceases to be emitted, thus depriving the eagle of much-needed protection.
Then the eagle has only two options:
to die … or
to go through a painful transformation process for 150 days.
At that moment, for the eagle, it is imperative to find a crack on a high peak, where to build a shelter.
There he continually strikes his bent beak against a rock until it breaks.
After breaking his beak, he waits for the new one to grow, then pulls out his nails.
After new nails appear, he begins to pluck his aged feathers to the last.
Slowly, slowly they put on young feathers again, abundantly fed at the base with the precious protective enzyme.
And so, after five months, the eagle resumes its famous flight for which it was created and for which, in fact, it lives… another 30 years.
The story of the eagle can be our story of each one individually …
How many times have we viewed suffering as something uplifting?
Although it hurts, change is necessary and change requires grinding, and grinding is excruciating…
The story of the eagle is a great example of transformative pain.
He has a choice between dying or rejuvenating.
Many times, in order to survive, we have to go through such a process.
Sometimes we have to let go of the past, old habits or habits.
Only by freeing ourselves from old habits, from old practices, will we be able to take advantage of the present by looking confidently towards the future.
Acharya Leo Radutz,
founder of the Abheda system,
the initiator of the Good OM Revolution